Viewing List of Change Records

You can view the list of Change Records (CRs) to which you have access.

  • You can view the CRs in the Tile view or Tabular view.
  • You can search for the CRs using the Filter section.

To view or update CRs:

  1. Select Change > User > Change Record List. Alternatively, if you are an Analyst, you can view the CRs assigned to your Workgroup or you by selecting Dashboard > ANALYST DASHBOARD > CHANGE RECORD > MY WORKGROUP or ASSIGNED TO ME.
  2. On the Change Record List page, a list of all the CRs is displayed.

Figure: UI upgradation of Change Record List

 Change Record List - Earlier

Figure: Change Record List page (Tile view) 

Change Record List page (Tabular view)

Figure: Change Record List page (Tabular view)

3.Hover the mouse over Change Request Description or Information to view the description or information in a pop-up as shown above or hover the mouse over () in Description or Information to view the description or information in a pop-up as shown above.

4.Select the CR NO of the CR that you want to view or update. The following page is displayed with all the details about the CR. For information about the fields on the CHANGE RECORD ID page, see Creating Change Records

Figure: CHANGE RECORD ID page 

5.Click the Caller name link to display the INITIATOR NAME pop-up page. On the INITIATOR NAME pop-up page, you can view general details and additional information about the Caller.

INITIATOR NAME pop-up page
Figure: INITIATOR NAME pop-up page


On the Workflow section, click the block to view the details.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CHANGE RECORD ID page.


Click SHOW LIST to display the CHANGE RECORD LIST page showing all the available CRs.


Click SHOW LIST FOR APPROVAL to display the APPROVE CHANGE RECORDS page showing only the CRs waiting for approval.


You can configure the alerts to be sent out to the stakeholders for the CR. Click the ALERT icon to display the ALERT CONFIGURATION pop-up page.

Figure: ALERT CONFIGURATION pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the ALERT CONFIGURATION page:




Select the check box to send the alerts to the Analyst to whom the CR is assigned.

Assigned Workgroup

Select the check box to send the alerts to the Workgroup to which the CR belongs.

Workgroup Owner

Select the check box to send the alerts to the Workgroup Owner.


Select the check box to send the alerts to the Change Requestor.

CAB Members

Select the check box to send the alerts to the CAB members.

Add to Bulletin Board

Select the check box to add the alert on the Bulletin Board. If selected, information about this CR is available to the End Users on the End User Dashboard.

Display Alert Hours Before the Planned Start Time

Type in the number of hours before the planned start time, the alert should be sent to the configured users.


Select the Workgroups to whom the alerts should be sent.

Mail Groups

Select the Mail Groups to whom the alerts should be sent.


Select the additional User's to whom the alerts should be sent.

Users List

Type in the users names and click the Add icon to add users. Click the Minus icon to delete users.

Additional Alert Information To Be Shown

Type in the additional alert information to be displayed.


Click CREATE RECURRING CR to create a recurring CR. The same CR is created as per the frequency details configured on the CUSTOM SCHEDULER pop-up page.


This icon is enabled only if the status of the CR is Requested.

Figure: CUSTOM SCHEDULER pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the CUSTOM SCHEDULER pop-up page:




Monitoring Source

Select Summit Server or Proxy Server from the list.

Job Name

Type in a name for the new job.

Job Options

Select job options from the list.

Schedule Type

Select Recurring or One Time from the list. If you select One Time, specify the date and time for the job to run under ONE TIME OCCURRENCE section. If you select Recurring, you need to specify the job recurring details under FREQUENCY, DAILY FREQUENCY, and DURATION sections.

User ID

Specify the user id for the job.


Specify the password for the job.

Stop the job if it runs more than

Specify the time after which the job should run.



Select the frequency for the job to run: Daily, Weekly, Monthly

Recurs every

Based on the selection you make in the Occurs list, select the frequency for the job.



Select Occurs Once At or Occurs Every from the list. If you select Occurs Once At, specify the time in the Time field. If you select Occurs Every, you need to specify the recurring hours details, start and end time.


Start Date

Select the date to start running the job. You can also specify an end date or no end date.


Change Record ID

Displays the CR ID for which you are creating the job.


Displays the description of the CR for which you are creating the job.


Displays the Tenant of the CR for which you are creating the job.


