Configuring Problem Templates

You can configure Problem Templates to auto-log the Problem Records.

To configure Problem Templates:

  1. Select Operations > Configuration > Events > Problem Template.
  2. On the PROBLEM TEMPLATE page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. Click on the Filters icon and select the Tenant. Fill in the other required details. For more information about fields on the PROBLEM TEMPLATE page, see 98763041.
  4. Click SUBMIT. The Problem Template is configured.

    Figure:  PROBLEM TEMPLATE page

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the PROBLEM TEMPLATE page:




Template Name

Type in the name for the Problem Template.

Problem Record Tenant

Lists the configured Tenants. Select a Tenant from the list.


Lists the various Classifications under which the Problem Record can be considered for resolution. To select the Classification, click the Search icon. The Classification pop-up page is displayed. You can use the Expand icon to view the sub?classifications in the Classification tree. Select the Classification that you want to associate with the Problem Record.


Lists the various Categories under which the Problem Record can be considered for resolution. To select the Category, click the Search icon. The Category pop-up page is displayed. You can use the Expand icon to view the Sub-Categories in the Categories tree. Select the Category that you want to associate with the Problem Record.


Specify the name of the initiator for the Problem Template. You can click the Search icon to search the user. For more information, see Searching Users.


Lists the configured Impact values. Select the Impact value for the Problem Template from the list.


Lists the configured Urgencies. Select the Urgency for the Problem Template from the list.


Lists the configured Priorities. Select the Priority for the Problem Template from the list.

Assigned Workgroup

Select the Workgroup with which you want to associate the Problem Template.


Indicates the status of the Problem Template.

  • If selected, the Problem Template is active and is displayed in the Problem Templates list.
  • If not selected, the Problem Template becomes inactive.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the PROBLEM TEMPLATE page. 


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Problem Templates for the selected Tenant.

Figure:  PROBLEM TEMPLATE: List of Problem Templates 

  • To modify a Problem Template, click the configured Template Name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
  • To display the inactive Problem Templates, click the Include Inactive check box.


When the Problem Templates are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Problem Template.