Workflow List page


This page lists all Configured Workflows for the selected Category in Orchestration Workflows page (Workflow By Category)

 Workflows in the Orchestration UI:

Figure: Orchestration Workflow home

Figure: Workflow record

Click on the desired workflow record to access the record details.

Figure: Workflow Execution record details

Successful Workflow Execution:

A workflow is considered as success if the execution percentage is more than 75%

Number of linked tickets executed successfully

Success % =        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  × 100 

Total number of tickets linked and executed for the Workflow

Workflow Execution Failure:

If the Success % is less than 75%, the workflow is considered as Failure.


When a workflow is created but no tickets are generated or linked and not executed. These Workflows count come under Others.

The top section of the Workflow page lists overall workflow details

Clicking on each of these tiles will display details of the respective block.

Figure: Tile view of overall workflow executions running

For example, clicking on the Active tile will display all active workflow details:

Figure: Active workflows

Workflow Execution record consists of the following data for the individual record:

  • Execution %
  • Workflow Name
  • Trigger Event
  • Module
  • Tenant
  • Active
  • Created By
  • Created Date
  • Last Updated By
  • Last Updated Date
  • Action

Clicking on a workflow name will switch to its workflow design in the Workflow Designer

Figure: Workflow Designer

Workflows can be filtered on the following basis:

  • Workflow Name
  • Trigger Event
  • Module
  • Source
  • Category
  • Created By
  • Created Date
  • Last Updated By
  • Last Updated Date

Figure: Filter section

Frequently used filters can be saved and reused as custom filters

Additional sort features to organize individual tickets

Figure: Sort features.