Creating Release Records

Creating Release Records

You can create Release Records (RRs) if you are an Analyst, Release Manager, or user with required access.

To create new Release Records:

  1. Select Release > User > New Release Record.
  2. On the NEW RELEASE RECORD page, select the Tenant and fill in the other required details as described in the following table:




    Displays the Tenant name configured by the Administrator. Select an option from the list box.

    Note: Based on the needs of the organization the Administrator configures the name for this field.

    Registration Time

    Displays the date and time on which the Release Record was created. The date format used is yyyy/mm/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM.


    Select the status from the Status list. The status is displayed based on the Release Record progressive stage.

    • When the Release Record page is opened for creating a release, you can see status option as Design.
    • You can see the Status options as Built and Deploy while the RR is in the Testing stage.
    • Once the Workgroup owner authorizes the RR, status is changed to Authorized.
    • Built: Indicates the release tasks is in progress.
    • Test: Indicates that the release tasks is under the testing stage.
    • Deploy: Indicates that the release is deployed.
    • Once the RR is deployed, you can see the status option as Closed to close the RR.
    • Closed: Indicates the Release Record is closed with an appropriate Closure Code.

    Note: The Closure Code field is enabled after you select Status as Closed.


    Lists the configured Category options as:

    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large

    Select a Category from the list

    Release Type

    Lists the configured Release Type options.

    • Major
    • Minor
    • Emergency

    Select a Release Type from the list.

    Owner Workgroup

    Lists the configured Workgroups under the selected Tenant. Select a Workgroup from the list box. After you select a Workgroup, the Workgroup Owner's details are loaded in the Authorizer Details text box.

    Note: By default, the selected Workgroup Owner becomes the Authorizer for the RR.

    Authorizer Details

    Displays the details (Emp Id, E-mail address, and phone number) of the Workgroup Owner after you select the Workgroup in the Owner Workgroup list.

    Change Records

    Allows you to specify any related change records for a Release Record.

    Change Request

    Click this icon to open Change Requests page where you can select one or more CRs to attach with a RR.

    Configuration Items

    Allows you to specify any related Configuration Items.


    Type in a brief description about a Release Record.

    Note: After a RR is authorized, you cannot modify the RR details.


    Type in any other information about a Release Record.

    Note: After a RR is authorized, you cannot modify the RR details.


     Figure: Release Record page

  3. Click SUBMIT. A new RR is created. You can also create a Release Record from Change Record (see: RELATIONSHIP Tab).

Field Description

This section describes the fields on the NEW RELEASE RECORD page.


Under this tab you can add or view the general details of a RR, such as Urgency, Risk, Priority, Impact, release and plan related details, and so on.


Figure: GENERAL tab

 The following table describes the fields under the GENERAL tab:




Lists the Urgency levels defined for an Tenant. Select an Urgency level from the list to indicate the Urgency level for a RR.


Lists the Risks defined for a Tenant. Select a Risk option from the list to indicate the Risk rating for a RR.


Lists the Priority options defined for a Tenant. Select an Priority option from the list to indicate the level of Priority for a RR.


Lists the Impacts defined for a Tenant. Select a Impact option from the list to indicate the Impact for a RR.

Release Workgroup

Lists the Workgroups associated with the selected Tenant. Select a Workgroup with which you want to associate a RR.

Release Analyst

Lists the Analysts associated with the selected Workgroup. Select a team member to whom you want to assign the RR.

Planned Start Time

Allows you to select a start date for a RR plan. Click the Calendar icon to select an appropriate date for a RR. From the list, select the hours and minutes for specifying the time plan schedule for a RR.

Planned End Time

Allows you to select an end date for a RR plan. Click the Calendar icon to select an appropriate date for a RR. From the list, select the hours and minutes for specifying the time plan schedule for a RR.

Pre-Release Notification

Allows you to specify the valid e-mail ids (use semicolon (;) as a separator to add multiple e-mail ids) to send the pre- release notification details of a RR.

Post Release Notification

Allows you to specify the valid e-mail ids (use semicolon (;) as a separator to add multiple e-mail IDs) to send the post release notification details of a RR.


