configure and capture communication history from incident

Capture the last five communication messages from the Incident on the Email Notification Template that is added either by an analyst or end user. Before capturing the Keyword named COMMHISTORY on the notification email, the same should be configured at the Tenant Level. 

Configure at Tenant Level

To capture the last five communication message details of an Incident on the Email Notification Template, the same must be configured at the Tenant level for the Incident Management Module.

To configure the communication message count at the Tenant level, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Summit application.

  2. Navigate to Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
    A filter dropdown list is displayed for selecting a Domain.

  3. Select Domain.

  4. Click SUBMIT.
    A list of tenants is displayed.

    Figure: Tenant List

  5. Select Tenant.
    The details page about the Tenant is displayed.

    Figure: Tenant Details


    Incident Management module must be configured for the selected Tenant.

  6.  Click Configure Details.
    The configuration page is displayed.

    Figure: Tenant Configuration Details

    The details page is displayed.

  8. Expand General.
    The INCIDENT CLOSURE details are displayed.

    Figure: Incident Closure General Details

  9. Enter the value 5 in the Recent Communication Messages Count field.


    The count indicates the number of recent communication messages from an Incident to be sent through the email notification template, and it can be configured up to six values. 

  10. Click SUBMIT.

Capture on Email Notification Template

Upon configuring the recent communication message count at the Tenant Level for the Incident Module, the same is captured on the email notification template in the Keywords section.

To capture the communication history keyword on the email notification template, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Summit application.

  2. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template.
    A list of tenants is displayed.

  3. Select Tenant.
    A list of Templates is displayed.

  4. Select Template Name.
    The details page about the Tenant is displayed.

    Figure: Details


    • Along with the existing Keywords in the email notification template, a new keyword named “COMMHISTORY” is added to the list.
    • The recent five communication messages added by the Analyst(s) or the End User(s) will be shared in the notification email.
  5. Select Keywords.
    A Keyword named “COMMHISTORY” is displayed.