Displays the Classification of the CR for which you are creating the job.


Displays the Category of the CR for which you are creating the job.


Displays the Urgency of the CR for which you are creating the job.


Displays the Impact of the CR for which you are creating the job.


Displays the Priority of the CR for which you are creating the job.


Displays the Workgroup of the CR for which you are creating the job.


You can view the CAB information of the specific CR in this section. The fields on this section are not editable.

Figure: CAB Information

Change IDDisplays the Change Record ID for which the CAB information is displayed.
CAB NameDisplays the CAB name associated with the selected CR.
Meeting DateDisplays the meeting date for CAB members.
ActionsDisplays the associated action(s).
OwnerDisplays the name of the owner(s).
DeadlineDisplays the deadline for the CAB members.

A CR needs to be authorized by the Change Record Authorizer and approved by the Change Advisory Board (CAB) members before it is analyzed and then implemented. A CAB member who is configured as an Approver by the Administrator has the privilege to Approve, Reject or Refer Back a CR. By default, a CAB member who is not having approval privilege can object to a CR. If a CR is objected by any of the CAB members, the CR cannot be processed further. The CAB member who objected to the CR must clear the CR before implementing it.

Click the APPROVAL icon on the ACTIONS panel. The APPROVAL pop-up page is displayed. The fields on this page are not editable if you are not the CR Authorizer or CAB member for the selected CR.

There are two sections in this page:


You can view the CR Summary in this section. The fields on this section are not editable.

CR summary
Figure: CR summary 

Is PIR Required ?If selected, the Post Implementation Review is mandatory.
The check box can be modified by a Change Manager even after Change is Implemented.



The following table describes the fields on the APPROVE CR (AUTHORIZATION) section:




Displays the name of the Authorizer. Based on the selected Workgroup under the General tab, the configured Authorizer's name is displayed.


Allows you to authorize a CR (if you are the Authorizer or have appropriate access).

  • Authorize: If selected, the CR is authorized by the Authorizer.
  • Not Authorize: If selected, the CR is not authorized by the Authorizer.
  • On Hold: If selected, the CR is kept on hold by the Authorizer.
  • Authorize and Forward: The CR Authorizer has an option to authorize and forward to another member to authorize (Sub-authorizers). This is to take another Authorizer’s opinion, if required. After the CR is authorized by CR Authorizer and Sub-authorizers, the status of the CR is automatically changed to Initial Authorization.


The Authorizer types in the comments.



The following table describes the fields on the APPROVE CR (CAB APPROVAL) section:




Displays the name of the CAB member.
The name of the CAB members are displayed based on the value selected for the following fields:

  • Category
  • Change Type
  • Workgroup
  • Change Category

For more information about configuring CAB, see Creating Change Records (CRs)


Select the required option from the list to approve or reject the CR.

  • Yes: If selected, the CR is approved.
  • No: If selected, the CR is rejected.
  • On-Hold: If selected, the CR is kept on hold for a particular reason.


The CAB member can also object to a CR by clicking this check box. By default, a CAB member who is not having approval privilege can object to a CR. If a CR is objected by any of the CAB members, the CR cannot be processed further. The CAB member who objected to the CR must clear the CR before implementing it.

Standard Template

Select the required option to save the CR as a Standard Template.

  • Yes: If selected, the CR is saved as a Standard Template.
  • No: If selected, the CR is approved but it is not saved as a Standard Template.
Is Mandatoryif check-box is selected, then corresponding approver approval is mandatory.


The CAB member types in the comments for approval/ objection.

  • The fields on this page are displayed based on the role of the logged in User.
  • The CR Authorizers and CAB members receive an e-mail when a CR requires their authorization or approval. They can Authorize, Not Authorize, Approve, or Reject the CRs by clicking the appropriate buttons in the e-mail. They do not need to log in to the SUMMIT application for authorizing or approving the CRs.

After the changes for the CR are implemented, a review takes place to analyze the impact of the change and if required a decision may be taken to roll back to the previous version. You can capture all the details discussed during the Post Implementation Review on the POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW page. Click the P.I.REVIEW icon, the POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW pop-up page is displayed. It is mandatory to update the post implementation details for a CR before closing the CR.


