Moving Assets From One Store to Another

You can move Fixed Assets of one Store to another.

To move Assets from one store to another:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory.

  2. On the ASSET INVENTORY page, under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section, click FIXED.

  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Select the value for Status as In Store and select the other required filter criteria. Click SUBMIT. For more information about fields on the FILTERS pop-up page, see Searching Assets.

  4. The list of Assets based filter criteria is displayed. Click the Asset ID to view the Asset details. For more information, see Viewing Asset Details.

  5. Select the check boxes corresponding to the Assets that you want to move to another Store. On the ACTIONS panel, click STORE MOVEMENT.

    Figure:  FIXED ASSET page

  6. On the STORE MOVEMENT page, select the Destination Store where you want to move the Assets and provide your remarks in the Remarks text box. Based on the configuration done by the Administrator, you may need an approval before you can move an Asset from one Store to another.

 Moving Assets to another Store with approval

Select the Destination Store, Returnable Type and provide a Return Date. Click SUBMIT to send the Asset movement for approval.

Figure:  STORE MOVEMENT page (with approval)

The following table describes the fields on the STORE MOVEMENT page.



Asset Summary


Displays the Tenant of the selected Asset.


Displays the Category of the selected Asset.

Source Store

Displays the Store location of the selected Asset.


Destination Store

Lists all the configured Stores. Select the destination Store from the list.


Type in the comments or notes about the Asset movement, if any.


Movement ID

Displays the movement ID.

Movement Date

Displays the Asset movement date and time.

Returnable Type

Lists all the configured  Returnable Types. Select the Returnable Type of the Asset.

Return Date

Specify the return date for the Asset. Click the Calendar icon to select the return date.


Displays the details of the Assets for which store movement is initiated.

  • Asset ID: Displays the ID of the Asset.
  • Category: Displays the Category of the Asset.
  • Serial No.: Displays the serial number of the Asset.
  • Asset Code: Displays the Asset Code of the Asset.
  • Barcode: Displays the bar code of the Asset.


This section display the approver history, if any.

 Moving Asset to another Store without approval

Click MOVE. A confirmation message is displayed.

Figure:  STORE MOVEMENT page (without Approval)

The following table describes the fields on the STORE MOVEMENT page.



Asset Summary


Displays the Tenant of the selected Asset.


Displays the Category of the selected Asset.

Source Store

Displays the Store location of the selected Asset.


Destination Store

Lists all the configured Stores. Select the destination Store from the list.


Type in the comments or notes about the Asset movement, if any.


Displays the details of the Assets for which store movement is initiated.

  • Asset ID: Displays the ID of the Asset.
  • Category: Displays the Category of the Asset.
  • Serial No.: Displays the serial number of the Asset.
  • Asset Code: Displays the Asset Code of the Asset.
  • Barcode: Displays the bar code of the Asset.
