Retrieve Analyst Incidents
- Enterprise IT
- Shilpa K (Deactivated)
You can retrieve all Incidents that are logged for Analysts or a specific Analyst based on the following Incident status' using the following API Request;
- Open
- Assigned
- Resolved
- Closed
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
IM_GetIncidentList | POST |
Sample Request
{ "ServiceName": "IM_GetIncidentList", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "AuthType": "APIKEY", "APIKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "TokenID": "", "OrgID": "1", "ReturnType": "JSON", "ProxyID": 0 }, "objIncidentCommonFilter": { "Executive": 1, "WorkgroupName": "", "CurrentPageIndex": 0, "ExecutiveEmailId": "", "PageSize": 3, "OrgID": "1", "Instance": "Info", "Status": "Open", "strUpdatedFromDate": "2020-06-28", "strUpdatedToDate": "2020-07-01", "IsWebServiceRequest": true } } }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Executive | BOOLEAN | Is Executive or not? The value is either 0 or 1. The executive is an Analyst.
| TRUE |
WorkgroupName | STRING | Workgroup defines a group of members in an Instance or a unit of an organization. You can retrieve multiple workgroup Incidents using comma separation between the workgroup names without a space. For Example: "WorkgroupName": "WG1,WG2,WG3" | FALSE |
CurrentPageIndex | INTEGER | Current Index of the page that you are looking into. For Example: If each page contains 10 records and there are 10 pages. The Response displays items from 1 to 10 when you specify the CurrentPageIndex value as 1. | TRUE |
PageSize | INTEGER | Number of records displayed per page. For Example: Consider you specified the PageSize value as 100. Based on the CurrentPageIndex, the API Response displays 100 records. | TRUE |
OrgID | INTEGER | Unique Identification number of an Organization. By default, the value is 1. | TRUE |
Instance | STRING | Instance defines a business unit, entity, or a department in an organizational hierarchy. For Example: Info | TRUE |
Status | STRING | Status of Incidents that should be displayed. The value of the Status can be any of the following:
ExecutiveEmailId | STRING | E-mail ID of the specific Analyst. | FALSE |
strUpdatedFromDate | STRING | You can select the date range to get the list of Incidents. Specify the From Date of the Incidents that you want to be displayed. The format of From Date is YYYY-MM-DD. The From Date starts from 00:00:00 hrs of the selected date. | FALSE |
strUpdatedToDate | STRING | You can select the date range to get the list of Incidents. Specify the To Date of the Incidents that you want to be displayed. The format of From Date is YYYY-MM-DD. The To Date ends on 11:59:59 hrs of the selected date. | FALSE |
IsWebServiceRequest | BOOLEAN | Is the Request from Web Service. The value is constant and always true. | TRUE |
Sample Response
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "3578B43E054F93202636C5004F4BE416F7D1D6562F7D6C8A6568D00BFFF46AB3F863190A24DEC0C12261DE29C2A 380F741DF7BD839180472A5A2CC33D816472AE23FED8E7E9A2A0BF950F372663752928ACBBA708F1DC6BAE9364DD3E5B3001C1D3E9 0DF6A1C0A0224B8C294088AD8C84B46FBAB4E67623DB467593E95940410AACDD1CB6713F5D93E7E59554E7689E9868AFB8A3F93BF AAE6C91F2AFDBC89 B4F7099906", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "MyTickets": [ { "ROWNUM": 1, "Ticket_ID": "tLwkjkfhh3R5v2Un%2bfjQqQ%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 30624, "Incident ID": 93503, "Logged Time": "2020-09-14 20:58:55", "Status": "New", "Symptom": "-No Symptom-", "Workgroup Name": "Network", "Executive Name": "", "Assigned_Engineer": null, "Priority": "P3", "PriorityColorCode": "#e62727", "Resolution_SLA": 