Specify any reference file path to add as an additional reference material. You can also click Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a RR.


You need to also identify the Risk associated with the release. Under the RISK tab, you can capture the Risk details specific to a RR, such as known issues, bugs/issues fixed details, enhancement list, Risk of release failure, business Impact (as per user), business Impact of release failure, roll out plan, roll back plan, system and user Impact, and so on.


Figure: RISK tab

 The following table describes the fields under the RISK tab:



Known Issues

Type in the Risk details specific to the known issues.

Bugs/Issues Fixed

Type in the Risk details specific to the bugs and fixed issues.

Enhancement List

Type in the Risk details specific to the enhancements.

Risk of Release Failure

Type in the Risk details specific to the release failure.

Business Impact (As per user)

Type in the Risk details specific to the business Impact.

Business Impact of Release Failure

Type in the Risk details specific to the business Impact of release failure.

Roll Out plan Tested

Type in the Risk details specific to the roll?out plan.

Roll Back Plan

Select this check box, to indicate that the testing of a roll?out plan is complete.

System Impact

Lists the configured system Impact options. Select an option from the list box.

User impact

Lists the configured user Impact options. Select an option from the list box.


Specify any reference file path to add as an additional reference material. You can also click Browse to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a test plan of a RR.


Under the LOGS tab, you can capture the log details specific to a RR, such as Release Owner Team log, Authorizer log, and Release Analyst log.

 LOGS tab

Figure: LOGS tab

 The following table describes the fields under the LOGS tab:



Release Owner Team Log

Type in the Release Team log details.

Authorizer Log

Type in the Authorizer log details

Release Analyst Log

Type in the Release analyst log details.


The details related to the testing phase of the Release Record (RR) needs to be recorded. You can add or modify the testing details under the TEST tab with information, such as test stage, test planned date, test plan, pass criteria, fail criteria, actual test date, Workgroup, conducted by/owner, test status, attachment, and so on.

 TEST tab

Figure: TEST tab

 The following table describes the fields under the TEST tab:



Test Stage

Lists the configured Test Stage options. Select an option from the lis

  • Not Applicable
  • New Test Plan
  • Test Completion

Test Planned Date

Allows you to specify a test plan date of a RR.

Note: The selected test plan date should be greater then the RR’s registration date and time.

Click the Calendar icon to select the Test Plan Date. From the list, select the hours and minutes for specifying the time to indicate the Test Plan Time.

Click the Clear button to clear the selections.

Click the Now button to select the current date and time.

Click the Done button after selecting the date and time.

Test Plan

Type in a brief description about the test plan.

Note: After completing the test plan execution, you can update the test result details in Pass Criteria, Fail Criteria, Actual Test Date, and other fields.

Pass Criteria

Specify the test pass criteria.

Fail Criteria

Specify the test fail criteria.

Actual Test Date

Allows you to specify the actual test date of a RR. Click the Calendar icon to select the Actual Test Date. From the list box select the hours and minutes for specifying the time to indicate the Actual Test Time.

Click the Clear button to clear the selections.

Click the Now button to select the current date and time.

Click the Done button after selecting the date and time.


Lists the configured Workgroup for a Tenant. Select a Workgroup from the list that you want to associate with the test plan of a RR.

Conducted by/Owner

Lists the configured member names under the selected Workgroup. Select the member name who executed the test cases.

Test Status

Select the option as Success or Failure based on the results of the test plan execution.


Specify any reference file path to add as an additional reference material. You can also click Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a test plan of a RR.


You need to link the Incidents, Problem Records (PR), Service Requests (SRs), Knowledge records, and so on to the Release Record (RR). Under the RELATIONSHIP tab , you can link Incidents, Problem Records, Configuration Items (CIs), Work Orders, Projects, and Knowledge Records (KRs).



 The following table describes the fields under the RELATIONSHIP tab:




Allows you to link RRs under selected Categories.


Allows you to de-link RRs under selected Categories.


You can link or de-link to RRs on this page.


Select the module name that you want to link or de-link.


This section allows you to link and de-link RRs with Incidents.

Workorders Records (WO)

This section allows you to link and de-link RRs with Work Orders.

