Retrieve Service Catalog Details
- Enterprise IT
- Shilpa K (Deactivated)
You can retrieve the details of a Service Catalog using the following API Request with details such as Instance, Category ID, and Catalog Type ID.
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
SR_GetServiceCatalogDetails | POST |
{ "ServiceName": "SR_GetServiceCatalogDetails", "objCommonParameters": { "ServiceRequestPropertyContract": { "CategoryOrCatalog": "CATEGORY", "UserID": "11", "Instance": "IT Tec", "SearchKeyword": "", "EntitledService": false, "OrgID": 1, "CategoryID": 0, "CatalogTypeID": 0 }, "_ProxyDetails": { "AuthType": "APIKEY", "APIKey": "XXXXX", "ProxyID": 0, "OrgID": 1, "ReturnType": "JSON" } } }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
CategoryOrCatalog | STRING | Name of the Category or the Catalog. | TRUE |
UserID | STRING | Unique Identification number of the User. | TRUE |
Instance | STRING | Name of the Instance. For Example: Info | TRUE |
SearchKeyword | STRING | Keyword of the required SR for searching. | FALSE |
EntitledService | BOOLEAN | Is the Catalog entitled with a Service? | TRUE |
OrgID | INTEGER | Unique Identification number of the Organization. | TRUE |
CategoryID | INTEGER | Unique Identification number of the Category. | TRUE |
CatalogTypeID | INTEGER | Unique Identification number of the Catalog Type. | TRUE |
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "Details": { "CatalogDetail": [ { "CategoryID": 35, "Org_ID": 1, "Sup_Function": " Info", "ShortCategoryName": "Approval Type", "CategoryName": "Approval Type", "CategoryDescription": "Testing Types of Approval", "ImageName": null, "Sort_Order": 0, "IsActive": true, "Parent_CategoryID": null, "IsG lobal": false, "AncestorParent_CategoryID": 0, "IsLeafCategory": 1, "CategoryBGColor": null }, { " CategoryID": 33, "Org_ID": 1, "Sup_Function": " Info", "ShortCategoryName": "category1", "CategoryName": "category1", "CategoryDescription ": "", "ImageName": null, "Sort_Order": 0, "IsActive": true, "Parent_CategoryID": null, "IsGlobal":false, "AncestorParent_CategoryID": 0, "IsLeafCategory": 1, "CategoryBGColor": "#d41b1b" } ], "Base Url": "http: //<Customer_URL>/http://<Customer_URL>//v54-sp2- dev-sr-serviceimg-attachments" } } }
Status and Error Codes
For more information, see Status and Error Messages.
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