Endpoint Automation Scripts

You can configure the Endpoint Automation scripts in the application and the configured script will be executed on the End User’s machine.

To Configure Scripts:

  1. Select Asset > Configuration > Endpoints > Endpoint Automation Scripts. The ENDPOINT AUTOMATION SCRIPTS page is displayed.
  2. On the ACTIONS panel of the ENDPOINT AUTOMATION SCRIPTS page, click ADD NEW.

    Figure: Configuring Endpoint Automation Scripts
  3. Under the DETAILS, SCRIPT DETAILS and EXECUTION DETAILS sections of the ENDPOINT AUTOMATION SCRIPTS page, specify all the required information. See Field Description.


    The ENDPOINT AUTOMATION SCRIPTS will have Remediation and Validation tabs.

  4. Click SUBMIT. A new Script is configured.


This section explains all the SHOW LIST displayed on the ACTIONS panel of ENDPOINT AUTOMATION SCRIPTS the page.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the ENDPOINT AUTOMATION SCRIPTS page:





Select a Tenant from the list.

Script Name

Specify the name of the Script

Script Description

Specify the description of the Script


Mention the Category of the Scripts.


Indicates the status for the Scripts.

  • If selected, the script is Active.
  • If not selected, the script is inactive.

Schedule Profile

Select the Profile from the drop-down.

Action Template

An incident is logged, or Alert is sent based on the selected Template.

Configure Remediation

If checked, the Remediation tab will be visible. The User can configure from the Remediation scripts from the Remediation tab.


Specify the options from High, Medium and Low.

Script Type

Specify the type of Script

Script Command

Type in the Script Command


Specify the Parameters

Success / Failure Criteria

Specify Success or Failure Criteria

Output Parsing Criteria

Specify the Output Parsing Criteria that needs to be captured in the output.


Execute Script As

Select the Script from the drop-down

Success Exit Codes

Specify the Success Exit Codes

Retry Count 

Specify the Retry count 

Retry Interval (Mins.) 

Specify the Retry Interval

Maximum Runtime (Mins.) *

Specify the Maximum Runtime.