Get Change Record Details
- Enterprise IT
- Shilpa K (Deactivated)
You can retrieve the Change Request details-based on CR ID ,using the CM_GetCR_Details API. This API retrieves information of multiple tabs of CR.
The data from CR tabs that are retrieved as a response include :
CR_ApprovalDetails – Consists of information like who approved the CR, Type of Approval and other details.
CR_WorkflowDetails – Consists of Approval level, Approval level status, Enabling CR refer backs to requestors or approvers.
CR_ReleaseTabDetails – Consists of information like Release plan, release Id.
CR_RequirementTabDetails – Consists of information like Resource required and related details of resource which includes experience, type of resource, financial requirements.
CR_WG_OwnerDetails – Consists Of information of Workgroup owner name, designation, email IDs.
CR_RiskQuestionAnswers – Consists of information like Risk question ID, Question and many more.
CR_RelationshipData – Consists of information like CAB meetings, Problem, Release, CIs associated, Service Level Agreement.
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
CM_GetCR_Details | POST |
Sample Request
{ "ServiceName": "CM_GetCR_Details", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "SAASOrgID": "0", "LoginUID": 197, "RequestType": "mobile", "MobileVersion": "5.10.3", "Password": "test@123", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "OrgID": "1", "TokenID": "", "ReturnType": "JSON", "UserName": "" }, "ChangeRequestID": "1504" }, "IsEncryptionEnabled": false }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
ChangeRequestID | Integer | Unique identification number of the Change Request. | True
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "A827434C55CE1103D4043C17E4E46EAB5E4C8430D70EB863680EAB0047EA65DCF3B8EB93236719636BE696A3D80D8D007B22F265874661FA5600CEEE79252C258F6D873FBB88002FED90C3C6F375F26CFFD4FA3C8A2C57F7C4E8B94251DFE0BED7D536D1D409F19FEE6FEF4D0CE77441E6BADB9ADC14F157D374E8056778DB1E67EBF6F45B9CA43E8AF7179149D1E081", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "ChangeRequest": { "CR_Details": [ { "Org_Id": 1, "Change_Request_Id": 1504, "Support_Function": "Info", "Support_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "Request_Registration_Time": "2022-02-10 20:20:34", "Status": "Requested", "Category": "Small", "Classification": "Normal", "Requestor_Id": 15, "Requestor_Emp_Id": null, "TimeZone": "(UTC + 05:30) IST - India Standard Time", "GMT_TimeDiff": 330, "Requestor_Name": "shivani", "Requestor_Mail_Id": "", "Requestor_Location_Name": "Mumbai", "Requestor_Customer_Name": "SUMMIT", "Requestor_Phone_No": null, "Requestor_Mobile_No": "8978984589", "Requestor_Designation": null, "Owner_Workgroup_Id": 48, "Owner_Workgroup": "CM workgroup", "Description": "description", "Information": "information", "Risk_Id": 10, "Risk": "Medium", "Impact_Id": 7, "Impact": "Immediate", "Priority_Id": 2, "Priority_Name": "P1", "DeadLine": "2022-02-28 00:00:00", "Assigned_Workgroup_Id": 1, "Assigned_Workgroup": "IT Infrastructure ddd", "Assigned_Executive_Id": 0, "Assigned_Executive": null, "AssignedExecutive_EMailID": null, "Solution": "", "Closure_Code_Id": 0, "ClCode_Name": null, "Planned_Start_Time": "2022-02-21 00:00:00", "Planned_End_Time": "2022-02-24 00:00:00", "Actual_Start_Time": null, "Actual_End_Time": null, "Has_Attachments": false, "Downtime_Required": false, "Downtime_Start": null, "Downtime_End": null, "Risk_Of_Change_Failure": "risk for two", "Business_Impact_As_Per_User": "business impact for two", "Business_Impact_Of_Change_Failure": "Business Impact Of Change Failure for two", "Back_Out_Plan": "Back-out Plan to be tested", "Authorizer_Id": 