Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues Alps SP1 HF07

Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues Alps SP1 HF07


Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues

Customer Fixed Issues

This section describes the issues reported by the customers and their fixes in ALPS SP1 HF07. The bug fixes for the bugs found in the following versions are also merged with this release. Please refer to the respective Release Notes for details.

  • 5.7 SP5 HF10 (#64343, #64684, #63604, #65064, #65064, #65048, #62755, #65171, #63993, #63596, #63597, #63600, and #51245)





The user with access to a certain .exe file was able to access the version of the same Application that was restricted while configuring the Application control.

This issue was occurring when the Application was executed from the shared/network folder. The Application controller was not able to extract the file properties. Hence, the user was able to access the version of the Application that was restricted using Application Controller.

Now, the Application Controller can extract the file properties of the Application that is executed from the shared or network folder.

So, the user with access to a .exe file cannot access the version of the same Application which is restricted in the Application Controller.


Model Number for the MAC agent was not getting captured on the Hardware Discovery tab of ASSET DETAILS page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset Management.
  3. On the REPORTS drop-down select Agent Online Status Report.
  4. On the AGENT ONLINE STATUS REPORT page, specify Filters and click SUBMIT.
  5. Make sure the System Type is MAC agent on the AGENT ONLINE STATUS section.
  6. On the AGENT ONLINE STATUS tab, select and open to get the Asset details.
  7. On the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page, select Hardware Discovery tab.
  8. Check the Model Number field, no value is displayed.

Now, the Model Number for the MAC agent is getting captured on the Hardware Discovery tab of ASSET DETAILS page.


Improper asset details are displayed in the “Reminder to Accept Allocated Asset” email. It is observed in the Reminder to Accept Allocated Asset email triggered to the end-user, that the host name, make and model fields are inhibiting the values from the previous fields if the fields are blank.


  1. Configure one asset category (laptop) with serial no, host name, make, and model. 
  2. Configure one more asset category (desktop) with only with serial no.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Allocate an asset to user for Asset Category Laptop.
  3. Allocate an asset to user for Asset Category Desktop.
  4. Initiate a job "Reminder to Accept Asset" and verify the mail triggered to allocated user.

Now, no improper asset details are displayed in the "Reminder to Accept Allocated Asset" email.


ADD TO CART option was getting displayed on the New Service Request page when an SR was being raised from the User dashboard page even though ENABLE CART checkbox was unchecked on the Tenant page.


  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT page, specify the Filters and click SUBMIT.
  4. On the TENANT page, select a Tenant and click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  5. Under the MODULES, select SERVICE REQUEST.
  6. Uncheck the ENABLE CART checkbox under For End Users section.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select User dashboard. Type in a Catalog name in the Log Issue/Request field and select catalog from the result.
  3. Check the details on the New Service Request page, ADD TO CART option is getting displayed.

Now, ADD TO CART option is not getting displayed on the New Service Request page when ENABLE CART checkbox is unchecked on the Tenant page.


After submitting the Validity period value under the ACHIEVEMENTS tab of the GAMIFICATION page, the selected validity period value was not displayed in the Period field.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application and select Admin.
  2. Select Advanced > Productivity > Gamification.
  3. Under ACHIEVEMENTS tab, select Validity as Period.
  4. Select a Period value and click SUBMIT.
  5. The Period value is displayed as blank.

Now, the Period value under the ACHIEVEMENTS tab of the GAMIFICATION page is displaying the correct value.


A pop-up message, “The Service name already exists!”, was displayed, whenever a user tried to add a new Service in the CMDB. This issue was occurring, because, for example, if the user created a Service as “ABC”, and then tried to create one more Service as “AB.” The Application was interpreting the name “AB” same as  “ABC” since the word “AB” is present in “ABC.”

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application and click CMDB.
  2. Select User > Services.
  3. Click ADD NEW and add a new Service, let’s say ABC. Click SUBMIT.
  4. Click ADD NEW to add a new Service let’s say AB.
  5. A validation message is displayed, “The Service name already exists!”

Now, Services can be added in the CMDB without any error


The Daily Incident Report was not showing all Incidents when it was exported to excel using EXPORT TO EXCEL or EXPORT ALL option. This issue was occurring when the report included an Incident which contained <% symbols together in the Solution field. Hence, excel sheet was considering <% characters as skip tag. And all the subsequent Incident records were skipped and not exported into the excel.