Problem Records

This section allows you to link and delink RRs with Problem Records.

Configuration Items

This section allows you to link and de-link RRs with Configuration Items.

Service Requests

This section allows you to link and de-link RRs with Service requests.

Knowledge Base

This section allows you to link and de-link RRs with KRs.


This section allows you to link and delink RRs with Projects.


After a release is done, a Post Release Review takes place. You can update all the information related to the post release review under the P.R.REVIEW tab.


Figure: PR REVIEW tab

 The following table describes the fields under the P.R. REVIEW tab:



Planned PIR Date

Specify the planned RIR date for a RR. You can click the Calendar icon to

specify an appropriate date.

Actual RIR Date

Specify the actual RIR date for a RR. You can click the Calendar icon to

specify an appropriate date.

Post Release Review

Type in any reviews or comments about the Post release review for a RR.

Issues Faced

Type in any issues that you faced while reviewing, testing, and deploying a RR.

Corrective Action

Type in the corrective action steps that you took for resolving the issues that you faced for a RR.

System/User Impacted

Type in the system and the user Impact details with the result of post release review of a RR


Specify any reference file path to add as an additional reference material. You can also click Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a RR.

Is CMDB Updated ?

This field is enabled for you to modify only after the RR is deployed with the status field displaying Deploy on the Release Record page. Lists the configured status options.

  • Yes: If selected, indicates that the CMDB is updated. An e-mail is sent to the assigned Workgroup Owners and Analysts stating that the CMDB is updated.
  • No: If selected, indicates that the CMDB is not updated. An e-mail is sent to the assigned Workgroup Owners and Analysts to update the CMDB.
  • Not Applicable: If selected, indicates that there are no escalation to update the dashboard.
  • Decommission: If selected, indicates that the linked CI is deactivated. You can view the deactivated CIs on the List Configuration Item page of the CMDB module.

Type in the details about the Impacts or observations of the RR deployments.

Revert to Previous


This field is enabled for you to modify only after the RR is implemented with the status field displaying Deploy on the Release Record page.

  • Yes: If selected, the RR is reverted to the previous version.
  • No: By default, this value is displayed. If selected, the RR cannot be reverted to the previous version.


Type in the name of the reviewer.


All the details about the RR at the Release stage can be updated under the RELEASE tab.


Figure: RELEASE tab

 The following table describes the fields under the RELEASE tab:




Type in the version of a RR.

Version Remarks

Type in the comments or remarks about releasing a RR.

Release Instructions

Type in release instructions, if any.

Release Attachments

Specify the reference file path to add as a reference material. You can also click Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a RR.

Release Acceptance

Specify the release acceptance status option.

  • Yes: Indicates that the Release Record is accepted to release.
  • No: Indicates that the Release Record is not accepted to release.


Type in the Release Acceptance Approver's name.


Type in remarks about releasing a RR.

Sign Off Document

Specify the sign off document file path to release a RR. You can also click Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a RR.

Legal Requirement

Type in the legal requirements about releasing a RR.

Legal Document


Specify the legal document file path to release a RR. You can also click Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a RR.

Policy Details

Type in the legal requirements about releasing policy details

Policy Attachment

Specify the legal document file path to release a RR. You can also click Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a RR.

Standard Details

Type in the standard details about releasing a RR.

Standard Attachment

Specify the standard document file path to release a RR. You can also click Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a RR.

Regulation Details

Type in the regulations details about releasing a RR.

Regulation Details  Attachment

Specify the regulation details document file path to release a RR. You can also click Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a RR.


You can add or view the deployment details of a RR under the DEPLOYMENT tab.


Figure: DEPLOYMENT tab

 The following table describes the fields under the DEPLOYMENT tab:



Deployment Type

Select the deployment type.

Package Name

Type in the package name that you are deploying.

Example: Software, Hardware, Document

Package Details

Type in the details about the package that you are deploying.

Deployment Package

Specify the reference file path to add as a reference material. You can also click

Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a RR.

Deployment Status

Indicates the status of the package.

  • Designed: Select to indicate that the package is in design phase.
  • Tested: Select to indicate that the package is in testing phase.
  • Ready to Deploy: Select to indicate that the package is ready for deploying.

