Configuring Allocation Form Template

You can configure the Allocation Form for Fixed Assets. The user can view or print the allocation form on the Assets by User report.

To configure the Allocation Form Template:

  1. Select Asset > Configuration > Asset Masters > Asset Allocation Template Configuration.

  2. On the ASSET ALLOCATION TEMPLATE CONFIGURATION page, select the Tenant, Category and Store. In the User Allocation Form, fill the required details. For more information, see 228917688.


Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the ASSET ALLOCATION TEMPLATE CONFIGURATION page:




Select the Tenant from the list.


Select the Category from the list.


Select the Store from the LOCATION tree.


Select the Active check box to specify the template as active. If it is not selected, the specified template is inactive and is not enabled for Asset allocation.

User Allocation Form


Specify the Date on which the Asset is allocated to the User.

User Name

Specify the name of the User.

Emp ID

Specify the Employee ID of the User.


Specify the Tenant of the User.

Email ID

Specify the E-mail ID of the User.

Login ID

Specify the Login ID of the User.

Category name

Specify the name of the Asset Category.

Asset ID

Specify the Asset ID of the Asset that is allocated to the User.

Asset Code

Specify the Asset Code.

Asset Location

Specify the location of the Asset where it is allocated to the User.

Allocation Date

Specify the date on which the Asset is allocated to the user.

Allocation Type

Specify the allocation type for the Asset. The following are the available options:

  • Single User: Select this option if the asset is allocated to a single user.
  • Multiple Users: Select this option if the asset is allocated to multiple users.
  • Customer: Select this option if the asset is allocated to any customer.

Allocation Form ID 

Form ID is auto generated after asset is allocated.

If the asset is allocated to a single user i.e., Allocation Type is Single User then the Asset Allocation ID is displayed without any hyphen.

Example: 10001, 1002, 1003, and so on. 

If the asset is allocated to multiple users i.e., Allocation Type is Multiple User then the Asset Allocation ID is displayed followed with hyphenated number.

Example: 10001_1, 1001_2, 1001_3, and so on.

Asset Details

Specify the Asset details along with their description in the table.


Displays the declaration by the User while receiving the Asset. The Declaration contains all the terms and conditions related to the usage of Asset.

IT Engineer Name

Specify the IT Engineer's name who allocated the Asset to the User.

Receiver's Name

Specify the User's name who received the Asset from the IT Engineer.

IT-Engineer Sign & Date

Specify the signature of the IT Engineer along with the date of allocation of the Asset.

Receiver's Sign

Specify the signature of the User who received the Asset from the IT Engineer.


Click the Show HTML hyper link to view the HTML format for the specified Asset Allocation Form. To view the specified text again, click the Show Editor hyperlink.

Electronic Asset Acceptance Terms & Conditions

Specify the terms and condition for assets in the User Allocation Form based on the organization requirement.

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Centre Align

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Right Align

Click the icon to align the text to right.

Insert Ordered List

Click the icon to insert numbering format to the text.

Insert Unordered List

Click the icon to insert bullet format to the text.

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Click the icon to select a color to the font.

Add Image Click the icon to add the image.
Add Link Click the icon to add the link.
Remove Link Click the icon to remove the link.

Allocation Template Details

Displays the list of allocation template details. Click the Category Name hyperlink to modify the respective template details.