SummitAI Sierra SP1 HF01 Release Notes

On this page: 

What's New?

Service Management

Reviewing Knowledge Records

The Knowledge Record author can send the drafted KR for review. The author can configure the list of reviewers (Workgroup Authors) to review/edit the drafted KR.

IT Operations Management

Discovering and Monitoring Access Points through Wireless LAN Controller Device

Now, a larger number of Access Points can be discovered and monitored through a Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) device.


CINDE Enhancements 1 (AI for ITSM)

The following enhancements are made for CINDE:

  • Live Agent Transfer Support on Multiple Channels
  • CINDE UI Enhancements

Category-Alert Configuration Enhancement (Asset Management)

Now, the Analysts can configure multiple number of days for setting the alert notifications for the Contract expiry.

Adding or Updating Software Assets With Zero (0) Quantity (Asset Management)

Now, new Software Assets can be added, or existing Software Assets can be updated with Zero(0)quantity. Earlier, a minimum of 1 quantity was required to add any Software Asset.

Searching Catalogs for Packages (Service Management)

The End Users can now search for Catalogs where they need to browse through multiple Catalogs or Packages while raising a new Service Request.

Notifying Sub Workgroup Analysts about Incident Status 1 (Service Management)

Now, all the Sub Workgroup Analysts also receive e-mail notifications when the Sub Workgroup field is selected by an Analyst while raising Incidents or updating the Incident details.

Leave Notification Enhancements (Platform)

Now, while applying for leaves, the Analysts can also specify the time along with the date. The Reporting Managers can also apply leaves on behalf of the Analysts.

Enabling User ID and Password Based Authentication (Platform)

Now, the authentication method for the above-mentioned Web Services can be changed from Token-based API authentication to the User id and Password-based authentication.