API Key Based Authentication

API Key Based Authentication

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Service Request Management (Denali HF02)

What's New?

Now, the following APIs are provided with the API Key based authentication:

  • IM_LogUserIncident
  • IM_GetCallerIncident
  • IM_GetCallerDetails

For the APIs that are authenticated using API Key, the Request must contain the following parameters and values:

 "AuthType": "APIKEY",


To generate an API Key:

  1. Log into the SummitAI application.
  2. Select AdminBasicUsers > User List. The USER LIST page is displayed.
  3. Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS. The NEW USER page is displayed.
  4. Select the Domain and specify the User Name.
  5. On the General tab, specify all the required details.
  6. On the Access tab, select the Login Type as API Key.
  7. The API Key of the selected Domain is picked up by the Application by default.
  8. Specify the API Key Expiry
  9. Select the Role Template from the list.
  10. Click SUBMIT.