When you select the Status option as Deploy, the Deployment Status field option is displayed as Ready to Deploy. You cannot edit this field.



Under the SCHEDULE tab, you need to update the release schedule of a RR.


Figure: SCHEDULE tab

 The following table describes the fields under the SCHEDULE tab:



Schedule Type

Allows you to define a schedule to perform the task at the specified date and time. Lists the configured schedule types for a RR.

  • Build Schedule: Select this option to build a RR at the specified date and time.
  • Test Schedule: Select this option to test a RR at the specified date and time.
  • Distribution Schedule: Select this option to distribute packages at the specified date and time.
  • Implement Schedule: Select this option to implement a RR at the specified date and time.
  • User Schedule: Select this option to enable the user to perform certain set of tasks such as demo, review, and so on at the specified date and time.

Schedule Status

Lists the configured schedule status options.

  • In -Progress: Indicates that the scheduled status task is being executed.
  • Pending: Indicates that the schedule task execution is in pending task list.
  • Completed: Indicates that the schedule task is executed successfully.
  • Failed: Indicates that the scheduled task is not executed successfully.

Note: You cannot proceed with the release activity if the scheduled task is failed to execute successfully. The application displays the following error message: "The release activity is on hold as the scheduled task execution is failed. You can proceed with the release activity only after fixing the failed scheduled task. Select an option from the list box."

From Date

Select the date to start the task. Click the Calendar icon to select the From Date.

To Date

Select the date to start the task. Click the Calendar icon to select the To Date.

Schedule Owner

Type in the name of the person, who should perform the scheduled tasks. Click the Search icon to search for a user to assign as schedule owner.


Type in any notes or comments about the schedule.


You can add or view documents for a RR under the DOCUMENTS tab.


Figure: DOCUMENTS tab

 The following table describes the fields under the DOCUMENTS tab:



Document Name

Type in the name of the document that you wish to add.

Version No.

Type in the version number of the document.

CI Location

Type in the document location of a CI in the DML data.


Specify the reference file path to add as a reference material. You can also click

Browse icon to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for a CI.

User Name

Type in the user name if any to access the attached document.


Type in the password if any to access the attached document.


Under the HARDWARE VARIANCE tab, you can view the Hardware Variance details between the existing Asset Management data and the discovered data (this data is collected using the SUMMIT Agent). You can perform the Hardware Variance task only for the related CIs with a Release Record (RR).



 The following table describes the fields under the HARDWARE VARIANCE tab:



Serial Nos

Lists the serial numbers of the CIs that are linked with a RR. Select a CI’s serial number from the list box.


Field Name

Displays the list of hardware item name.

Example: Host name, RAM size, RAM Quantity, Hard Disk Size, Hard Disk Quantity.

Asset Management Data

Displays the data details for each hardware item.

Note: The data that is displayed here is retrieved from the Asset Management database.

Actual Inventory Data

Displays the data details for each hardware item.

Note: The data that is displayed here is derived using the SUMMIT Agent configured on the user system.

Updated (check box)

The check box is displayed only if there is a variance between the Asset Management data and the discovered date. Select the check box to update the Asset Management database with the actual discovered data.


Under the SOFTWARE VARIANCE, you can view the Software Variance details between the existing Asset Management data and the discovered data (this data is discovered using SUMMIT Agent).



 The following table describes the fields under the SOFTWARE VARIANCE tab:



Serial Number

Lists the serial numbers of the CIs that are linked with a RR. Select a CI’s serial number from the list box.

Software View (Radio


Displays the options to view the software details of the selected CI as:

Summary: Select this option to view the summary view of the software associated with the CI.

Detail: Select this option to view a detailed information of the software items associated with the CI.

The details of the software are displayed in a tabular format.

Sl. No.

Displays the serial number of the software.

Asset Management Data

Displays the data details of each software.

Note: The data that is displayed here is retrieved from the Asset Management database.

Actual Inventory Data

Displays the data details of each hardware.

Note: The data that is displayed here is derived using the SUMMIT Agent configured on the user system.