Bug Reproduction Step:

  1. Log into the Application as an End User.
  2. Select Incident > User > New Incident.
  3. Select a Tenant, provide data in all the mandatory fields, and click SUBMIT.
  4. Log into the Application as an Analyst.
  5. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List.
  6. Click on the same Incident ID that you have created.
  7. Move the Incident to Resolved status and provide solution comment with <% characters in the Solution field. Click SUBMIT.
  8. Select Report > Incident Management.
  9. On the REPORTS drop-down, search and open the Daily Incident Report.
  10. Click Filters icon on the ACTIONS panel, select the same Tenant for which the above Incident is resolved. Click SUBMIT.
  11. Click the EXPORT TO EXCEL or EXPORT ALL icon on the ACTIONS panel, the Daily Incident Report gets downloaded.
  12. Open the downloaded excel report and check the Incident details, incidents that are falling after the specific incident to which <% in mentioned is the Solution, are not exported to excel.

Now, the Daily Incident Report shows the record of all Incidents when it is exported to excel using EXPORT TO EXCEL or EXPORT ALL option.


While raising Change Requests using Change Request templates, the Business and Operational Risk field values were displaying random values.


Make sure there is a Change Record template for the Tenant.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application and click Change.
  2. Select User > New Change Record.
  3. On the ACTIONS panel, click IMPORT TEMPLATE.
  4. Select a Template.
  5. After selecting the template, the Business and Operational Risk field display random values.

Now, no random values are displayed in the Business and Operational Risk fields of the Change Request while creating a Change Request using a Change Request template. The user can define the values as per the requirements.


The HARDWARE VARIANCE DETAILS was showing the HDD data different from the actual Inventory data. This issue was occurring as the decimal value of the HDD was not rounding up to the next integer value on the HARDWARE VARIANCE DETAILS tab.

Example: If the HDD capacity was discovered as 200.51 GB, then the HARDWARE VARIANCE DETAILS was showing the HDD capacity as 200 GB only.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Variance > New discovery.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant and specify the details. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the NEW DISCOVERY page, select check box corresponding to the Asset category (Server or Desktop, etc.). Click IMPORT.
  5. Specify the Category, Mapping, and Allocation details. Click SUBMIT.
  6. Select Asset > Configuration Mapping > CMDB Mapping.
  7. On the CMDB MAPPING page, select a Tenant, Category, and Classification. Click SUBMIT.
  8. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  9. On the ASSET INVENTORY page, select FIXED option and select the same category on the FIXED ASSET page. Click SUBMIT.
  10. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select CMDB Export in the Status field and specify the other details. Click SUBMIT.
  11. On the FIXED ASSET page, select the Asset ID and click EXPORT TO CMDB.
  12. On the CMDB EXPORT page, specify the required details and click SUBMIT.
  13. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Custom Scheduler.
  14. On the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page, configure the CI Variance AutoUpdate job.


    Make sure that the CI Variance AutoUpdate job is executed successfully before you open CI details.

  15. Select CMDB > User > Configuration Item List.
  16. On the CONFIGURATION ITEM LIST select a CI.
  17. On the CI Details page, click HARDWARE VARIANCE on the ACTIONS panel.
  18. Verify the HDD details on the HARDWARE VARIANCE DETAILS pop-up page. HDD value is less than the Inventory.

Now, the decimal value is rounded up to the next integer value and displayed accordingly.

Example: If the HDD capacity is discovered as 200.51 GB, it is rounded up to 201 and displayed on the HARDWARE VARIANCE DETAILS tab.


After executing the CI Variance AutoUpdate job, the RAM and HDD sizes that were getting captured on the DESKTOP or SERVER tab of the CI record was not matching with actual Asset details.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Variance > New discovery.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant and specify the details. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the NEW DISCOVERY page, select checkbox corresponding to the Asset category (Server or Desktop, etc.). Click IMPORT.
  5. Specify the Category, Mapping, and Allocation details. Click SUBMIT.
  6. Select Asset > Configuration Mapping > CMDB Mapping.
  7. On the CMDB MAPPING page, select a Tenant, Category, and Classification. Click SUBMIT.
  8. Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  9. On the ASSET INVENTORY page, select FIXED option and select the same Category on the FIXED ASSET page. Click SUBMIT.
  10. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select CMDB Export in the Status field and specify the other details. Click SUBMIT.
  11. On the FIXED ASSET page, select the Asset ID and click EXPORT TO CMDB.
  12. On the CMDB EXPORT page, specify the required details and click SUBMIT.
  13. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Custom Scheduler.
  14. On the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page, configure the CI Variance AutoUpdate job.


