Viewing and Updating Your Profile Details

You can view your profile details, such as Name, Location, Customer, Contact Number, and E-mail on the MY PROFILE pop-up page. You can also change your profile picture. You can also set your Availability Status. The information in this page is as per the user information updated by the Administrator. 

To change your availability status:

  1. Click My Profile icon My Profile iconon the top-right corner of the SummitAI application.
  2. Click your current status and select the status that you want to change from the list.

    Figure: My Profile: Availability Status

    The following options are available:

    • Available: You can set this when you’re active in SummitAI and don’t have anything in your calendar (no meetings or calls, for example).
    • Busy: You can set this when you want to focus on something and don't want to engage in other activities.
    • Do not disturb: You can set this when you want to focus on something that is important.
    • Away: You can set this when you are away from your workstation.
  3. Your availability status is changed based on your selection.
  4. Click the Clock icon available next to Away option.

    Figure: My Profile: Availability Status

  5. Set the away time by specifying the From and To fields in HH:MM format in the SET AWAY TIME pop-up.

    Figure: SET AWAY TIME pop-up


Based on the Availability Status set by the user, if the user is an Analyst, the Incidents and Service Requests are assigned to the Analyst.

To view or update Profile details:

  1. Click the My Profile icon icon with your profile picture on the top-right corner of the SummitAI application.

    Figure:  MY DASHBOARD page

  2. Click Edit Profile option. The MY PROFILE pop-up page is displayed.

    Figure:  MY PROFILE pop-up page

    To view and update the fields in MY PROFILE pop-up page, refer to the following drop-down text:

     View Address Book

    To add, update or delete contacts in your Address Book, click View Address Book. The ADDRESS BOOK pop-up page is displayed.

    ADDRESS BOOK pop-up page
    Figure: ADDRESS BOOK pop-up page

    To add a contact in your Address Book:

    • In the User Name text box, type the name of the user whom you want to add in your address book and click SUBMIT.
    • Select the IsDefault CC check box to make the user as default CC for every e-mail.
    • Click SUBMIT.

    To update selected user details, click the Editicon.

    To delete selected user details, click the Deleteicon.

    If Restrict Address Book and CC users based on the Logged in User’s Customer is enabled at Application Settings (Admin > Infrastructure > Application Settings) then

    • Only the users belong to the logged-in user's or caller's customer gets displayed for the selection.  The logged in user can view the users belonging to the customer that they are mapped to in the Address Book for selection.
    • Other customers default user's selected are not displayed for the selection.

    Let's understand it with the help of following two scenarios.

     Scenario I - When Restrict Address Book and CC users based on Logged in User Customer option is not selected

    Let's consider the following set of users with customer mapping as shown in the table. 

    User CustomerIs Default CC
    Mike LawsonYes
    ChristieNo Customer MappedNo

    The logged in user can view (Amy, Michael and, Mike) all the users in the CC field for which Is Default CC option is selected in the Address Book for selection as shown in the following screenshot:

    Figure: Address Book with restriction not enabled

     Scenario II - Scenario II - When Restrict Address Book and CC users based on Logged in User Customer option is selected

    The logged in user can view the users belonging to the customer that they are mapped to (Amy, Michael) in the CC field for which Is Default CC option is selected in the Address Book for selection as shown in the following screenshot. It does not display the user Mike mapped with another customer (Lawson) and Christie with no customer mapped. 

    Figure: Address Book with restriction enabled

     Leave Notification

    To create and modify notifications for your leaves, click Leave Notification. The LEAVE NOTIFICATION pop-up page is displayed. The Reporting Managers can also apply leaves on behalf of the Analysts. This helps in assigning Incidents and Service Requests where the Analysts on leave are not considered, which improves CINDE's Analysts recommendations while assigning Analysts to Incidents and Service Requests. For more information about creating and editing leave, refer the following field description:

    Leave notification
    Figure:  LEAVE NOTIFICATION pop-up page

    Field Description

    The following table describes the fields on the LEAVE NOTIFICATION page:



    For Me

    Using this option, the Reporting Manager with Analyst access can also apply leave for self.


    Select the Analyst for whom you want to apply the leave.

    From Date

    Select the leave start date and time.

    To Date

    Select the leave end date and time.

    Leave Description

    Specify the leave description.


    In the Edit column, click the Edit icon . The page is populated with the details of the selected leave. Do the required modification and click SUBMIT.


    To delete selected leave detail, in the Delete column, click the Delete icon .


    Only last six months records are displayed on the LEAVE NOTIFICATION pop-up page.

     Time Zone

    To select your Time Zone:

    • From the Time Zone menu, select your Time Zone.
    • Click SUBMIT to save the Time Zone setting.

      Figure:  Time Zone tab

     My Skills

    To view and update your skills, click My Skills. The MY SKILLS pop-up page is displayed.

    MY SKILLS pop-up page
    Figure: MY SKILLS pop-up page

    To update your skills:

    • From the Competency menu, select the appropriate skills option.
    • Click SUBMIT to save the skills.

    To add another skill:

    • Click ADD ANOTHER SKILL. The ADD SKILLS pop-up page is displayed.

       ADD SKILLS pop-up page
      Figure: ADD SKILLS pop-up page

    • Select the appropriate skill check box and click SUBMIT. 
     Change Profile Photo

    To change your profile photo:

    • Click Edit. The Attach your Photo field is displayed.
    • Click the Upload icon  to select a new photo. The size of the photo must not be more than 50px X 50px X 50px and the permitted file formats are gif, jpeg, png, and bmp.
    • Click UPLOAD. The profile picture is updated.

      Figure: CHANGE PHOTO

     Change Password

    To change your profile password:

    • Click Change Password tab.
    • In the Old Password text box, type in your old password.
    • In the New Password text box, type in your new password.
    • In the Confirm New Password text box, type in your new password again.
    • Click SUBMIT.

      Figure:  Change Password tab

     Select Landing Page

    To configure landing page for your profile:

    From the Landing Page list, select the page that you want to set as the home page for your profile, and then click SUBMIT.

    Figure:  Select Landing Page tab

     Select Theme

    You can select and apply a theme to change the appearance of the Application. Select a theme from the Theme drop-down list, and then click SUBMIT.


    The Select Theme tab is displayed only when the Administrator selects the Allow Users to Select Theme check box on THEME SETTINGS section of TENANT page for selected module.

    Example, select required module in the MODULES section. For more information, see Configuring Incident Management Module page in the SummitAI Service Management.

    Figure: Select Theme tab

     Upload Signature

    You can upload your Signature to the application in gif, jpg, jpeg, png or bmp format. Your Signature can be used to perform various actions in the application, such as printing the Purchase Order while procuring an Asset, and so on. To upload your Signature, click the Upload icon, select the Signature image, and then click SUBMIT.

    Figure:  Upload Signature tab


    Enable E-mail Notification for Incident and SR: If selected, the User receives e-mail notification for any updates on Incidents and Service Requests.

    Enable Web Notification: If selected, the web application User receives push notification on any updates. This feature is compatible with Google Chrome (48.0 or later version) and Mozilla Firefox (44.0 or later version).

    Enable Mobile Notification: If selected, the mobile application User receives push notification on any updates.

    Figure: Notification tab


    • To configure the above features, enable the respective check box on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information, see Configuring Application Settings.
    • If you have blocked notifications from the browser after logging into the SUMMIT web application, you do not receive any web notification. For example, web notifications can be blocked in Google Chrome from the Site Information or the Settings (Settings > Content Setting > Notifications).
    • If the user does not login to the application for more than 28 days, the browser notification settings expire for the SUMMIT application.

    The individual user can show or hide the SCRIPTING icon on the Quick Action Bar by selecting the Show/Hide Scripting Icon on Quick Action Bar check box available under the Scripting tab of the MY PROFILE pop-up page (Quick Action Bar > Click PROFILE Picture > Select Edit Profile > Select Scripting section > Select Show/Hide Scripting Icon on Quick Action Bar check box).

    Figure: Scripting

    The users need to log out and log in again into the Application to view the SCRIPTING icon. By default, the SCRIPTING icon is hidden.