
Contexts are simple single words that are related to a specific situation, circumstance, concept, etc.

Best Practice

You should use contexts only for the questions and answers, not for replacing slot filling.

Step 1 - Create a context​

To create a context, you have two options:

In the Conversation Studio​

  1. Click the Q&A tab.

  2. Click the button at the top right of the page.

  3. Under Contexts, type the context you want to add.


Don't forget to create your questions and answers.

In the Config File

Best Practice

It's way easier to add a context directly in the Conversation Studio.

  • Create context specific to a bot, create (or edit) this file data/bots/<your_bot>/config/qna.json.

  • Create context specific to all bots, create (or edit) this file data/global/config/qna.json.

Step 2 - Append your Context​

To set a context, let's use the appendContext action and add our new context in the contexts field. You can use comma-separated values to pass multiple contexts.

Then append the name of your new contexts to qnaCategories like so:

  "$schema": "../../../assets/modules/qna/config.schema.json",
  "qnaCategories": "global,monkeys,giraffes"