Viewing and Updating Call Records

The CALL RECORD LIST page displays the list of Call Records along with some basic information, such as Call Record No., Logged Time, Status, Caller Name, Call Record Type, Workgroup, Description, and Assigned To. With filter options, Analyst can search the Call Records as per the filter criteria. Analysts can view the Call Record details and take appropriate actions.

To View/Update Call Record Details:

  1. Select Call > User > Manage Calls > Call Record List. The CALL RECORD LIST page is displayed. 

    Figure: Call Record List page 

  2. Click the Call Record No. (Call No.) that you want to view or update. The corresponding CALL RECORD DETAIL page is displayed.


  3. Click the Caller name or Logged By link to view the USER DETAILS pop-ups. On the USER DETAILS pop-ups, you can view general details and additional information about the Caller and User.

    USER DETAILS pop-up page
    Figure: USER DETAILS pop-up page

  4. View/update the Call Record details and click SUBMIT to save the changes. For information about the fields on the CALL RECORD DETAILS page, see Creating Call Records


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CALL RECORD DETAILS page. 


Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the Call Records. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Specify the filters criteria and click SUBMIT

Figure: Call Record List page: Filters pop-up 


Click ADD NEW to create a new Call Record. To know more about fields on the new Call Record page, see Creating Call Records.