End User Dashboard Search Enhancements 1

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Denali SP1 HF01)

What's New?

Now, the users can search for a combination of keywords using basic operators (AND, OR, Quotes, Parenthesis, and Asterisk), to produce more accurate and more relevant results for the specified keywords . Also, now the keywords in the search results are in bold and highlighted.

Figure: End User Dashboard 


The operators (AND, OR, and NOT), as well as the stop words available in the search results, are not in bold and highlighted (Refer the above screenshot).

By default, all the search results are displayed under the All Tab. Click the respective tabs (Knowledge BaseIncident, and Request) to view module-wise search results. Also, now each tab displays the count of the records.

Figure: End User Dashboard - Knowledge Base tab


If there is no record for a tab, then that tab will be grayed out (See Screenshot).

Click  icon to view Search Tips pop-up page.