Configuring Orchestration
Enterprise IT
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
You can configure the Orchestrations for Incidents, Service Requests (SRs), and Work Orders. In Orchestrations, a condition is defined. If this condition is met, the defined Orchestration Scripts are executed. This does not require any manual intervention from the Analysts and the actions are performed by the Orchestration Scripts if the pre-condition is met.
To configure Orchestration:
- Select Admin > Advanced > Automation > Orchestration .
- On the ORCHESTRATION page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
- Type in the new Orchestration details as described in the following table:
Field | Description |
Name | Type in a name for the Orchestration . |
Module | Select a module for which the Orchestration is applicable. |
Workorder Source | Select the Work Order source from the list. |
Tenant | Select the Tenant for which the Orchestration is applicable. |
Execute When | Select the criteria when the Orchestration should be executed.
Mode | Select the mode of Orchestration , Automatic or Manual. |
Execution Type | The Administrators can configure the Orchestration script execution on the target machine using the following two methods:
Active | Indicates the status of Orchestration .
See Screen Shot
4. Fill in the required details on the Configure Criteria, Configure Actions, and Auto Resolve tabs. For more information about fields on the Configure Criteria, Configure Actions, and Auto Resolve tabs, see Field Description.
5. Click SUBMIT. The Orchestration is configured.
This section describes the fields on the ORCHESTRATION page:
Configure Criteria
You can configure the criteria when the Orchestration should execute under the Configure Criteria tab.
Figure: Step 1 - Configure Criteria tab
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the Configure Criteria tab of the ORCHESTRATION page:
Field | Description |
Status | Select a status. |
Medium | Select the Medium for the Orchestration . |
Workgroup | Select a Workgroup for which the Orchestration is applicable. |
Closure Code | Select the Closure Code for the Orchestration . |
Assigned Executive | Select the assigned Analyst for the Orchestration . |
Caller | Select the caller for the Orchestration . |
Urgency | Select the Urgency for the Orchestration . |
Classification | Select the Classification for the Orchestration . |
Impact | Select the Impact for the Orchestration . |
Category | Select the Category for the Orchestration . |
Priority | Select the Priority for the Orchestration . |
Response SLA | Select the Response SLA for the Orchestration . |
SLA | Select the SLA for the Orchestration . |
Resolution SLA | Select the Response SLA for the Orchestration . |
CI | Select the CI for the Orchestration . |
E-mail Type | Lists the e-mail parser types. Select an e-mail parser type from the list.
Add icon | Click the Add icon to add a new value. |
Key Name | Lists all the Keys added. Select the Key Name from the list. |
Operator | Select an appropriate operator. |
Value | Type in a value for the key. |
Add icon | Click the Add icon to add a new filter value. |
If Work Order is selected in module drop-down, then Urgency, Impact, SLA and Medium fields are disabled, as these are not required for work order configuration in Orchestration. See Screen Shot.
Figure: Configure Criteria tab
Configure Actions
Configure Actions tab enables to configure the actions to be made, if the configured criteria is met.
Figure: Step 2 - Configure Actions tab
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on Configure Actions tab of the ORCHESTRATION page:
Field | Description | |
Execution Order |
| |
Script Type | Select the script type to be executed.
| |
Script Name | Select the name of the script to be executed. The Orchestration Script should be configured first, before you configure the RBA. If Enable License Validation check box is selected on the ORCHESTRATION SCRIPT configuration page, license validation is required for the selected script.
For information about configuring Orchestration Scripts, see Configuring Orchestration Scripts. | |
Protocol | Select the protocol for the script. | |
Target Platform | Select the target platform for the script. The available options are: Asset, CI and Custom Attribute.
| |
CI Type | Select the CI Type to execute the script.
To map with CI:
Figure: CI mapping
| |
Schedule Type | Select a Schedule Type (One Time/Recurring) from the drop-down list to schedule the script execution on the target machine.
Example: If the Retry Interval is 5 mins and the Retry Count is 10, the script is executed on the target machine in every 5 minutes for 10 times in case of failure.
