JavaScript Validations

JavaScript Validations

CINDE supports the JavaScript validations that are configured for Catalogs in the SummitAI application. Using JavaScript support, the fields of the Catalog can be enabled, disabled, and pre-filled. Based on the data provided in the text fields, the validation messages are pop-up in the SummitAI application. The same concept is applied in the CINDE in a conversational way.

When a user asked CINDE for a catalog that is configured with the JavaScript, the fields configured in the catalog are displayed as questions. Based on the provided information, the JavaScripts are executed and CINDE responds accordingly with the subsequent questions. The pop-up validation messages displayed in the SummitAI application are displayed as instructions in CINDE for the user.

To Configure the JavaScript Validations:

  1. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder.
  2. Select the Tenant and specify the Module.
  3. Select the required Department and the Catalog.
  4. Under the ADDITIONAL INFO tab, click the validate controls icon.
  5. On the VALIDATE CONTROLS pop-up page, click ADD icon to specify the Rules.
  6. Click NEXT to view the ACTIONS tab.
  7. Select the Script Type as Manually Add Script.
  8. Under the Manual Script field, add JavaScript which is to be applied to the catalog.
  9. Click SAVE.

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