Notifying Sub Workgroup Analysts about Incident Status

Notifying Sub Workgroup Analysts about Incident Status

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#24382, Alps SP1 HF05)

What's New?

Now, all the Sub Workgroup Analysts also receive e-mail notifications when the Sub Workgroup field is selected by an Analyst while raising Incidents or updating the Incident details.

Pre-requisites: The Workgroup selected while logging the Incidents should have Sub Workgroups configured.

Notification Scenario for Sub Workgroup Analysts:

When an Analyst creates an Incident and selects a Sub Workgroup, or the Status of the newly created Incident is updated to ASSIGNED, the respective Sub Workgroup Analyst is notified.

The Sub Workgroup information for the respective Incident is displayed in the Sub Workgroup column of the INCIDENT LIST page, Incident details page, and on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page of the Incident.


On the CONFIGURE COLUMN page (Incident > Users > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Click CONFIGURE COLUMN on the ACTIONS panel), move the Sub Workgroup option from the Available Columns to Selected Columns.

The Administrator needs to add the following key in the SummitAI DB:
select * from Summit_Config where Config='IM_Notifications_Sub_Workgroup' and update 'Config_val = True'

Figure: CONFIGURE COLUMNS pop-up page on INCIDENT LIST page

Sub Workgroup Column on the INCIDENT LIST page
Figure: Sub Workgroup Column on the INCIDENT LIST page

Figure: Incident details  page

CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident)
Figure: CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident)

Notification Template
Figure: Notification Template