SSO Configuration: User Domain-Based Login

SSO Changes for Managed Service Providers (MSP) - Web application 

In the Summit application, a capability is added to the SSO configuration for MSP customers. 

  • Enables User login with domain based SSO configuration. 

Configure user Domain-based login for MSP

This section contains the list of steps for enabling the user domain-based configuration. 

  • Add the following key <add key="SSO:UserDomainSSOEnabled" value="true"/> in web.config. 

To enable the user Domain-based configuration, perform the following steps: 

  1. Log in to the application. 

  2. Navigate to Admin > SSO Configuration

  3. Click Add New and select from the Configuration Type drop-down list.

    Figure: SSO configuration

  4. Configure SSO with Configuration Type as User Domain. Enter the User Domain as example: 

  5. Click Submit

    Figure: User Domain

  6. Click SHOWLIST to view the list of SSO configurations. The configured detail gets displayed as shown below: 

    Figure: LIST
  7. Browse the SSO Login page and enter your user e-mail. The SSO login page appears as shown below:

    Figure: Configured SSO login page
  • If Domain-based SSO configuration is not found, the user will be redirected to the Form login page. 

  • On any customer instance, either Domain-based or URL-based SSO configuration is only allowed.