Configuring Urgency

Configuring Urgency

What is Urgency?

Urgency is an indication of how quickly a Release Record (RR) should be resolved, else it may have a significant impact on business processes. You can add and modify Urgency for a RR under a Tenant.

To configure Urgency values:

  1. Select Release > Configuration > Urgency.
  2. On the URGENCY page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. Select the Tenant and type in the new Urgency details. For information about the fields on the URGENCY page, see Field Description.
  4. Click SUBMIT. A new Urgency value is configured. 

  Figure: URGENCY page

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the URGENCY page:




Urgency Name

Type in a name for the Urgency.

Sort Order

Type in the sequence number to indicate the position of the value in the Urgency list.


Indicates the status set for the Urgency.

  • If selected, the Urgency value becomes an available Urgency option on the other pages of the application.
  • If not selected, the Urgency value becomes an inactive value. The inactive Urgency values are not displayed in the Urgency list on the other pages of the application.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the URGENCY page.


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST showing all the configured Urgency values for the selected Tenant.

Figure: URGENCY page: List of urgency values

  •  To edit an Urgency value, select the Name of the Urgency. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
  • To display the inactive Urgency values, click the Include Inactive check box.


When the configured Urgency values are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Urgency value.

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