Retrieve Incident Details with Custom Attributes
Enterprise IT
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
You can retrieve the Incident details with custom attributes based on the Instance using the following API Request.
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
IM_GetIncidentListwithDetails | POST |
Sample Request
{ "ServiceName": "IM_GetIncidentListwithDetails", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "TokenID": "", "OrgID": "1", "ReturnType": "JSON", "APIKey": "XXXXXXXXXXX", "AuthType": "APIKEY", "ProxyID": 0 }, "objIncidentCommonFilter": { "Executive": 1, "WorkgroupName": "", "CurrentPageIndex": 0, "PageSize": 30, "OrgID": "1", "Instance": "Info", "Status": "Open", "strUpdatedFromDate": "", "strUpdatedToDate": "", "IsWebServiceRequest": true, "CategoryName": "", "Categories": "" } } }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Notes | Mandatory |
Executive | INTEGER | Is the requester an Analyst? | The value is 1, if the requester is an Analyst. | FALSE |
WorkgroupName | STRING | Name of the Workgroup for which the required Incidents belong to. | You can get multiple workgroup Incidents by using comma separation between the workgroup names without a space. For Example: "WorkgroupName": "WG1,WG2,WG3" | FALSE |
CurrentPageIndex | INTEGER | Current Index of the page that you are looking into. | For Example: If each page contains 10 records and there are 10 pages. Items from 1 to 10 are displayed when you specify the CurrentPageIndex value as 1. | TRUE |
PageSize | INTEGER | Number of records that should be displayed per each page. | For Example: Consider you specified the PageSize value as 100. Based on the CurrentPageIndex, the API Response displays 100 records. | TRUE |
OrgID | INTEGER | Unique Identification number of the Organization. | The value must be always 1. | TRUE |
Instance | STRING | Name of the Instance. | For Example: Information Technology | TRUE |
Status | STRING | Status of the Incidents that should be displayed. | Status can be Open, Reopened, New, Assigned, In-Progress, Pending, Resolved, Closed, and Cancelled. You can get all Incidents with different status' by using comma separation between the status names without a space. For Example: "Status": "Open,New,Assigned,In-Progress" | FALSE |
strUpdatedFromDate | STRING | You can select the date range to get the list of Incidents. Specify the From Date of the Incidents that you want to be displayed. | The format of From Date is YYYY-MM-DD. The From Date starts from 00:00:00 hrs of the selected date. | FALSE |
strUpdatedToDate | STRING | You can select the date range to get the list of Incidents. Specify the To Date of the Incidents that you want to be displayed. | The format of From Date is YYYY-MM-DD. The To Date ends on 11:59:59 hrs of the selected date. | FALSE |
IsWebServiceRequest | BOOLEAN | Is the Web Service is a Request or not? | By default the value is always true. | TRUE |
CategoryName | STRING | Name of the Category. | FALSE | |
Categories | STRING | Unique Identification numbers of the Category. | You can get different categories with by using comma separation between the Category IDs without a space. | FALSE |
Sample Response
Response: { "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "C8B722E24F7B70E87C5193083A24B0DFF33C31196592F123955BFC6E286F7CAFB5274A83E6CEB25CA0FA6ED02679A57A3723A25817697C7253F87643F42738 C00B16647764926594AD72C298B3FD508E47E1F4C59A2754F533DE2CE117E8558B2954BC989DEC2A14496D6153D6F82233D5ADB5859DB13C43F001D3E9F1635EDD", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "MyTickets": [ { "IncidentDetail": [ { "ROWNUM": 1, "Ticket_ID": "5t9qwD1rx4tdcn%2beUYr9Ww%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 7697, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Logged_Time": "2021-03-17 11:41:14", "Status": "Assigned", "Symptom": "-No Symptom-", "Workgroup_Name": "IT Infrastructure TEST", "Executive_Name": "vivegan", "Assigned_Engineer": 1280, "Priority": "Priority P1", "PriorityColorCode": null, "Resolution_SLA": 10, "SLAName": "11 to 10", "CallerName": "vivegan", "Caller_EmailId": "", "UserTypeColor": null, "UserTypeName": null, "Resolution_Time": null, "Age": 195, "Response_ElapseTime": 0, "Resolution_ElapseTime": 1939, "Response_SLA_Reason": "", "Resolution_SLA_Reason": "", "SLAProgress": 19390, "IsParentRecord": 0, "UserProfileImageName": "", "CallerUpdate": false, "IsChild": 0, "IsParent": 0, "AssignedToMe": 1, "Reopened": false, "Sup_Function": "Info", "SLARemainingTime": -1929, "Updated_Time": "2021-03-20 16:29:45", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Urgency": "IT Urgency 1", "Impact": "IT Impact 1", "Classification": "Testing", "FullClassification": "Testing", "Category": "Email", "FullCategory": "Email", "OpenCategory": "Email", "FullOpenCategory": "Email", "Pending_Reason": null, "Schedule_Date": null, "Service_Window": "11 to 10", "IsAttExists": 1, "IsAutoResolve": 0, "Vendor_Incident_ID": "", "Vendor_Name": "", "Vendor_status": "", "VendorIncidentStartDate": null, "VendorIncidentEndDate": null, "Assigned_Engineer_Name_Secondary": "", "Response_voilation": "No", "Resolution_voilation": null, "Response_Deadline": "2021-03-17 15:41:00", "Resolution_Deadline": "2021-03-17 11:51:00", "Reslution_Code_Name": null, "Closure_Code_Name": null, "IsMajorIncident": "Yes", "AgeClass": "purple", "AgingInfo": "5-10 Days", "SLAPercent": "100", "SLAProgressClass": "danger", "Remaining_SLA_Time": "<i class=\"fa fa-play\" style=\"color:#51A351\" title=\"SLA In-Progress\"></i> 1 Dy, 8 Hr, 9 Mi", "Sub-Workgroup_Name": null, "Description": "sdcasdcasdcasdasdvsd", "Solution": null, "User_Log": "Testing this payload for Resolving", "Private_Log": null, "AttachmentNames": " admin.txt, Sravan_Resume_DotNet.docx" } ], "CustomAttribute": [ { "ID": 1, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 425, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "TicketNo", "AttributeText": "1ewds" }, { "ID": 2, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 434, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "Data", "AttributeText": "B" }, { "ID": 3, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 462, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "Number", "AttributeText": "324234" }, { "ID": 4, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 476, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "UPLOAD FILE", "AttributeText": "Calculus CA test 2 CO-3 descriptive.docx" }, { "ID": 5, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 477, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "File_Upld_Ctrl", "AttributeText": "CR Info.docx" }, { "ID": 6, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 485, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "Date TimeZone", "AttributeText": "Mar 10 2021 12:00AM" }, { "ID": 7, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 486, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "Multiselect DD", "AttributeText": "A1,B1,C1" } ] } ] }, "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
Status and Error Codes
For more information, see Status and Error Messages.