Integrating Web Chat with Digital Agent


The Digital Agent is a Conversational Agent used to assist end users through conversations. Digital Agent replicates and analyse human dialogue (written), allowing people to communicate with electronic devices as if they were speaking with a live agent. Digital agents can recognise phrase structure and understand knowledge with technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language understanding (NLU). 

End users can communicate with the digital agent in conversational English to rapidly address their problems or submit requests via Web Chat. The Digital Agent classifies user intent as a Service Request or an Incident using Natural Language Understanding (NLU), which is the foundation of the technology. Businesses can gain from Digital Agent because they improve performance, save expenses, and let them respond rapidly to a variety of end-user-related questions with less human involvement. 

The Summit programme displays validation messages based on the information entered into the text fields. The same idea is used in a conversational manner in Digital Agent for Web Chat. 


  • End-user  

Business Benefits 

  • Digital Agent improves Self Service with its intelligent recommendations that can be leveraged by End Users to resolve the problems themselves. 
  • Omni-channel Support offers a convenient way for users to get the work done quickly.
  • Users no longer need to navigate through multiple pages of the portal to look for Knowledge Records or to log Incidents or Service Requests. Digital Agent helps with all of these with a click of a button.
  • Digital Agent enhances the user experience with a significant reduction in resolution time. 

Web Chat with Digital Agent 

The Digital Agent is available as multiple-channel Web Chat support that can be invoked by clicking the icon. On clicking the  icon, the JWT (JSON Web Token) is transferred from the platform of the SUMMIT Core Application to the platform of Botpress during user authentication in the Digital Agent. It creates a JWT (JSON Web Token) that comprises user and payload data such as claims, credentials for signing, expiration dates, and issuer. Each time a message is sent, the token is transmitted to the Digital Agent platform.  

Once the user authentication is done. We can start our conversation using the Digital agent chat window which is displayed where the end users can type in their questions or intent. Digital Agent responds to the questions or the intent related to Incident Management and Service Request Management. Reset dialogues and conversation downloads are only possible in Webchat, not in other channels. 

Figure: Web Chat integration with Digital Agent

Figure: Digital Agent Opening Messages 

Figure: Download and Reset conversation options

Reset conversation and Download Conversation options are only available in Web Chat and not supported in other channels for Digital Agent v2.0.0.