Change Manager

Change Manager

Who is a Change Manager?

Change Manager is a person who reviews all the Change Records (CRs), sets Change Record Authorizers, tables the CRs to the CAB, chairs the CAB meetings, issues Change Schedules, reviews all the implemented CRs, and generates regular reports. In addition to these, a Change Manager has the following privileges:

  • Modify the Actual Start and End time
  • Modify the status of the CR
  • Modify the status to Canceled without going through the complete workflow
  • Modify the Planned Start and End time
  • Delete any attachments
  • Modify the Configuration Items (CIs) even when the CR is in the In-Progress status
  • Modify the Change Type (If the Change Type is modified, the approvals are reset and the status is changed to Requested.)
  • Move the CR to Draft status (If the CR is moved to the Draft status, approvals are reset and the status is changed to Requested.)

    Figure: Change Manager Role


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