Tenant Based Self Service Portal

Tenant Based Self Service Portal

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Denali SP1)

What's New?

A new Tenant Based Self Service Portal is available to the End Users, where the dashboards are available as tabs based on the Tenants and the Theme configuration. Using these tabs, the End User can switch between the Dashboards of different Tenants and interact with the dashboard based on the business requirements.


The tabs are available on the End User Dashboard page based on the below configurations:

  • End User with the Tenant access.
  • Tenant with the configured Theme.
  • Tenant that is configured with the Enable New Dashboard checkbox on the Theme Configuration page.

For example:

Consider there are four configured Tenants (IT, HR, Finance, and Marketing). But, the End User has access to only three tenants (IT, HR, Finance) based on the Role Template configuration. Then, only the 3 tabs (IT, HR, Finance) are available on the Self Service Portal.  

By default:

  • The theme that is configured to the Tenant is applied to the Dashboard.
  • The name of the tab is the name of the theme that is configured for that Tenant.

If the user selects the different tab on the Dashboard, based on the selected Tab, the Tenant and theme gets displayed when the user accesses the Application pages.


To enable the Tenant Based Self Service Portal feature, the Admin must enable the Enable End User Dashboard Tabs for Themes checkbox on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information, see Configuring Application Settings.

UI Changes

  • New tabs are available to switch between the Dashboards of different Tenants and Theme configuration on the End User Dashboard page.

    End User Dashboard Page
    Figure: End User Dashboard Page

  • A new Enable End User Dashboard Tabs for Themes checkbox is added on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page. Enable the Enable End User Dashboard Tabs for Themes checkbox to make the Tenant Based Self Service Portal feature available to the users. For more information, see Configuring Application Settings.


  • A new CONFIGURE TABS section is added on the THEME CONFIGURATIONS page. For more information, see Configuring Themes.



  • To navigate to APPLICATION SETTINGS page, select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings > Select Enable End User Dashboard Tabs for Themes checkbox > Click SUBMIT.
  • To configure the Tabs on Dashboard page, navigate to THEME CONFIGURATIONS page, select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Theme Configurations > Select End User Dashboard from the left panel > Configure the Tabs under CONFIGURE TAB section > Click SUBMIT .