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SummitAI Service Management Help

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titleIncident Management

Incident Management 1

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Audit Flow

Audit Log 1

Auto Complete Assistance

Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT)

First Call Resolution (FCR)

Incident Vs. Problem

Incident Status

Major Incidents

Monitoring SLA

Parent and Child Incidents

Parent and Child Relationship

Remote Desktop

Response Time Vs. Resolution Time

SLA, OLA, and UC

Templates and Rules

Work Orders

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titleEnd Users

End Users

End User Dashboard

Logging Incidents

Viewing My Incidents List

Viewing/Updating My Incidents

Chatting with Analysts


Logging Incident for an Asset

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Analyst Dashboard

Logging Incidents for Users 1

Viewing and Updating My Workgroup Incidents 1

Viewing and Updating Incident Details 1

Sending E-mails 1

Remote Desktop Sharing 1

Feedback Moderation 1

Managing My Incidents 1

Work Orders 1

Creating Work Orders

Viewing and Updating Work Orders 1

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Configuring Incident Management Module 1

Configuring Custom Fields for Incident Management 1

Configuring Category Incident Management 1

Configuring Closure Codes

Configuring Classification

Configuring Priority

Configuring Impact

Configuring Urgency

Configuring SLA Matrix

Configuring SLA Matrix By CI

Configuring Resolution Codes

Configuring ETR E-mail Notifications 1

Configuring Incident E-mail Notifications 1

Configuring Auto Work Orders 1

Configuring SLA Service Windows

Configuring Workgroup SLA Window

Configuring Pending Reasons 1

Configuring Priority Matrix

Configuring User Types

Configuring Checklist

Configuring Major Incidents 1

Configuring Cost

Configuring Rules

Configuring Information Ticker 1

Configuring SMS Notification

Configuring Voice Call Notifications

Configuring Log Incident Page 1

Mapping Standard Operational Procedures

Configuring Feedback 1

Configuring End User Incident Details Page 1

Configuring Incident Evaluator

TFS-SUMMIT Integration

Configuring TFS Project

Configuring Work Item Fields

Mapping Field Values

Configuring Mapping Profile

Configuring TFS Profile Mapping

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Viewing Reports

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You can view the list of Incidents logged for you. Also, the user can view, cancel, escalate, edit, and update the Additional Information section of the Incidents logged by other user who are mapped to the Customer(s) and Location(s) selected under the Access tab. For more information, see Adding User.

To view the list of Incidents:

  1. On the USER DASHBOARD page (Dashboard menu), click OPEN INCIDENTS under INCIDENT. Alternatively, select Incident > User > My Incidents.
  2. On the MY INCIDENTS page, you can view the list of Incidents logged for you (Tile view or Tabular view). You can view basic details about Incidents, such as Incident ID, Incident logging date and time, the name of the user who logged the Incident, the Workgroup and assigned Analyst, the Priority, and the status. 


    The flags indicate the age of the Incidents. The color codes indicate the Priority. An asterisk icon next to the caller's name indicates that the caller is a VIP User. 

  • The flags indicate the age of the Incidents as per the following table:



Indicates that the incident is opened for 0-2 days.

Indicates that the incident is opened for 2-5 days.

Indicates that the incident is opened for 5-10 days.

Indicates that the incident is opened for more than10 days.

    • The color codes are as per the Priority of the Incidents. The Priority and the color code associated with it can be configured by the Administrators. For example, as per the following screen shot, the orange color code indicates S1 Priority Incidents.

MY INCIDENTS page (Tile view)
Figure: MY INCIDENTS page (Tile view)

Figure: MY INCIDENTS page (Tabular view)


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the MY INCIDENTS page.


Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the Incidents. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Specify the filters and click SUBMIT.

FILTERS pop-up page
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS page:




Select the Tenant from the list.


Select the status of the Incident from the list.

Incident ID

Type in the range of Incident IDs to be displayed in the From and To fields.

Log Time

Specify the range of log time in the From and To fields to display the Incidents logged during that period.

View Other User's Incidents

Select this check box to view other user's Incidents matching the filter criteria. This checkbox is displayed only when it is enabled on the Adding Users page. The following two fields are displayed upon selecting this checkbox:

  • Customer: Select the customer(s) from the list. In addition to the own incidents, the user can view the incidents logged by other users who are mapped to the selected customer(s) in this field.
  • Location: Select the location(s) from the list. In addition to the own incidents, the user can view the incidents logged by other users who are mapped to the selected location(s) in this field.

View Follow-up Incident

Select this check box to view the Incidents for whom the Incident Follow-up is enabled.


Click CONFIGURE COLUMNS to customize the columns on the page, see: Personalizing Pages.


Click NEW INCIDENT to log a new Incident. See: Logging Incidents


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