E-mail Notifications for Knowledge Record Actions 1

E-mail Notifications for Knowledge Record Actions

In the Knowledge Management module, for each action on a Knowledge Record, such as Knowledge Record Creation, Authorization, Approval, Publishing, Refer Back, Status Change, and Update, notification e-mails are sent.

These notification e-mails are sent based on the Notification Templates configured on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template > Select a Tenant and Module as Knowledge Management).

The e-mail notifications are stored in the Queue Table and sent to the respective users when Send Mails For Summit job is executed.

E-mail Notifications

The following table displays the recipients who receive notifications based on the various actions performed on the Knowledge Records:

Table 1: E-mail Notifications for a Knowledge Record where the Workgroup is Selected

#ActionMail ToMail Subject
1.New Knowledge Record CreatedAuthorKnowledge Record added.
AuthorizerNew Knowledge Record Added - Authorize
2.Knowledge Record Authorized by the AuthorizerAuthor and AuthorizerThe status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Authorized.
Approver(s)The Knowledge Record is Authorized.
3.Knowledge Record Not Authorized by the AuthorizerAuthor and AuthorizerThe status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Not Authorized.
4.Knowledge Record Referred Back to Author by the AuthorizerAuthorKnowledge Record is referred back.
5.Knowledge Record Approved by the ApproverAuthor and ApproverThe status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Approved.
Publisher(s)The Knowledge Record is Approved.
6.Knowledge Record Rejected by the ApproverAuthor and ApproverThe status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Rejected.
7.Knowledge Record Referred Back to Author by the ApproverAuthor and AuthorizerKnowledge Record is referred back.
8.Knowledge Record Referred Back to Authorizer by the ApproverAuthorizerKnowledge Record is referred back.
9.Knowledge Record Published by the PublisherAuthor and PublisherThe status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Published
Selected Workgroup AnalystsThe Knowledge Record is Published.
10.Knowledge Record Referred Back to Author by the PublisherAuthorKnowledge Record is referred back.
Publisher(s)Knowledge Record is referred back.
11.Knowledge Record Referred Back to Authorizer by the PublisherAuthorizerKnowledge Record is referred back.
Publisher(s)Knowledge Record is referred back to previous level.
12.Knowledge Record Referred Back to Approver by the PublisherApprover(s)Knowledge Record is referred back.
Publisher(s)Knowledge Record is referred back to previous level.
13.Knowledge Record updated to Maintenance Author and Analyst who update the Knowledge Record.

The status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Maintenance.

Selected Workgroup AnalystsThe Knowledge Record is in maintenance.

Table 2: E-mail Notifications for a Knowledge Record where no Workgroup is Selected



Mail To

Mail Subject


New Knowledge Record Created


Knowledge Record added.

Authorizer (selected owner)

New Knowledge Record Added - Authorize


Knowledge Record Authorized by the Authorizer

Author and Authorizer

The status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Authorized.


The Knowledge Record is Authorized.


Knowledge Record Not Authorized by the Authorizer

Author and Authorizer

The status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Not Authorized.


Knowledge Record Referred Back to Author by the Authorizer


Knowledge Record is referred back.


Knowledge Record Approved by the Approver

Author and Approver

The status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Approved.


The Knowledge Record is Approved.


Knowledge Record Rejected by the Approver

Author and Approver

The status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Rejected.


Knowledge Record Referred Back to Author by the Approver

Author and Authorizer

Knowledge Record is referred back.


Knowledge Record Referred Back to Authorizer by the Approver


Knowledge Record is referred back.


Knowledge Record Published by the Publisher

Author and Publisher

The status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Published.

Analysts having access to at least one Workgroup of the selected Tenant.

The Knowledge Record is Published.


Knowledge Record Referred Back to Author by the Publisher


Knowledge Record is referred back.


Knowledge Record is referred back.


Knowledge Record Referred Back to Authorizer by the Publisher


Knowledge Record is referred back.


Knowledge Record is referred back to previous level.


Knowledge Record Referred Back to Approver by the Publisher


Knowledge Record is referred back.


Knowledge Record is referred back to previous level.


Knowledge Record updated to Maintenance

Author and Analyst who updates the record.

The status of the Knowledge Record is changed to Maintenance.

Analysts having access to at least one Workgroup of the selected Tenant.

The Knowledge Record is in maintenance.


If there is no Workgroup defined for a Knowledge Record, while Publishing the KR or moving it to Maintenance status, the e-mail notifications are sent to all the Analysts who belong to the Workgroups of the selected Tenant.

Creating Knowledge Records With No Selected Workgroup

To create a Knowledge Record without selecting any Workgroup, see Adding Knowledge Records. Follow all the steps. Ensure that no Workgroup is selected.


 See example

The following example explains to whom the notification e-mails are triggered when a KR, with no Workgroup defined, is published or moved to the Maintenance status:


Let's consider a Department (Support) has two Workgroups: Application Support and CRM Support.

  • Workgroup Application Support has two Analysts, James and David.
  • Workgroup CRM Support has one Analyst, Charles.

See the following illustration:

Figure: Illustration

E-mail Notifications

The e-mail notifications are sent as per69272111. Since, no Workgoup is selected for the Knowledge Record, when the Knowledge Record is published or moved to Maintenance status, all the Analysts, in this case, James, David, and Charles receive the e-mail notifications.