Exporting Change Record Details in PDF

You can export section-wise Change Record details in PDF.

To export Change Record Details in PDF:

  1. Select Change > User > Change Record List. The Change Record List page is displayed.
  2. On the Change Record List page, click on the required CR NO. The Change Record Details page is displayed.
  3. Click EXPORT TO PDF icon on the ACTIONS panel. The EXPORT TO PDF pop-up is displayed.

    Figure: Change Record Details page

  4. On the EXPORT TO PDF pop-up page, select the required sections. The check box are displayed based on the configuration done at Admin > Infrastructure > PDF Content Designer.
  5. Click EXPORT. A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Figure: Exported PDF 

    As shown in the above screenshot, the Change History section captures the Original CR details for the CR created via cloning.

    Figure: Exported PDF 

    As shown in the above screenshot, the Change History section captures the Original CR details for the CR created via Template.