License Usage

The LICENSE USAGE page displays the number of Licenses purchased. For more information about Licensing, see SummitAI Service Management Licensing.

To view the License usage:

  1. Select Admin > Advanced > License > License Usage.
    The LICENSE USAGE page is displayed.
  2. To view the Licenses available for any Module, select Features from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the Edition from the drop-down list.
    The following details are displayed:
    • Validity of the Licenses
    • List of features
    • Total number of Purchased Licenses
    • Total number of Consumed Licenses
    • Total number of Available Licenses

Figure: Usage Page

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the LICENSE USAGE page:



All Editions


Displays the particular feature names of the SummitAI application purchased by the organization.


Displays the number of license are purchased for a feature of the SummitAI application.


Displays the number of license consumed of the particular feature.


Displays the number of available license of the particular feature.

The Addons Type is available in Service Management module which displays all the features available in the following licenses:

  • Express 
  • Business
  • Enterprise


  • The Orchestration displays the details in grid view. For example; the Execution Pack Orchestration displays the number of count of Purchased, Consumed, and Available. 
  • During non-functional of the API, only purchase count is visible in the grid view. The Consumed and Available counts appear blank.