Configuring Custom Fields for Customers

Configuring Custom Fields for Customers

You can add new Custom Fields using the Form Builder for the Customers. These Custom Fields are displayed under the Custom Tabs (see: Configuring Custom Tabs for Customers).

To configure Custom Fields for Customers:

  1. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder.
  2. Select the Module name as Customer. On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD NEW.
  3. Under the FORM DETAILS tab, select an Tenant from the Tenant list and the tab where you want to display the Custom Fields from the Tab Name list. Click NEXT.

    Figure:  FORM BUILDER page: FORM DETAILS tab

  4. Under the FORM BUILDER tab, you can select the Custom Fields to be displayed on the page. From the left- hand side panel, select the type of field that you want to add from the Simple Controls, Group Templates, Form Templates sections. Drag and drop it in the central section of the page.
  5. Based on the field type selected, the properties are displayed under the PROPERTIES section on the right-hand-side panel. Fill in the required property details.
  6. Click the Plus icon to make a copy of the Custom Field and the Delete icon to remove the Custom Field. You can also change the sequence of the fields by dragging them up and down. For more information about the various types of fields and their properties, see Field Description.
  7. Click SAVE AS TEMPLATE button to save the Form as template. On the Save Form pop-up page, type in the name for the Form in the Form Name text box and click SAVE. The saved Form is available under Form Templates and can be re-used.

    Figure:  Save Form pop-up page

  8. If a Group is selected SAVE GROUP AS TEMPLATE button is displayed. Click the SAVE GROUP AS TEMPLATE button to save the selected Group. On the Save Group pop-up page, type in the name for the Group in the Group Name text box and click SAVE. The saved Group is available under Group Templates and can be re-used. Click NEXT.

    Figure:  Save Group pop-up page

    Figure:  FORM BUILDER page: FORM BUILDER tab

  9. Under the PREVIEW tab you can view the Custom Fields that you added.
  10. Click SAVE. The Custom Fields are configured.

    Figure:  FORM BUILDER page: PREVIEW tab

Field Description

The following table describes the field types and their properties on the FORM BUILDER page under the FORM BUILDER tab:




Click Group to create a group under the tab. Use this to group related fields. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name of the group.
  • Description: Provide a brief description of the field.
  • No. of Columns: Select the number of columns that can be added under the group. You can add maximum of two columns.
  • Multivalued Group: Click Is Multivalued Group to indicate that multiple fields can be added under the group. If this check box is selected, you need to also specify a value for Page Size, Button Text, Is Editable. The Page Size indicates the maximum number of fields allowed on a single page. The Button Text is the visible label or material that is displayed on a button in a graphical user interface (GUI) is referred to as "button text". Is Editable refers to the ability to allow users to edit or change the content of a certain element or field. 

Text/ Text Area

Click Text to create a text box field. Click Text Area to create a text box field that allows more characters compared to text box field. For example, for User Name, use Text and for User Comments, use Text Area. Text and Text Area have the following fields:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the text box or text area.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the text box or text area a mandatory field.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in typing in details in the field.
  • Watermark Text: Type in the watermark text that should appear in the text or text area field if the user does not enter any information in the field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Length Limit: Specify the length of the field by entering values in Min and Max fields.

Check Box

Click Check Box to create a check box field. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the check box.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the check box a mandatory field.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in typing in details in the field.


Click Drop-down to create a drop-down field. Use this field to add an attribute for which the user needs to select from multiple available options. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the check box.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the check box a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Parent: Select the parent for this drop-down list. The values of this drop-down list depends upon the value selected in the Parent drop-down list.
  • Options: Choose the values as per the options listed below. If a Parent drop-down list is selected, select the parent value and the corresponding value in this drop-down list.
    • If the options selected is Common Master, select the Type from the drop-down menu and check the Auto-populate field as required. 
    • If the option selected is Custom Table, check the Auto-populate field as required. 
    • If the option selected is Customer Master, select the Type from the drop down, Domain, Location, Parent Customer and check the Auto-populate field as required.
    • If the option selected is Manual, populate the fields manually as per requirement. 
    • If the option selected is User Master, select the Type from the drop down menu and check Auto-Populate as required. 


Click Date to add a date field. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the date field.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the date field a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in selecting date for this date field.


Click Number to add a number field. For example, Maximum Approvals Required. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the number field.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the number field a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering number values for this field.
  • Minimum/ Maximum: Specify the range of numbers that can be entered in this field by entering values in the Above and Below fields.
  • Integer Only: Select the Only accept integers check box to allow users to enter only integers. Any number without any decimal value is called an integer. For example, 121, 57, 23 are integers. However, 20.1, 56.8, 13.01 are not integers.