The following table describes the fields on the POST IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW page:



Planned PIR Date

Select the planned PIR date.
The field is mandatory when Is PIR Required? is selected and the status is Implemented.

Actual PIR Date

Select the actual PIR date.

Post Implementation Review

Type in any reviews or comments about the PI review for the CR.
The field is mandatory when Is PIR Required? is selected and the status is Closed.

Is CMDB Updated?

This field is enabled for you to modify only after the CR is implemented with the status field displaying Implemented on the CHANGE RECORD page.

  • Yes: If selected, indicates that the CMDB is updated. A mail is sent to the assigned Workgroup Owners and Analysts to update the CMDB.
  • No: If selected, indicates that the CMDB is not updated. A mail is sent to the assigned Workgroup Owners and Analysts to update the CMDB.
  • NA: If selected, indicates that CMDB update is not required.


Type in the name of the Reviewer.

Review Date

Type in the review date.

Revert to Previous Version ?

This field is enabled for you to modify only after the CR is implemented with the status field displaying Implemented on the CHANGE RECORD page.

  • Yes: If selected, the CI can be revert to the previous version.
  • No: If selected, the CI cannot be reverted to the previous version.


While closing the CR, the fields Actual PIR Date and Post Implementation Review are mandatory for the following conditions:

  • When the Expedited is set to Yes.
  • When Rolled Back is selected in the field Is the Change Implemented or Rolled Back?
  • When Change Implemented is selected in the field Is the Change Implemented or Rolled Back? No is selected in the field Is the Change Successful?, and the CAB Approver or Change Manager selects the Is PIR Required check box.
  • When the fields, Planned Start Time and Actual Start Time are different.

Click CHANGE HISTORY to view the various changes that have occurred on the CR. This information is useful to track the various changes made on the CR.

Figure: CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the CHANGE HISTORY page:



Column Name

Displays the name of the field on which the change is made.

Change Date

Displays the date when the change is made.

Changed By

Displays the name of the user who made the change.

Old Value

Displays the old value of the field.

New Value

Displays the new value of the field.


On the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up, CR resubmission date and time are getting captured when the initiator resubmits the referred back Change Request. Also, the CR approver Remap details gets capture in the Change History.


Click IMPORT TEMPLATE to import a configured template that can be used for creating Change Record(s). Select the Template name from the Select Change Record Template drop-down list you want to import.

Figure: IMPORT TEMPLATE pop-up page


Click the SAVE AS TEMPLATE icon to save a CR details as Template. Type in a name for the Template in the Change Template Name text box and click SAVE TEMPLATE to save the CR as a Template.

Figure: CREATE TEMPLATE pop-up page


Click EDIT TEMPLATE to edit a Template. On the EDIT TEMPLATE pop-up page, select the name of the Template you want to edit.

EDIT TEMPLATE pop-up page
Figure: EDIT TEMPLATE pop-up page

On the CHANGE RECORD TEMPLATE - NAME page is displayed with the details of the selected Template. Make the required changes and SUBMIT. For more information about fields and icons on the CHANGE RECORD TEMPLATE - NAME page, see Field Description.




To Export Change Request Details in PDF:

  1. Click EXPORT TO PDF icon on the ACTIONS panel. The EXPORT TO PDF pop-up page displayed.
  2. On the EXPORT TO PDF pop-up page, select the required sections to be displayed in the PDF. 
  3. Click EXPORT.


    Figure: Exported PDF


By clicking the  ATTACHMENTS icon, the Analyst can view all the attachments added to a Change Request. On the ATTACHMENTS pop-up, the attachments added under the following tabs, and the attachments added via Custom Fields, are displayed.

  • RISK
  • TEST

    ATTACHMENTS pop-up
    Figure: ATTACHMENTS pop-up

    Field Description

    The following table describes the fields on the ATTACHMENTS pop-up:

    Record TypeThis column displays record types such as CR or Task.
    Group NameThis column displays the Tab Name or Tab Name - Group Header Name (In the case of Custom Group).
    Field NameThis column displays the name of the field for which the attachment is being attached.
    Attachment NameThis column displays the Name of the Attachment.
    Uploaded DateThis column displays the attachment Uploaded Date and Time.

Closing CRs

The CAB members can change the Status of a CR to Closed and update the PI Review details to close the CR. It is mandatory to update the post implementation details before closing a CR.

