Kiosk Utilization Report

The Kiosk Utilization report is a graphical report that displays the available slots, utilized slots and utilized slots percentage based on the Location, Kiosk and Trend Type you select.
 Kiosk Utilization Trend Report page

Figure: Kiosk Utilization Trend Report page

You can click Available Slot to view the report only for available slots, Utilized Slot for the utilized slots and Utilized Slot % for the percentage of utilized slots.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the KIOSK UTILIZATION REPORT page.


Click Filters icon on the ACTIONS panel to specify the filter criteria to display records in the KIOSK UTILIZATION REPORT page.

Kiosk Utilization Trend Report Filters popup page

Figure: Kiosk Utilization Trend Report Filters popup page