Get Incident Management Template Matrix
- Enterprise IT
- Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Owned by Enterprise IT
Apr 23, 2024
Loading data...
In this API, you can retrieve the template matrix using the following API request details.
The default workgroup should not load if any workgroup is not mapped as default.
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
IM_GetTemplateMatrix | POST |
Sample Request
{ "ServiceName": "IM_GetTemplateMatrix", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "SAASOrgID": "0", "LoginUID": 0, "RequestType": "mobile", "MobileVersion": "5.10.3", "Password": "test@123", "AuthType": "FORM", "ProxyID": 0, "OrgID": "1", "TokenID": "", "ReturnType": "JSON", "UserName": "" }, "templateMatrix": { "Instance": "Info", "OrgID": "1", "Caller":"1279" } } }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Instance | STRING | The support function information. For example: IT | TRUE
Org ID | INTEGER | Unique Identification number of the Organization. By default, the value is 1. | TRUE |
Caller | STRING | Unique identification number of the User. | TRUE |
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "56841EF245DE3F4DA5E1E101EE132AEF3902C63719D53407D0CAE82266BD7AF8394955E4D991928A181277DD7A9AA7A40C896759CC71A944C1F2783DCC5DFDA3B4262BF849AC77CE93DDDD98EE3818A232448AB8424792D9BA541E4CE24AB0F8ECE5CE47171919BE60B57D30EB4BB27CF4032C8AD650A1DE945A0ED06EDDE7E84B4319CF469C1518F23E3324C3780E74", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": [ { "Location": 2956, "Workgroup": null, "SLA": null, "Category": null, "CategoryName": null, "Classification": 189, "ClassificationName": "test node 333", "Impact": 1, "Urgency": null, "Priority": null, "DImpact": false, "DPriority": false, "DUrgency": false, "DWorkgroup": false, "DSLA": false, "CustomerMatrixID": null, "MatrixInfo": "Matrix Info: ", "WorkgroupName": "", "CatWgMappingUID": null } ], "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
Status and Error Codes
For more information, see Status and Error Messages.
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