Figure: CHANGE RECORD ID: Status is Closed


Canceling CRs

Only the Change Requestor of a CR or Change Manager can cancel the CR by changing the Status of the CR to Canceled with Reason for Cancellation. Once the CR is authorized, the Status of the CR is changed to Initial Authorization and the CR cannot be canceled.


What is a view?

A View consists of a set of pre-defined filter conditions. By selecting a View, the analyst can view the records that meet the filter conditions or criteria defined in that View. An Analyst can create or delete Views from both the Tabular view or the Tile view.


A view created by an analyst is not available to another analyst.

Create a New View:

To create a new View, the user needs to define Filter conditions.

Adding Filter Conditions:

A filter condition consists of the following parts:

  • Field: Each field is a column in the table.
  • Operator: Each field type has its own set of valid operators. Based on the field type the operators are displayed.
  • Value: Each field has its own set of valid values determined by the Field type and Operator.

What is a Filter Operator?

In literal terms, an operator specifies how parameters relate to one another. The following table describes the list of operators with a short description.


Based on the selected field, the operates are populated in the Operator field.


Create a view to get a list of the Canceled CRs of the Information Technology Tenant. In this case, add conditions as shown below.

Note: Now, the View All CRs field is displayed by default, when a single Tenant is selected as shown below.

Change Record List page
Figure: Change Record List page

  1. Click Apply to view records that meet the above filter conditions.
  2. Click Save As New. The SAVE VIEW pop-up is displayed. 

    SAVE VIEW pop-up
    Figure: SAVE VIEW pop-up

  3. Type in the details for the other required fields under the ViewsFilters, and Configure Columns section. For more information about the fields under these sections on the SAVE VIEW pop-up page, see Field Description.
  4. Click Submit. A new View is created.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the SAVE VIEW pop-up page:

View Name

Type in the name for the View.

Set As DefaultSelect the Set As Default check box to view the CRs that meet the filter conditions or criteria defined in that View. It reduces the user effort and time for repeated search actions with the same filter criteria.
FieldEach field is a column in the table. Select the required field from the drop-down list.
OperatorBased on selected field, the operates are populated in the Operator field. Select the required operator from the drop-down list.
ValuesEach field has its own set of valid values determined by the field type and operator. Specify the values.
Configure ColumnsConfigure Columns option allows the Analyst to customize columns to appear and the order in which they appear in the Tabular or Tile view according to individual preferences.
Display Type

 (Tabular View) icon: Click this icon to configure columns for Tabular view.

 (Tile View) icon: Click this icon to configure columns for Tile view.

Available ColumnsLists the available columns.
Selected Columns

Lists the selected columns.


  1. Drag and drop the columns to be displayed on the page from the Available Columns to the Selected Columns

  2. Drag up or down to set the sequence in which the columns should be displayed on the page.

Apply a View

Search and select the View from the drop-down list. The records will displayed based on the conditions defined in the selected view.

Set as Default:

To Set Specific View as Default:

  1. Search and select a View from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Set As Default link to make it default view.

    Change Record List page- View
    Figure: Change Record List page- View


    The selected view is set as default.

    Figure: Change Record List page

Edit View

To Edit Specific View:

  1. Search and select a View from the drop-down list.

  2. Click (Edit) icon. The EDIT VIEW pop-up page is displayed.

    Figure: EDIT VIEW pop-up

  3. Type in the details for the required fields under the ViewsFilters, and Configure Columns section. For more information about the fields under these sections on the EDIT VIEW pop-up page, see Field Description.
  4. Click Submit.


  • The filter conditions of the selected view are reflected in the form of breadcrumbs/pill (refer below screenshot). Upon clicking a specific field, the Analyst can view the values selected for that field.

  • Click  (delete) icon to remove a specific filter condition. The list page reloads and shows records based on remaining filter conditions.
  • Click  (delete) icon to remove a specific filter value. The list page reloads and shows records based on remaining filter values.
  • Click  (Reset) to reset the conditions to the initially configured condition for the selected view.
  • Click Clear to reload the list page with the view, which was set as the default view.