Click E-mail to add a field for entering e-mail ids. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the e-mail field.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the e-mail field a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering value for this e-mail field.


Click File to add a field where files can be added. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the file field.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the file field a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering value for this file field.
  • Attachment Limit: Select the required option from the drop-down list. Available options are as follows:
    • Single - If selected then the Attachment field can upload and attach only one file at a time. By default, Single is selected.
    • Multiple - If selected then the Attachment field can upload and attach multiple files at a time. 


Click Price to add a field where prices can be added. For example, Project Cost. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the price field.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the price field a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering price for this field.
  • Units: Type in the unit based on which the price should be calculated, for example, per hour or per piece.


Click Website to add a field where website urls can be added. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the website field.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the website field a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering website url for this field.


Click Search to add a field where user can be searched. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the price field.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the price field a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering price for this field.


Click Label to add a field to label field. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the label field.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering value for this field.


Click Formula to add a field where a formula can be provided. For example, Average Cost. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the price field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering price for this field.
  • Formula: Type in the formula in the following text area.

Multivalued dropdown

Click Multivalued dropdown to add a field where multiple options can be provided. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the check box.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the check box a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Parent: Select the parent for this drop-down list. The values of this drop-down list depends upon the value selected in the Parent drop-down list.
  • Options: Choose the values as per the options listed below. If a Parent drop-down list is selected, select the parent value and the corresponding value in this drop-down list.
    • If the options selected is Common Master, select the Type from the drop-down menu. 
    • If the option selected is Custom Table, a validation message is provided that it is only available for Auto-fill control. 
    • If the option selected is Customer Master, select the Type from the drop-down, Domain, Location, Parent Customer.
    • If the option selected is Manual, populate the fields manually as per requirement. 
    • If the option selected is User Master, select the Type from the drop-down menu. 


Click Autofill to add a field where there is an option to automatically fill the form fields or input fields with previously provided data or suggestions. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the check box.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the check box a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Parent: Select the parent for this drop-down list. The values of this drop-down list depends upon the value selected in the Parent drop-down list.
  • Options: Type in the values that should appear in the drop-down list. If a Parent drop-down list is selected, select the parent value and the corresponding value in this drop-down list.

User Search

Click User Search to add a field where user can be searched. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the user field.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the user field a mandatory field.
  • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
  • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering search item for this field.

Radio Button

Click Radio button to make a single selection from a set of mutually exclusive options. Type in the required values for the following properties:

  • Label: Type in the label name for the check box.
  • Required: Select the Required check box to make the check box a mandatory field.
  • Options: Type in the values that should appear in the drop-down list. If a Parent drop-down list is selected, select the parent value and the corresponding value in this drop-down list.
  • Column: Specify the column from the dropdown menu, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Group Templates

This section displays all the saved Group Templates. Drag and drop a Group Template to add a group of fields to the Form.

Form Templates

This section displays all the saved Form Templates. Drag and drop a Form Template to add a group of fields to the Form.


Consider a custom attribute is configured as a mandatory field for any of the following problem record statuses and Extend to Work Order check box is selected. But the selected status is not applicable for the work order. In this case, the custom attribute is considered mandatory for selected problem record status, and the custom attribute is considered a non-mandatory field throughout the work order life cycle.

  • Pre Authorization
  • Referred back to pre authorizer
  • Initial Authorization
  • Referred back to requestor
  • Root Cause Analysis Submitted
  • Root Cause Analysis Approved
  • Root Cause Analysis Rejected
  • Root Cause Analysis Reviewed
  • Referred back for RCA
  • Testing
  • Closed


If custom attributes are configured in a parent-child relationship, and only for child custom attribute Extend to Work Order check box is selected. In this case, the child custom attribute will not be displayed in the work order. If you want to use custom attributes configured in the parent-child relationship, select Extend to Work Order check box for both parent and child custom attributes.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the FORM BUILDER page. 


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Custom Fields for the selected Tenant.

Figure:  FORM BUILDER page: List of Customer Custom Fields

  • To update a Custom Field, select the respective tab name check box and click the EDIT icon on the ACTIONS panel. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
  • To display the inactive Custom Fields, click the Include Inactive check box.


When the Custom Fields are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Custom Field.


Click EDIT to edit a Custom Field. Select the check box for the tab name whose Custom Fields you want to edit and click the EDIT icon.