Example: If the Retry Interval is 5 minutes and the Recurring Days field is 2, the script is executed on the target machine in every 5 minutes for 2 days in case of failure. | |
Retry Interval (mins) | Type in the retry interval for the script in minutes. | |
Retry Count | Type in the retry count for the script. In case of failure, the script is executed on the target machine for the specified number of times at the specified interval. | |
Active | If selected, the Orchestration configuration becomes active. | |
Configure Parameters | ||
Parameter | Select the Parameter. | |
Data Source | Select the data source for the parameter.
| |
Fixed Input Value | Type in the Data Field name. | |
Data Value Field | Select the Value Field in the list. | |
SAVE ACTION | Click SAVE ACTION to save the action values. | |
CLEAR | Click CLEAR button to reset the entered values. | |
Edit | Click the Edit button to edit the configured ACTION values. |
Auto Update
Under the Auto Update tab, you can configure how the Incident or Service Request, or the Work Order should be updated based on the orchestration script execution status (success and failure). Once the orchestration script status is successful or failure, the field values for the Incident or Service Request, or the Work Order are updated automatically based on the configuration.
On Success
Select a value from the On Success drop-down to specify how the Incident, Service Request, or Work Order should be updated. Based on the orchestration script execution status (Success), Incident, Service Request, or Work Order status and field values are updated automatically according to the configuration. If Do not update if value already exists check box is selected, the existing field values of the Incident, SR, or Work Order can not be updated by the configured value. If the fields of Incident, SR, or Work Order are empty, it can be updated by the configured value once the script is successfully executed.
Step 3 - Auto Update tab: On Success
On Success
- If Do not update automatically is selected, the Incident, SR, or Work Order status remains same and the field values are not changed on the successful execution of the script.
- If Resolve if all actions are successful is selected, appropriate values for Workgroup, Assigned Analyst, Urgency, Impact, Priority, SLA, Classification, Category, Closure Category, Resolution Code, Closure Code, and Solution should be provided. Once all the actions are successful, the application auto-populates the values for these fields as per this configuration before auto- Resolving the Incident, SR, or Work Order.
- If Resolve if selected actions are successful is selected, appropriate values for Workgroup, Assigned Analyst, Urgency, Impact, Priority, SLA, Classification, Category, Closure Category, Resolution Code, Closure Code, and Solution should be provided. Once all the selected actions are successful, the application auto-populates the values for these fields as per this configuration before auto-Resolving the Incident, SR, or Work Order. In addition to this, you need to also specify the selected levels, where you configure the Action Order, Criteria, and Output Value.
- If Update if all actions are successful is selected, the appropriate value for Status, Analyst, Assigned Analyst, Urgency, Impact, Priority, SLA, Classification, and Category should be provided. Application auto-populates the values for these fields once all the actions are successful.
License Allocation
- Allocate If All Actions Are Successful: If all the scripts are executed successfully on the Incident/Service Request, the license is allocated from the Asset Inventory to the target machines.
- Do Not Allocate: Even though License is selected on the Configuration Actions tab, the license is not allocated to the target machine.
On Failure
Select a value from the On Failure drop-down to specify how the Incident, Service Request, or Work Order should be updated. Based on the orchestration script execution status the Incident, Service Request, or Work Order field values are updated according to the configuration. If Do not update if value already exists check box is selected, the existing field values of the Incident, SR, or Work Order can not be updated by the configured value but empty fields can be updated if any one action fails.
Figure: Step 3 - Auto Update: On Failure
On Failure
- If Do not update automatically is selected, the Incident, SR, or Work Order status remains same and the attributes values are not changed once failure occurs on the execution of the script.
- If Update if any one action fails is selected, appropriate values for Workgroup, Assigned Analyst, Urgency, Impact, Priority, SLA, Classification, Category, Closure Category, Resolution Code, Closure Code, and Solution should be provided. Application auto-populates the field values for these fields as per the configuration once any of the configured action fails.
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the ORCHESTRATION page.
Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Orchestrations.
- To edit an Orchestration, click the Trigger Name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
When the Orchestrations are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Orchestration.
Click Filters to display the FILTERS pop-up page to specify the filter criteria to display the configured Orchestrations. You can specify the Tenant and Module on the FILTERS pop-up page. Click SUBMIT.
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page
Click VIEW LISTS OF INCIDENTS PROCESSED icon to view the incidents that are processed by the execution of Orchestration.
You can View list of Incidents/Service Requests and Script details that are processed by the execution of Orchestration.
To View list of Incidents processed:
Filter Incident/Service Request according to Division > Select the Trigger Name > Click View list of Incidents processed.
Figure: View list of Incidents processed
View Script details of Incidents
To View Script details for Incidents:
Select Incident ID > ORCHESTRATION > Select Script Name.
Figure: Script details of an Incident
View Script details of Service Requests
To View Script details for Incidents:
Select SR ID > ORCHESTRATION > Select Script Name.
Figure: Script details of a Service Request