SummitAI Sierra SP1 HF07 Release Notes

On this page: 

What's New?

Improvements on Task List Page

Now, the CR ID column is added on the TASK LIST page. This enables users to view the CR ID associated with the tasks in both Tabular and Tile view.

API Key Based Authentication 1

Now, the following APIs are provided with the API Key based authentication:

  • IM_LogUserIncident
  • IM_GetCallerIncident
  • IM_GetCallerDetails


Default Incident Management and Service Request options on Archival Page (Platform)

Now, by default on the ARCHIVAL page,the Incident and Service Request options are displayed in the Module drop-down list.

Improved User Data Management (Platform)

Codes are optimized to improve the User Data management in the SummitAI Web application.