0, "Authorizer_Emp_Id": null, "_Authorizer": null, "Authorizer_Mail_Id": null, "Authorizer_Phone_No": null, "Authorize_Status": "", "Authorizer_Log": "", "Information_Log": "", "Configuration_Team_Log": "", "Change_Manager_Log": "", "Change_Advisory_Board_Member_Log": "", "Post_Implementation_Review": "", "Change_Managment_Database_Updated": "", "Reviewer_Id": 0, "Reviewer": null, "Review_Date": null, "Last_Updated_Datetime": "2022-06-27 15:20:11", "ManualEscalationLevelID": null, "ManualEscalationDate": null, "Criticality_Id": 2, "TriggerForChange": null, "_PlannedPIRDt": null, "_ActualPIRDt": null, "Criticality_Name": "HIGH", "BackoutPlanTestedBool": "", "_BackoutPlanTested": false, "_Customer": -1, "Currency": 0, "Cost": 0, "SystemImpacted_ID": "3", "SystemImpacted_Name": "high", "CustomerName": "All", "CurrencyName": null, "CostnCurrency": null, "DescriptionShort": "description", "RescheduleReason": null, "ApprovalStatus": null, "_IsCustomerApprovalRequired": 0, "_IsCustomerTestRequired": false, "CustomerApprovalStatus": null, "CabApprovalType": "AFTCABAPP", "CRImplementationType": "PENDING_IMP", "WaitingForCustomerTest": 0, "SuccessTestcount": 0, "SystemImpactRemarks": "Risk remarks for two", "RevertToOlderVersion": false, "ChangeTypeId": 1, "ChangeTypeName": "Normal", "ClosureCategoryID": null, "ClosureCategoryName": null, "Scope": "", "OutofScope": "", "AdditionalAuthorizersID": null, "ImplementCRUsingLastTask": false, "FromEmail": "", "FromName": "lata", "BusinessBnft": "", "FinancialBnft": "", "CustomerComments": null, "CustomerApproverName": null, "Requestor_By": 15, "RequestorBy_Name": "shivani", "RequestorBy_Mail_Id": "", "IsCRCollision": false, "Category_Id": 2, "ChangeCategoryName": "nodeC_Descric", "ChangeCategoryRootIds": "2", "CategoryTypeId": 1, "Impact_Of_Not_Implementing_Change": "Impact Of Not Implementing Change for two", "Communication_Plan_Required": false, "Communication_Plan_Details": "", "IsPIRRequired": true, "Is_Change_Implemented_Or_Rolledback": "", "IsChangeSuccesfull": null, "IsExpedited": false, "Justification": "", "eCAB_Required": null, "ProposedForStandard": true, "ProposedTemplateName": "testing on approval", "ProposalJustification": "hndjkc wdkmc", "CRStandardTemplateID": 0, "PreImplementation": null, "PostImplementation": null, "BackOutPlanNotTestedReason": "time bound activity", "CancelReason": "", "SourceCategoryType": "Small", "Is_Overridable": true, "IsCIUpdation": null, "PageSource": false, "IsCIUpdation1": null, "SourceChangeType": "Normal", "Guid": "F0D6326E-C539-448E-84E9-4DA8AE502FFC", "IsRetrospectiveChangeEnabled": true, "IsMandatoryFieldforApprover": false, "TotalApprovalLevel": "2", "CurrentApprovalLevel": "1", "CanApproveOrReject": "True", "IsWorkgroupAccess": true, "IsExistsInQueue": false } ], "CR_ApprovalDetails": [ { "Org_Id": 1, "CR_ID": 1504, "ApprovalType": "Authorization", "ApproverID": "6", "ApprovalLevel": 1, "CurrentApprover": true, 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"CR_WorkflowDetails": [ { "CR_ID": 1504, "ApprovalType": "Authorization", "ApprovalLevel": 1, "WorkflowActivityID": 7546, "DynamicApprovalField": "", "Title": "Auth", "ApprovalStatus": "Pending", "IsReferredBack": null, "ReferredBackLevel": null, "CustomerSelectable": false, "CustomerSelectionMandatory": false, "EnableReferbackToReq": true, "EnableReferbackToPrevApprovers": true, "AllowAdditionalApproversVote": false }, { "CR_ID": 1504, "ApprovalType": "CAB", "ApprovalLevel": 2, "WorkflowActivityID": 7548, "DynamicApprovalField": "", "Title": "User Selectable", "ApprovalStatus": "Pending", "IsReferredBack": null, "ReferredBackLevel": null, "CustomerSelectable": false, "CustomerSelectionMandatory": false, "EnableReferbackToReq": true, "EnableReferbackToPrevApprovers": true, "AllowAdditionalApproversVote": false } ], "CR_SubAuthorizers": [], "CR_TaskHistory": [], "CR_TestTabDetails": [], "CR_ReleaseTabDetails": [ { "ReleaseID": 3430, "Change_Request_Id": 1504, "Owner": 0, "OwnerName": null, "Workgroup_Id": 0, "Workgroup": null, "ReleasePlan": "", "ReleaseNotes": "", "ReleaseAttachments": null, "ReleaseDocs": null, "RleasePlanned_StartTime": "2022-02-20 18:30:00", "RleasePlanned_EndTime": null, "ReleaseActual_StartTime": null, "ReleaseActual_EndTime": null } ], "CR_RequirementTabDetails": { "CR_Resource_Requirement": [], "CR_Technical_Requirement": [], "CR_Financial_Requirement": [] }, "CR_WG_OwnerDetails": [ { "Userid": 1087, "EmpID": "", "UName": "End user(1087)", "username": "End user", "ContactNo": "", "MobileNo": "", "LocationName": "Bengaluru", "CustomerName": "SUMMIT", "Customer": 872, "EmailID": "", "NT_UID": null, "Frm_UID": "", "Frm_PWD": "WgkKz5SjhQHu25q3ivRoInL+RP1z+XENtP+oNN7b720=", "Role": "Report", "Country": null, "Designation": 0, "Active": true, "Instance": "", "Parent_ID": 0, "ParentCustomerName": "", "Location": 2909, "HasAdditionalOwner": true } ], "CR_DefectCountDetails": [], "CR_RiskQuestionAnswer": [ { "Risk_QID": 316, "Risk_Question": "kjhkjhjk", "Risk_AnsID": 1018, "Risk_Answer": "lkhlkh", "Risk_Id": 2, "Risk_Category": "Business Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 316, "Risk_Question": "kjhkjhjk", "Risk_AnsID": 4349, "Risk_Answer": "Yes", "Risk_Id": 5, "Risk_Category": "Business Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 316, "Risk_Question": "kjhkjhjk", "Risk_AnsID": 4350, "Risk_Answer": "No", "Risk_Id": 1, "Risk_Category": "Business Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 754, "Risk_Question": "www", "Risk_AnsID": 2431, "Risk_Answer": "answer", "Risk_Id": 2, "Risk_Category": "Business Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 1395, "Risk_Question": "testing?", "Risk_AnsID": 4824, "Risk_Answer": "qwe", "Risk_Id": 1, "Risk_Category": "Business Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 1396, "Risk_Question": "www1", "Risk_AnsID": 4825, "Risk_Answer": "11", "Risk_Id": 1, "Risk_Category": "Business Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 787, "Risk_Question": "what is the question", "Risk_AnsID": 2536, "Risk_Answer": "test", "Risk_Id": 21, "Risk_Category": "Operational Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 787, "Risk_Question": "what 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"Risk_Category": "Business Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 1, "Risk_Question": "Has a similar change required rollback in the past two years?", "Risk_AnsID": 1, "Risk_Answer": "a) Yes", "Risk_Id": 5, "Risk_Category": "Operational Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 1, "Risk_Question": "Has a similar change required rollback in the past two years?", "Risk_AnsID": 2, "Risk_Answer": "b) No", "Risk_Id": 0, "Risk_Category": "Operational Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 1, "Risk_Question": "Has a similar change required rollback in the past two years?", "Risk_AnsID": 4351, "Risk_Answer": "Abcd", "Risk_Id": 3, "Risk_Category": "Operational Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 2, "Risk_Question": "Does the change require coordinated implementation activity across multiple technology domains (e.g. network, database, security, etc.)?", "Risk_AnsID": 3, "Risk_Answer": "a) Yes", "Risk_Id": 5, "Risk_Category": "Operational Risk" }, { "Risk_QID": 2, "Risk_Question": "Does the change require coordinated implementation activity across multiple 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Status and Error Codes
For more information, see Status and Error Messages.
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