Delete View

To Delete Specific View:

  1. Search and select a View from the drop-down list.

  2. Click (Delete) icon. The DELETE VIEW pop-up page is displayed.

    Figure: DELETE VIEW pop-up

  3. Click Delete to delete the view.


Under the filter section, specify filter conditions or criteria to view a particular set of Change Records.

Adding Filter Conditions:

A condition consists of the following parts:

  • Field: Each field is a column in the table.
  • Operator: Each field type has its own set of valid operators. Based on the field type the operators are displayed or loaded in the Operator field.
  • Value: Each field has its own set of valid values determined by the field type and operator.


In the Field drop-down the analyst can view the following field groups.

  • User Attributes
  • Standard Attributes
  • Date
  • Additional Attributes
  • Custom Fields

Under the Custom Fields section, the Analyst can view the Custom Attributes or Fields added for the Change Management module. For Custom Fields, the Operators are displayed based on Custom Field selection.

FieldsOperator NameOperatorFunction

User Attributes

  • Change Requestor
  • Change Initiator

Standard Attributes

  • Customer
  • Owner Workgroup
  • Assigned Workgroup
  • Analyst/Assigned To
  • Status
  • Change Category
  • Category
  • Impact
  • Urgency
  • Priority
  • Risk
  • Change Type
  • Is Down Time Required
  • System Impact
  • PIR Reviewer
  • Blackout Plan Tested
  • Change Implemented or Rolled Back
  • Change Successful

Additional Attributes

  • Communication Plan Required

Find an exact match with the entered value. 

Example: Status = Open

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the CRs in Open status.

Not Equals!=

Find a match that should not be equal (exactly) to the entered value.

Example: Status != Canceled

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the CRs of all status except the CRs in the Canceled status.

Is one ofIN

Find matches with any one of the options that you select. Can select one or more options.

Example: Status IN Closed and Canceled.

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the CRs in Closed status or canceled status or both status.

Is not one ofNOT IN

Find matches that do not match with any of the selected options.

Example: Location NOT IN Closed and Canceled.

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the CRs of all status except the Closed and Canceled.

FieldsOperator NameOperatorFunction

Standard Attributes

  • CR ID
  • CI ID


  • Updated Since (In Days)
  • Registration Date
  • Updated Time
  • Planned Start Time
  • Planned End Time
  • Downtime Start Time
  • Downtime End Time
  • Release: Planned Start Time
  • Release: Planned End Time
  • Release: Actual Start Time
  • Release: Actual End Time
  • Implementation: Actual Start Time
  • Implementation: Actual End Time
  • Actual PIR Date

Note: The IN (Is one of) Operator is not applicable for Date fields.


Find an exact match with the entered value.

Example: CR ID = 444

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the CR with the CR NO = CR444

Greater than or equal to>=

Find a match where the numerical value is equal or greater than the value entered.

Example: CR ID >= 444

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the Change Records whose CR ID is greater than or equal to 444.

Less than or equal to


Find a match where the numerical value is equal or less than the value entered.

Example: CR ID <= 444

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the Change Records whose CR ID is less than or equal to 444

Greater than>

Find a match where the numerical value is greater than the value entered.

Example: CR ID > 444

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the Change Records whose CR ID is greater than 444.

Less than<Find a match where the numerical value is less than the value entered.

Example: CR ID < 444

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the Change Records whose CR ID is less than 444.


Find a match where the numerical value is between the first and second value inclusive.

Example: CR ID Between 444 and 450

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view CR444, CR445, CR446, CR447, CR448, CR449, and CR450.

Is one ofIN

Find matches with any one of the options that you select. Can select one or more options.

Example: CR ID IN 79, 80

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view the CR79 or CR80 or both CRs.

Standard Attributes

  • Proposed for Standard Change
  • Has Attachment

Additional Attributes

  • View Only Refer Back CRs

Find an exact match with the value.

ExampleHas Attachment = Yes

On the Change Record List page, the Analyst can view all CRs has attachments.

Standard Attributes

  • Trigger For Change
  • Release Plan
  • Test Plan
  • Post Implementation Review
  • Description
  • Information

Use this operator, when you know your value/text, but not the exact value/text.

Example: Description Contains Microsoft. Displays all the Change Records where Description Contains Microsoft.

Note: In the Values field, the users can search for a keywords (user input) using basic operators (AND, OR, NOT, Quotes, Parenthesis, and Asterisk), to produce more accurate and more relevant results.

