AImprovements Related to Asset Deallocation

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Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management (Alps)

What's New?

The following two improvements are made related to Asset Deallocation (see: Deallocating Fixed Assets)

  • Using Asset Codes for Asset Deallocation

The Analysts can now also use the Asset Codes for searching Assets (see: Searching Assets) for Asset Deallocation  (Asset > Users > Manage Assets > Asset inventory > FIXED). For more information about deallocating Fixed Assets, see Deallocating Fixed Assets. This is especially useful for organizations who manage their Asset Inventory using Asset Codes instead of Asset IDs.

  • Provide Additional Details Using Custom Fields While Deallocating Fixed Assets

The Analyts can now update the Custom Attributes while deallocating Fixed Assets (Asset > Users > Manage Assets > Asset inventory > FIXED). For more information about deallocating Fixed Assets, see Deallocating Fixed Assets

Figure: DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page (Added Custom Fields)


On the ACTION ATTRIBUTE CONFIGURATION page (Asset > Configuration> Asset Masters >Action Attribute Configuration) under the DETAILS section, for the Screen to Access drop-down list, a new value, Deallocate Asset is added (see: Configuring Action Attribute).

Figure: ACTION ATTRIBUTE CONFIGURATION Page (Added Deallocate Asset in Screen to Access Drop-down List)
