Configuring Asset Usage Type

 The Administrators can configure the Asset Usage types for a Tenant. Based on this configuration, the drop-down values are displayed for the Asset Usage Type while allocating, accepting, and/or updating the asset.

To configure the Asset usage type:

  1. Select Asset > ConfigurationAsset Masters > ASSET USAGE TYPE
  2. On the ASSET USAGE TYPE page, fill in the required detail. 
  3. Click SUBMIT. A new ASSET USAGE TYPE is configured. For more information, see Field description.

    Figure: Asset Usage Type

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the ASSET USAGE TYPE page:



Asset Usage Type

Type in the asset usage type. The asset usage type depicts the purpose of the asset where and how it is used. The following are the examples of the asset usage type:


  • Standby Asset: Stand by assets are the assets that are available for use if the existing asset is not in a position to be used. The standby assets are generally required for very critical process in a company to avoid the production loss.
  • Temporary Asset: The temporary asset is an asset which is used for short span of time to suffice the need.
  • Project Asset: The project Asset is an asset which can only be used by the project to which is belongs.
  • Testing Asset: The testing asset is an asset which is deployed dedicatedly in the QA and test environment for testing purpose.
  • Primary: The primary asset is the main asset which is allocated to the user.
  • Back up: The backup asset is an asset which is available to use after the Primary asset is not in position to be used.
  • Reserved: The reserved asset is an asset which is not frequently used but kept for some specific occasions such as creating customer environment, staging environment etc.
  • Shared: The shared asset is an asset which can be used by multiple user and projects.


Select the Tenant for which you want to configure the Asset Usage type. Based on this configuration, the drop-down values are displayed for the Asset Usage Type while allocating, accepting, and/or updating the asset.

Unique Validation Type

This is a unique value for each asset which is used to validate against selected pointer from the drop-down list.

Based on the selection the application validates the selected asset usage type. The following are the available options:

  • None: If selected, then while allocating, accepting, and/or updating the asset, the application does not validate the asset usage type.
  • By category: If selected, then while allocating, accepting, and/or updating an asset, the application validates that the for the selected Tenant, no asset of the same category is added as selected Asset Usage Type.

    Example: If the Asset Usage Type is selected as Primary Asset, Tenant is selected as IT, and Unique Validation Type is selected as Category, then the application validates that the asset which is being allocated, accepted, and/or updated is not configured as a Primary Asset within the same category (category of the asset which is being allocated, accepted, and/or updated) and IT tenant.
  • By User within Tenant: If selected, then while allocating, accepting, and/or updating an asset, the application validates that the same Asset Usage Type is not already configured within the selected Tenant.

    Example: If the Asset Usage Type is selected as Primary Asset, Tenant is selected as IT, and Unique Validation Type is selected as By User within Tenant, then the application validates that asset which is being allocated, accepted, and/or updated is not already configured as a Primary Asset within the IT tenant.
  •  By User within Across Tenant: If selected, then while allocating, accepting, and/or updating an asset, the application validates that the same Asset Usage Type is not already configured for any Tenant in which the respective End User has access.
    Example: If the Asset Usage Type is selected as Primary Asset, Tenant is selected as IT, and Unique Validation Type is selected as By User within Across Tenant, then the application validates that asset which is being allocated, accepted, and/or updated is not already configured as a Primary Asset for any Tenant in which the respective End User has access.

Is Remarks Mandatory?”

If selected, the Remarks field becomes mandatory while allocating, accepting, and/or updating the asset.


Indicates the status set for Tenant configuration.

  • If selected, the Asset Usage Type configuration becomes active.
  • If not selected, Asset Usage Type configuration becomes inactive.


The Asset Usage Type field is displayed on the ALLOCATE FIXED ASSETS page based on the configuration performed on the Application Setting page.