Updated (check box)

The check box is displayed only if there is a variance between the Asset Management Data and Actual Inventory Data. Select the check box to update the Asset Management database with the Actual Inventory Data that is discovered.

UnInstall Status

Displays the status of the uninstalled software.

  • Uninstalled: Indicates that the selected software is uninstalled remotely.
  • Error: Indicates that the selected software is not removed due to some technical errors.

UnInstall (check box)

For this column, the check box is displayed only for the software that are excluded in an organizational security norms and policies.


Under the VERSION HISTORY tab, you can view the version details of a Release Record (RR). The version history is generated for a RR after the deployment. The first version of a RR is generated as V1.0 and the Status is displayed as Deploy. You can also revert to the previous version by clicking Get Previous Version

The following table describes the fields under the VERSION HISTORY tab:



Current Version

Displays the current version of a RR.


Displays the versions numbers of a RR. The RR’s version number are based from the Category you select.

For example: The first version of the RR with the Status Deploy is generated as Version 1.0, then the version updates are done as follows:

  • If the changes are categorized as Major, the RR version is derived as Version 1.10
  • If the changes are categorized as Minor, the RR version is derived as Version 1.01
  • If the changes are categorized as Emergency, the RR version is derived as Version 2.0

Created On

Displays the date on which the version is generated for a RR.

Created By

Displays the name of the executive who generated version for a RR.

Get Previous Version

Allows you to undo the version changes of a RR and rollback to the previous version. For example, Currently if the you working on a RR of 2.0v and the previous version is 1.20. Click this option to go back to the 1.20v.

Note: The Get Previous Version icon disappears after the RR is reversed to the initial version 1.0


Using the CHECKLIST tab, you can view the assigned tasks to complete before closing a Release Record (RR). A list of tasks is displayed in the tab to configure and complete the tasks and update the status with remarks before closing a RR.


Figure: CHECKLIST tab

 The following table describes the fields under the CHECKLIST tab:



Sl No.

Displays the serial number of the tasks assigned.

Check box

Select the check box to enable the status field.

Task Name

Displays the name of the task.

Task Status

This field will be enabled only after you select the check box against the task

name. Indicates the status set for the task. Select any one option from the list

  •  Yes: If selected, the task has been completed by the assigned executive.
  •  No: If selected, the task is not completed by the assigned executive.


Type in any notes or comments about the completing the task.


Displays the task history details.


Under the REQUIREMENTS tab, you can update the license information and the resource information, such as the Type, Status, and so on.



 The following table describes the fields under the REQUIREMENTS tab:



License Information

 Type in the license details of the software, hardware resources used for the release record.

License Attachment

You can upload multiple license details of release records.


Select the type of resource for the release record from the list.

When Required

Specify the period until the resource is required. Click the Calendar icon to select the date.


Select the status of the type.  


Type in the description for the resource requirement.


Under the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION tab, you can view the additional details of a RR. Based on the organization's requirements, the Administrators can configures the fields under this tab. For example: The financial details, such as cost details, cost types, currency, location, and so on.




This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the RELEASE RECORD page.


The Release Record (RR) needs to be approved. By default, the selected Workgroup’s Owner becomes the Authorizer for a RR.

 AUTHORIZE action item

Figure:  AUTHORIZE pop-up page

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the AUTHORIZE pop-up:




Displays the selected Workgroup Owner's name as the Authorizer for this RR.


Displays the status as Authorized and Not Authorized. Select an option from the list

  •  Authorized: If selected, the RR is allowed to process further to take it into the next stage of implementation.
  • Not Authorized: If selected, the RR is stopped from processing further actions.

Authorized Date

Displays the authorized date of the RR.


Type in any remarks or notes about authorizing a RR.


Click CHANGE HISTORY to view the various changes that have occurred on the RR. This information is useful to track the various changes made on the RR.

 CHANGE HISTORY action item

Figure: CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page

 The following table describes the fields on the CHANGE HISTORY page:



Column Name

Displays the name of the field on which the change is made.

Change Date

Displays the date when the change is made.

Changed By

Displays the name of the user who made the change.

Old Value

Displays the old value of the field.

New Value

Displays the new value of the field.

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