Automation Dashboard
Saranya S (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Automation Dashboard
A Automation dashboard is an information tool that visually tracks, analyses, and displays data to monitor the Orchestration application. It is designed to display the following charts:
- Workflows
- Script Execution Status
- Scripts
- Execution Overview
- Top 5 Workflow Executions
- Top 5 Tenants
- Top 5 Categories
Automation Dashboard will support multi-tenant to serve multiple customers, each one of them being isolated in terms of data. Using the Multi-tenant feature, the Managed Service Providers (MSP) or Global Domain can make sure that the user’s data of one domain is not accessible to another.
Select Automation Dashboard. The Automation Dashboard page is displayed.
Figure: Automation Dashboard
This chart displays the overall execution trend of workflows. It displays the graphical representation of successful and failed workflows. It also displays the count of the total, active and inactive workflows.
Script Execution Status
This chart displays the total number of script executions along with success and failed executions based on the date range selected in the Period drop-down.
It has the following components:
- It displays the graphical representation as well as the count of the total, successful, and failed script executions. By default, it displays the data for the last 7 days.
- Period - Select the date range for which period data should be displayed. A sample screenshot is shown below:
Figure: Period
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the Period pop-up page:
Fields | Description |
Date Period | Displays the following in-built periods to select:
From | Specify the start date of the required date range. |
To | Specify the end date of the required date range. |
Apply | Click Apply to apply the specified date range. |
Clear | Click Clear to clear the specified date range. |
- Script Execution List - It displays the list of the script executions based on the selection (Total, Failed, Successful). By default, the list displays10 entries. Scroll down further to see the next available entries.
- Click on the red colored graphical representation of failed script executions. It displays the list of all failed script executions.
- Click on the red colored graphical representation of failed script executions. It displays the list of all failed script executions.
- Click on the green-colored graphical representation of successful script executions. It displays the list of all successful script executions.
- Click on the graphical representation of the Total script executions. It displays the list of total script executions.
- Click on the green-colored graphical representation of successful script executions. It displays the list of all successful script executions.
A sample screenshot of the Script Execution List is shown below:
Figure: Script Execution List
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the Script Execution List pop-up page:
Field | Description |
SI No. | Displays the serial number of the script executions. |
Ticket ID | Displays the ticket Id. |
Module | Displays the module name. For example - IM (Incident Management), SR (Service Request), etc. |
Workflow | Displays the status of the workflow execution.
Script | Displays the status of the script execution.
Field | Description |
SI No. | Displays the serial number of the script executions. |
Ticket ID | Displays the ticket Id. |
Module | Displays the module name. For example - IM (Incident Management), SR (Service Request), etc. |
Workflow | Displays the status of the workflow execution.
Script | Displays the status of the script execution.
This chart displays the count of the scripts configured. It displays the scripts configured based on one of the following options from the drop-down list:
- By Language
- By Category
- By Status
Execution Overview
Execution Overview has two charts. By Default, previous one year data will be displayed for the Execution Overview chart.
The first chart displays the failure percentage of a specific script. Failure percentage is calculated based on the execution.
The second chart displays the information based on the following filters:
- Module – Select the module from the following options:
- All
- Incident Management
- Service Request
- Work Order
- Work Order Source – Select the work order source.
- Tenant – Select the tenant from the available options.
- Period
- Date Period – Select the duration from the provided options.
- From – Select the start date from the calendar.
- To – Select the end date from the calendar.
Top 5 Workflow Executions
Displays the top five workflow executions based on the number of executions. Click View All to view all workflows.
Top 5 Tenants
Displays the top five tenants based on the number of executions. Click View All to view all tenants.
Top 5 Categories
Displays the top five categories based on the executions. Click View All to view all categories.
Live Feed Pop-up Page
Click on the icon, Live Feed pop-up page is displayed. If the Live Feed button is enabled, then the recent tickets which are created or updated and linked with Orchestration Workflows will be displayed. Once the ticket’s workflow is executed, it will disappear from the Live Feed list after one minute. You can apply the filters based on the provided parameters such as Workflow Name, Scripts Name, Ticket ID, Script Status, and Completed Date. The recent ticket status is pushed automatically to Live Feed. By default, 10 tickets are displayed in the list.
Figure: Live Feed
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the Live Feed pop-up page:
Fields | Description |
All | Displays all the workflow scripts irrespective of its status. |
Success | Displays the scripts with Success execution status. |
Failure | Displays the scripts with Failure execution status. |
Filter Logic | Specify the filter logic with the following operators:
Filter Logic can be modified as per the user’s requirement. You can apply the group conditions using AND or OR operators. |
Apply | Click Apply to apply the specified filter values. |
Clear | Click Clear to clear the specified filter values. |