Configure Columns

Click CONFIGURE COLUMNS to customize the columns on the page. 

To personalize columns:

  1. Click the Configure Columns icon (). The CONFIGURE COLUMNS pop-up page displayed.

    Figure: CONFIGURE COLUMNS pop-up page

  2. Select Display Type (Tile View or Tabular View).

  3. Drag and drop the columns to be displayed on the page from the Available Columns to the Selected Columns

  4. Drag Up or Down to specify the sequence in which the columns should be displayed on the page.

  5. Click SUBMIT. The list reloads to show the changes.


    The following new columns are available in the Available Columns of CONFIGURE COLUMNS pop-up page

    Page NameColumns
    Change Record List page
    • Change Requestor
    • Change Initiator
    • Assigned To
    • Customer
    • Updated Time
    • Closure Code
    • Tenant
    • Urgency
    • Approval Status
    • Workflow Details

 Approvers in the Workflow Details

In the Analyst view, earlier there was no option to view the Approver details or Level details where a Change Record is stuck waiting for its approval. To overcome this difficulty, from Tahoe SP3 release onwards, Change Record List page displays Workflow Details of a Change Record where an Analyst can easily identify the Approver or Level details with which a CR is blocked from progressing. This would help an Analyst to fast-track the progress by easily identifying the blockers and addressing the delay effectively. 

This feature will be available only if Workflow Details is configured as a new column under Selected Columns as depicted in the following figure (Change > Change Record List > Filters > Configure Columns > Drag and drop Workflow Details from Available Columns to Selected Columns > Submit). 

Figure: Workflow Details configured under Selected Columns

After the configuration, Workflow Details is displayed as an entry in the tile view or as a new column in the tabular(grid) view on the Change Record List page.

Figure: Change Record List in Tile View

In the Tabular view of Change Record List page, Workflow Details would be added as one new column. 

Figure: Change Record List in Tabular View

Workflow Details column displays the current approver level in which CR is pending as well as the details of the approvers for the corresponding Change Request. By Default, a single approver name will be shown in the grid. If there are multiple approvers, an approver name is displayed in the grid along with + remaining members.

Figure: Change Record List: Workflow Details (Current Level of Approval with one Approver Name)

Case 1: Single/Multiple Approvers

Click the More hyperlink in Workflow Details column to view the details of the approver level and approver(s) in a pop-up. The name of the approval block as it is configured in the workflow, the current level of approval and the name of the approver(s) are displayed in the APPROVER DETAILS pop-up. 

Figure: APPROVERS DETAILS pop-up (Multiple Approvers)

The approvers who have already approved the change would be displayed in green color, the approvers who have rejected the change would be displayed in red as well as those who are yet to approve are displayed in amber color.

Case 2: Mandatory Approver

 If there is a mandatory approver in any level, the corresponding approver name would be followed by an Asterisk on the APPROVERS DETAILS pop-up page.

Figure: APPROVERS DETAILS Pop-up (Mandatory Approver displayed with Asterisk) 

Case 3: Refer Back

When a Change record is Referred Back to the caller, the corresponding details would be displayed in the  grid.

Figure: Change Record Referred Back to Caller

Click the More hyperlink to display the Approver level name, Approver name, Status and the initial caller name details in the APPROVERS DETAILS pop-up page.

Figure: APPROVERS DETAILS pop-up (Referred Back to Caller)

Case 4: Task Details

In the instance where the workflow has reached the Task part of the workflow, the Workflow Details column displays the corresponding task details. The Assigned workgroup name would be displayed in the Workflow Details column. 

Figure: Change Record List: Workflow Details (Task name)

Click the More link to display the approver details. When the task is assigned to an analyst the Analyst name would be updated in the APPROVER DETAILS pop-up.

Figure: Approver Details of a Task


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CHANGE RECORD LIST page.


Click NEW CHANGE RECORD to create a new Change Record. For more information about creating Change Records, see Creating Change Records (CRs).


Click the EXPORT TO EXCEL icon on the ACTIONS panel to export Change Requests on a particular page to a Microsoft Excel Sheet.


Click the EXPORT ALL icon on the ACTIONS panel to export all the Change Requests to a Microsoft Excel Sheet.