Category-Alert Configuration Enhancement

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Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management (Sierra SP1 HF01)

What's New?

Now, the Analysts can configure multiple number of days for setting the alert notifications for the Contract expiry. This helps in reducing the effort required for multiple configurations for the same Category-Role mapping.

For example, if the Analyst wants to set notifications for 3, 5, and 7 days before Contract expiry, they can set it with one configuration instead of setting the configuration 3 times.

The multiple number of days can be configured in the Alert in Advance (In Days) field on the CATEGORY-ALERT CONFIGURATION pop-up page separated by a comma.


Comma separated multiple values can be added in the Alert in Advance (In Days) field while adding new Category-Role mapping configurations, but not for updating the older Contract-Alert configurations. For the older Contract-Alert configuration, a single value of up to 999 is allowed.


Let’s say, a Category-Alert configuration is set for the FiltersContract Tenant where Category is Category 01, Role is SME Manager, and Alert in Advance (In Days) is set as 2,4,6,8. Based on the set criteria, notifications are sent 8 days, 6 days, 4 days, and 2 days before the Contract expiry.




The Analysts cannot repeat days while adding multiple days in the configurations.


Let’s say a Category-Alert configuration is set for FiltersContract Tenant where, Category is Category 01, Role is SME Manager, and Alert in Advance (In Days) is 2,4,6,8. If the Analyst is trying to add one more configuration for the same set of Tenant, Category, and Role, with values 2,4,10, 12 in the Alert in Advance (In Days) field, the Application displays a validation message, “The specified value <2,4 > in Alert In Advance (In days) field are already configured for the selected Category-Role mapping. Activate the configuration if it is in inactive status.

Validation message for duplicate configuration
Figure: Validation message for duplicate configuration