    Make sure that CI Variance AutoUpdate job is executed successfully before you open CI details.

  15. Select CMDB > User > Configuration Item List.
  16. On the CONFIGURATION ITEM LIST, select a CI.
  17. On the CI Details page, click DESKTOP or SERVER tab and verify the RAM and HDD size. RAM and HDD sizes are less than the Inventory details.

Now, after executing the CI Variance AutoUpdate job, the RAM and HDD sizes that were getting captured on the DESKTOP or SERVER tab of the CI record are matching with actual Asset details.


While consuming the GetAllMyWkgWorkorders API method to fetch the Work Orders for a specific date range, the incorrect syntax error message was displayed.

This issue occurred if the user’s time zone value was in negative as after converting the minus time zone value, the minus symbol was preceded by another minus symbol of the precedented dynamic query, e.g. <dynamic query - - time zone value>. So, the system was considering the double minus symbols as a comment within the SQL statement.

Now, while consuming the GetAllMyWkgWorkorders API method, the Work Orders for the specific date range are displayed without any error message even though the user’s time zone value is in negative.


On the ANALYST DASHBOARD page, the Response SLA Performance and Resolution SLA Performance widgets were overlapping on the Incident SLA Summary and Service Request SLA Summary graph. This issue occurred due to the incorrect width of the widget and the screen resolution.

Bug Reproduction Step:

  1. Log into the Application.
  3. Scroll down and check the Service Request SLA Summary and Incident SLA Summary graphs.

The respective CSS is modified. Now, the widgets are not overlapping on each other.


The attachments uploaded while creating or updating a Service Request from the Web Application was not getting downloaded using Summit_GetAttachmentForControl API.

This issue occurred as UID was getting saved from table SR_ServiceTicket_Details in the SR_Dynamic_Attachment table instead of SR number while raising new SR with an Attachment.

Now, the Summit_GetAttachmentForControl API method is modified to fetch and pass the UID of the SR number to download the attachment.

To get the UID based on the TicketNo, the AttributeID, and AttachmentName are passed in the Summit_GetAttachmentForControl API method, and the same is passed in TicketID to get the attachment.


To invoke API, RequestType value should be passed as Blank or empty.

The Log Time value on the TASK ID page displayed the script created date and time as default instead of the task creation date and time.


Make sure that scripting has done on the TASK ID page.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Change > User > Change Record List.
  3. On the CHANGE RECORD LIST page, select and open a Change Record.
  4. On the CHANGE RECORD DETAILS page, click the Relationship tab.
  5. Click Create and Select Task from the drop-down list.
  6. The Log Time field displayed the script created date and time as default instead of the task creation date and time.

Now, the Log Time field displays the actual task creation date and time even if scripting performed.

Known Issues

This section describes the known issues detected by the SummitAI Dev and QA team in the release, Alps SP1 HF07.


On the END USER DASHBOARD page, the search results are not displaying while searching with the configured Applicable User Type name of a Catalog.


The Username, E-mail ID, Emp Id, and values for few of the columns are not displayed in the columns under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page when the Checker refers back Assets of Deallocation Transaction type.(#67805)


  1. Make sure that the Asset is allocated to Single User with Maker-checker.
  2. Make sure that the Asset is sent for Deallocation and Checker refers back the Asset.

Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log into the Application.
  2. Select Reports > Asset >Maker-checker Dashboard.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select a Tenant, Location, and specify Referred Back in the Status. Click SUBMIT.
  4. On the MAKER-CHECKER DASHBOARD page, click Deallocated count hyperlink.

Check the Username and E-mail ID for the Asset. The Username, Email ID, Emp id and values for few of the columns are not displaying under the DEALLOCATED ASSETS section on the ASSET DETAILS pop-up page

On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848).

Required configuration:

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant.
  3. On the TENANT LIST page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the TENANT page, click CONFIGURE DETAILS under ACTIONS panel.
  6. Select Enable Maker-Checker check box.

 Bug Reproduction Steps:

  1. Select Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
  3. On the FIXED ASSET page, select a Tenant.
  4. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select Referred Back in the Checker Status drop-down list. Only the added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed.

On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.

Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings).

Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo.

On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA ReasonResolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields.

The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:

  • When a user downloads the report (in any format), the data is displayed with hyperlinks.
  • When a user places the mouse cursor on the count link, the tooltip is displayed as [Object Object].
  • In the exported report, report name is displayed with '+' instead of space.

The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured.

Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again).

The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services.

The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress.

The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (AdminAdvancedNotificationNotification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT).