Creating Recurring Service Requests

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#15967, Service Request Management, Alps)

What's New?

The Analysts can now create recurring Service Requests, where they can view the details of the source Service Request, set the frequency of occurrence for recurring Service Requests, and create a relevant job. Based on the frequency, the recurring SRs are created.

On the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page (Request > User > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List > Select a Service Request from the list of Service Requests), click CREATE RECURRING SRs on the ACTIONS panel. The user is redirected to the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page.


On the FORM BUILDER page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder > Select a preferred Tenant > Select Module as Service Catalog Management > From the Tree View list select a preferred Service Catalog > Navigate to the DEFAULT SERVICE REQUEST VALUE section of the ADDITIONAL INFO tab), select the check box, Enable Recurring Service Requests, to allow the Analysts to create Recurring SRs.


  • The attachments from the source Service Request are not copied to the Recurring SR(s).
  • The Recurring SR(s) are not created if the Enable Service Validity check box is selected under the DEFAULT SERVICE REQUEST VALUE section of the ADDITIONAL INFO tab present on the FORM BUILDER page.
  • If any new field is added/updated in the Service Catalog after the source SR is created, the newly added/updated fields are displayed as inactive in the Recurring SR(s) with blank values.
