Category Configuration

Category Configurations

You can configure Script Category and Workflow Category in Category Configurations screen. Script Category is used while creating a new Script and Workflow Category is used while creating a new Workflow configuration.

Figure: Category Configurations

To configure a new Category

Perform the following steps to configure a new category:

  1. Select Category Configurations. The Category Configurations page is displayed.
  2. To create a new category, select the Category Type.
  3. On the Category Configurations page, specify all the fields to configure a new category. For more information on the fields of Category Configurations page see, Field Description.
  4. Click Save. A new category configuration is configured.

To update an existing Category

Perform the following steps to update an existing category:

  1. Select Category Configurations. The Category Configurations page is displayed.
  2. To update an already existing category, select the category from the category list displayed under Category tab.
  3. On the Category Configurations page, specify all the required fields to update an existing category. For more information on the fields of Category Configurations page see, Field Description.
  4. Click Save. The category configuration is updated.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Category Configurations page:



Category Details

Category Name

Specify the category name.

Category Type

Select the Category for which you want to do the configuration. Available options are as follows:

  • Script Category
  • Workflow Category

By default, pre-defined script categories and workflow categories will be populated.

Parent Category

Search and specify the parent category.


Select Active to display all active categories.


Select Inactive to include inactive categories along with active categories. Inactive categories will be displayed with a red vertical bar prior to category name in the tree view list. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Inactive Category Display