Get Approval Status Summary List

You can view the status summary count of Approve Change Record using the following API. Using this new API, it is possible to retrieve the exact count of change records with different Approval status.

To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.

Service NameHTTP Method


Sample Request

     "ServiceName": "CM_GetApprovalStatusSummaryCount",
     "objCommonParameters": {
         "_ProxyDetails": {
             "SAASOrgID": "0",
             "LoginUID": 0,
             "RequestType": "mobile",
             "MobileVersion": "5.10.3",
             "Password": "test@123",
             "AuthType": "FORM",
             "ProxyID": 0,
             "OrgID": "1",
             "TokenID": "",
             "ReturnType": "JSON",
             "UserName": ""

Request Parameters

Parameter  NameTypeDescriptionNotes
InstanceStringIndicates the status of the Change Record.

Example: If the Instance is “ALL”

“Instance”: “ALL”

For count details of different Status types, use the below strings.

" Requested "

" Rejected "

" On-Hold "

" Objected "

" Not Authorized(Refer Back)"

" Not Authorized "

" Initial Authorization "

" Implemented "

" Closed "




UserNameStringIndicates the logged in user’s username.


“UserName": ""


    "Errors": "",
    "Message": "",
    "Output": "",
    "TokenID": "89C681D3C897079F4A9A9D67FD4D9E79CD45C7BCA99198BC8A98C24B3FE84BBE470FD61D331C9C2AF7FCCE9D58B75C4AE515CEF50A966D515F1E7701B8776EB43483F90915C1C528C57D75C928BAFF5200FAD42553A87E37BB0CDF48AD28284ED9B0683D782374CC461FAC5F802B34642A2FF7E93E095EC1BEEDBAAA4400A4FF0848367AF158FF36D1FC924D89B303A3157D3267773EC497B93846F680B0753A",
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": {
        "Approval_Status_Summary_Counts": [
                "All": 160,
                "Approved": 24,
                "Canceled": 13,
                "Closed": 23,
                "Implemented": 17,
                "Initial Authorization": 36,
                "Not Authorized": 1,
                "Not Authorized(Refer Back)": 1,
                "Objected": 2,
                "On-Hold": 2,
                "Rejected": 24,
                "Requested": 17
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null

Status and Error Codes

For more information, see Status and Error Messages.