Fields | Description |
Asset Summary |
Tenant | Displays the Tenant of the selected Asset. |
Category | Displays the Category of the selected Asset. |
Store | Displays the Store location of the selected Asset. |
Asset Code | Displays the Asset Code for the selected Asset. |
Asset Condition | Displays the condition of the selected Asset. |
Added By | Displays the name of the user who added the Asset. |
Added Date | Displays the date and time when the Asset is added. |
Updated By | Displays the name of the user who updated the Asset details, if the Asset details are updated. |
Updated Date | Displays the date and time when the Asset details are updated, if the Asset details are updated. |
Asset ID | Displays the ID of the Asset. |
Vendor Name | Displays the Vendor name of the Asset. |
Asset Cost | Displays the cost of the Asset. |
Invoice Number | Displays the invoice number for the vendor payment. |
Payment Mode | Lists the configured modes of payment - Cheque: Select this option if the payment is made by cheque.
- Transfer: Select this option if the payment is made by transfer.
- Cash: Select this option if the payment is made by cash.
Select the mode of payment for the Asset. |
Currency | Lists all the configured currencies. Select the currency used to make the payment. |
TDS | Lists the predefined TDS for the Asset. Select the TDS policy for the Asset. |
TDS Amount | Specify the tax deducted at source amount for the Asset. |
Service Tax | Lists the predefined service tax for the Asset. Specify the service tax from the list. |
Service Tax Amount | Specify the service tax amount for the Asset. |
Vendor Cost | Specify the cost paid to the vendor for the Asset. |
Payment Date | Specify the date for the payment. Click the Calender icon to select the date. |
Remarks | Specify the remarks for the vendor payment, if any. |