Feedback Moderation_SRM

The Feedback Moderator can view the Feedback ratings provided by the End User and communicate with the End User to resubmit the rating.

To request Feedback resubmission:

  1. Click Request > User > Feedback Moderation.FEEDBACK MODERATION page is displayed.

    Figure: Feedback Moderation

  2. On the FEEDBACK MODERATION page, click the SR ID to request Feedback resubmission for the Service Request. The Service Request Summary page is displayed.

    Figure: Service Request Summary

  3. On the Summary page, click the Feedback Details tab and select the check box Request For Feedback Resubmission.
  4. Type in the reason for Feedback Resubmission request in the Comments field and click SUBMIT.


    The End User is notified about the Resubmission request. The End User cannot Resubmit the Feedback rating after the configured Resubmission time expires.