Audit Log
- Enterprise IT
- Shilpa K (Deactivated)
- Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
- Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
SummitAI Service Management Help
Configuring Incident Management Module
Configuring Custom Fields for Incident Management
Configuring Category Incident Management
Configuring ETR E-mail Notifications
Configuring Incident E-mail Notifications
Configuring SLA Service Windows
Configuring Workgroup SLA Window
Configuring Information Ticker
Configuring Voice Call Notifications
Mapping Standard Operational Procedures
Configuring End User Incident Details Page
What is Audit Log?
The Audit Log records the details of the changes made by Administrators in the application. The tracking of these changes is important to troubleshoot a problem or to keep a record of important changes. The changes done in each module are tracked and recorded, and a mail notification is triggered to the configured e-mail recipients.
The Audit Log records the changes, such as adding details, editing/modifying the existing details, activating/deactivating details, selecting or removing details, and so on.
Where is Audit Log Recorded?
The changes are recorded for the configuration pages for the following modules:
- Incident Masters - Feedback Configuration
- Incident Masters - Category
- Incident Masters - Classification
- Incident Masters - Checklist
- Incident Masters - Closure code
- Incident Masters - Log Incident Page
- Incident Masters - Pending Reason
- Incident Masters - Resolution Code
- Incident Masters - Incident Handling Evaluation
- Others - Cost Configuration
- Others - E-mail Notification
- Others - SMS Notification
- Others - Feedback Question
- Others - Information Ticker
- Others - Major Incident
- Others - Rule
- Others - User Type
- Others - Auto Work Order Configuration
- Others - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Mapping
- SLA Configuration - Impact
- SLA Configuration - Priority
- SLA Configuration - SLA Matrix By CI
- SLA Configuration - Priority Matrix
- SLA Configuration - Workgroup SLA Window
- SLA Configuration - SLA Service Window
- SLA Configuration - SLA Matrix
- SLA Configuration - Urgency
- TFS - TFS Configuration
- TFS - Config WI Field
- TFS - Configure V-V Mapping
- TFS - Configure Mapping Profile
- TFS - Configure Profile Mapping
- Asset Masters - Location and Store
- Asset Masters - Key Field Mapping
- Asset Masters - Action Attribute Configuration
- Asset Masters - Notifications and Templates
- Asset Masters - Allocation Form Template
- Software - Software License Mapping
- Software - Baseline Profile List
- Software - Software Profile Mapping
- Software - Software Blacklisting
- Depreciation - Depreciation Formula
- Depreciation - GAAP Depreciation
- Depreciation - Field Mapping
- Others - Alert Configuration
- Others - Update Asset Serial Number
- Others - E-mail Notification
- Others - Store Threshold
- Others - Additional Discovery
- Others - Approval Matrix
- Others - Application Settings
- Others - Movement Configuration
- Others - Local Password Management
- Mapping - Custom Hardware Variance
- Application Control - Create/Update Profile
- Application Control - Master Configuration
- Patch Management - Configuration
- Service Request Masters - Classification
- Service Request Masters - Feedback Configuration
- Service Request Masters - Closure Code
- Service Request Masters - Checklist
- Service Request Masters - Feedback Question
- Service Request Masters - Information Ticker
- Service Request Masters - Pending Reason
- Service Request Masters - Resolution Code
- Service Request Masters - Work Order - Catalog Mapping
- Recertification - Application Configuration
- Recertification - User Application Mapping
- Recertification - Recertification Period
- SLA Configuration - Impact
- SLA Configuration - Priority
- SLA Configuration - Priority Matrix
- SLA Configuration - Workgroup SLA Window
- SLA Configuration - SLA Service Window
- SLA Configuration - SLA Matrix
- SLA Configuration - Urgency
- Approval Reminder configuration
- User Type
- Service Request Masters - Service Category
- Service Request Masters - Approver
- Change Type
- Change Category
- Change Advisory Board
- Category
- Risk
- Priority
- Impact
- Urgency
- Priority Matrix
- Risk Questions And Answers
- Checklist
- Lead Period
- Change Manager
- Closure Code
- Defect Severity
- Defect Priority
- System Impact
- Status Configuration
- Classification
- Discovery Configuration
- Change Blackout Window
- Criticality
- Make
- Schedule Maintenance
- Services
- CI Relation Type
- Notification
- Knowledge Record Approver
- Category
- Classification
- Link External Websites
- Reason
- Approver
- Auto Creation Settings
- Category
- Classification
- Closure Code
- Impact
- Priority
- Priority Matrix
- RCA Type
- Reviewer
- Source
- Urgency
- Users - User List
- Users - Role Template
- Users - Custom Tab
- Infrastructure - Tenant
- Infrastructure - SMTP Configuration
- Infrastructure - Workgroup
- Infrastructure - Analyst
- Infrastructure - Application Settings
- Infrastructure - Custom Scheduler
- Infrastructure - Common Masters
- Infrastructure - Form Builder
- Infrastructure - Authentication Configuration
- Infrastructure - Archival
- Infrastructure - Theme Configuration
- Infrastructure - Widgets -New Widget
- Infrastructure - Widgets -New Widget tab
- Infrastructure - Widgets -Widget Report
- Infrastructure - Widgets -Widget Report Access
- Customer - Customer Custom Tabs
- Customer - Customer List
- Customer - Customer/Vendor SLA Matrix
- Vendor - Vendor List
- Password Management - Security Question
- Password Management - Keyword Message
- Password Management - Mapping Security Questions
- Automation - Run Book Automation
- Automation - Run Book Scripts
- Automation - Script Based Monitoring
- Discovery & Monitoring - Script Based Monitoring
- Discovery & Monitoring - Script
- Discovery & Monitoring - SNMP MIB
- Discovery & Monitoring - SNMP Based Monitoring
- Discovery & Monitoring - Vendor MIBs
- Discovery & Monitoring - Monitoring Account
- Notifications - Bulletin Board
- Notifications - Alerts
- Notifications - Notification Parser
- Notifications - Notification Template
- Notifications - Mailbox
- Notifications - SMS Gateway Configuration
- Documents- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- To view the Audit report and logged in user details, see Summit Audit Log for Login Accounts.
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