800, "SLAName": "IT 24/7", "CallerName": "John", "UserTypeColor": null, "UserTypeName": null, "Resolution_Time": null, "Age": 2, "Resolution_ElapseTime": 122, "SLAProgress": 15, "IsParentRecord": 0, "UserProfileImageName": "", "CallerUpdate": null, "IsChild": 0, "IsParent": 0, "AssignedToMe": 0, "Reopened": false, "Sup_Function": "Info", "SLARemainingTime": 678, "Response_Deadline": "/Date(1600113540000)/", "Updated_Time": "2020-09-14 20:58:55", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Urgency": null, "Impact": null, "Classification": null, "FullClassification": null, "Category": "GT", "FullCategory": "GT", "Pending Reason": null, "Schedule Date": null, "Service Window": "IT 24/7", "IsAttExists": 0, "IsAutoResolve": 0, "Vendor Incident ID": "", "Vendor Name": "", "Vendor_status": "", "VendorIncidentStartDate": null, "VendorIncidentEndDate": null, "Assigned_Engineer_Name_Secondary": "", "Response_voilation": null, "Resolution_voilation": null, "Response Deadline": "2020-09-15 06:59:00", "Resolution Deadline": "2020-09-15 10:19:00", "Reslution Code Name": null, "IsMajorIncident": "No", "AgeClass": "green", "AgingInfo": "0-2 Days", "SLAPercent": "15", "SLAProgressClass": "success", "Remaining SLA Time": "<i class=\"fa fa-play\" style=\"color:#51A351\" title=\"SLA In-Progress\"></i> 0 Dy, 11 Hr, 18 Mi", "Sub-Workgroup Name": null }, { "ROWNUM": 2, "Ticket_ID": "Z6hjYGRcT70Zbz5iRTOufQ%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 30624, "Incident ID": 93502, "Logged Time": "2020-09-14 20:53:30", "Status": "New", "Symptom": "-No Symptom-", "Workgroup Name": "IT Infrastructure ..", "Executive Name": "", "Assigned_Engineer": null, "Priority": "P3", "PriorityColorCode": "#e62727", "Resolution_SLA": 800, "SLAName": "IT 24/7", "CallerName": "John", "UserTypeColor": null, "UserTypeName": null, "Resolution_Time": null, "Age": 2, "Resolution_ElapseTime": 127, "SLAProgress": 15, "IsParentRecord": 0, "UserProfileImageName": "", "CallerUpdate": null, "IsChild": 0, "IsParent": 0, "AssignedToMe": 0, "Reopened": false, "Sup_Function": "Info", "SLARemainingTime": 673, "Response_Deadline": "/Date(1600113240000)/", "Updated_Time": "2020-09-14 20:53:30", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Urgency": null, "Impact": null, "Classification": null, "FullClassification": null, "Category": "GT", "FullCategory": "GT", "Pending Reason": null, "Schedule Date": null, "Service Window": "IT 24/7", "IsAttExists": 0, "IsAutoResolve": 0, "Vendor Incident ID": "", "Vendor Name": "", "Vendor_status": "", "VendorIncidentStartDate": null, "VendorIncidentEndDate": null, "Assigned_Engineer_Name_Secondary": "", "Response_voilation": null, "Resolution_voilation": null, "Response Deadline": "2020-09-15 06:54:00", "Resolution Deadline": "2020-09-15 10:14:00", "Reslution Code Name": null, "IsMajorIncident": "No", "AgeClass": "green", "AgingInfo": "0-2 Days", "SLAPercent": "15", "SLAProgressClass": "success", "Remaining SLA Time": "<i class=\"fa fa-play\" style=\"color:#51A351\" title=\"SLA In-Progress\"></i> 0 Dy, 11 Hr, 13 Mi", "Sub-Workgroup Name": null } ], "GridViewDisplayColumns": [ { "LabelName": "Ticket_ID", "Value": "Ticket_ID", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false }, { "LabelName": "Incident ID", "Value": "Incident ID", "Placeholder": null, "IsCustomField": false } ] }, "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
Status and Error Codes
For more information, see Status and Error Messages.
Confluence Cloud Migration Alert: Please refer to known issues you may encounter in Confluence Cloud: