Retrieve Incidents Master Data
- Enterprise IT
- Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Owned by Enterprise IT
Apr 23, 2024
26 min read
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You can retrieve the master data of all Incidents based on the Instance using the following API Request.Ā
To authenticate the below API, seeĀ API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
IM_GetIncidentMaster | POST |
Sample Request
Json Format
{ "ServiceName": "IM_GetIncidentMaster", "objCommonParameters": { "RequiredParameters": { "InstanceCode": "Faci", "PageName": "TicketDetail", "IsRequiredClassificationandCat": true }, "_Pro xyDetails": { "AuthType": "APIKEY", "APIKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "TokenID": "", "OrgID": "1", "ReturnType": "JSON", "ProxyID": 0 } } }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
InstanceCode | STRING | Instance defines a business unit, entity, or a department in an organizational hierarchy. For Example: Info | TRUE |
PageName | STRING | Name of the page. The values are constant and as follows:
| TRUE |
IsRequiredClassificationandCat | BOOLEAN | Is Classification and Category are required? The value is eitherĀ trueĀ orĀ false. | TRUE |
Sample Response
Json Format
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "MasterData ": { "IncidentMasters": { "userDetail": { "CallerContactNumAttributeId": 0, "UserID": 11, "EmpID":nu ll, "Title": null, "UserName": null, "EmailID": "", "NT_UID": null, "Frm_UID": null, "Frm_PWD": null, "Role": null, "UName": "peter", "Contact": "XXXXXXXXXX", "Active": false, "CustomerName": null, "LocationName": "Bangalore", "Location ": 1861, "OrgID": 0, "Customer": 0, "WGAccess": null, "RPTAccess": null, "InstanceAccess": null, "Lan dingPage": null, "LoginType": null, "UserProfileImageName": "f29c3b16-312d-4aa3-b206- a97400cc9261.jpg", "UT_ID": 0, "MobileNo": "XXXXXXXXXX", "GUID": null, "LicenseEdition": null, " LicenseAttributeType": null, "ConcurrentLicCount": 0, "LogInAnalystAsUser": false, "MasterMenuT rimList": null, "IVR_Enable": false, "IVR_AgentExtn": null, "IVR_RefreshInterval": null }, "locationList": null, "workgroupList": [ { "Text": "Workgroup 1", "Value": "8", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 }, { "Text": "Workgroup 2", "Value": "18", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "assignedEngineerList": [ { "Text": "Bob", "Value": "9", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 }, { "Text": "Bob", "Value": "15", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "slaList": [ { "Text": "24/7 support", "Value": "8", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "urgencyList": [ { "Text": "Urgency 1", "Value": "5", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "impactList": [ { "Text": "Impact1", "Value": "5", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "priorityList": [ { "Text": "Priority1", "Value": "6", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "configurationItemList": [], "statusList": [ { "Text": "New", "Value": "New", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 }, { "Text": "Assigned", "Value": "Assigned", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "resolutionCodeList": [ { "Text": "Resolution code 1", "Value": "4", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "pendingReasonList": [ { "Text": "Pending Reason 1", "Value": "4", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "communicationTemplateList": [], "sourceL ist": [ { "Text": "0", "Value": "3142", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 }, { "Text": "0", "Value": "3143", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "userTypeList": [], "userCustomAttribute": null, "privatelogConfigList": [], "priorityConfigurationList": [ { "PriorityID": 6, "PriorityName": "Priority 1", "ResponseSLA": 10, "ResolutionSLA": 30 } ], "staticFieldConfigurationList": null, "customFieldGro upList": null, "customFieldConfigurationList": null, "customFieldDDLDataSource": null, "AlertMess age": null, "viewList": [ { "Text": "Resolved_IT", "Value": "1", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 }, { "Text": "In_Progress", "Value": "4", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "majorincidentConfigu ration": [], "MediumList": [ { "Text": "Application", "Value": "Application", "EngineerInShift": 0, "Shif tEnabled": 0 }, { "Text": "Mail", "Value": "Mail", "EngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "CCDetails": null, "defaultViewList": [ { "Text": null, "Value": null, "E ngineerInShift": 0, "ShiftEnabled": 0 } ], "CustomFilterList": [] }, "Classifications": [ { "id": "5", "text": "Cl assification 1", "parent": "#", "IsDefault": false, "IsDefaultForPM": false, "Active": true, "fullname": null, "checked": false, "IsLeafNode": false, "db_mapping_id": 0, "title": null, "HasCatalog": false } ], "Category": [ { "id": "4 7", "text": "Housekeeping", "parent": "#", "IsDefault": false, "IsDefaultForPM": false, "Active": true, "f ullname": null, "checked": false, "IsLeafNode": false, "db_mapping_id": 0, "title": null, "HasCatalog":fals e }, { "id": "48", "text": "Electrical", "parent": "47", "IsDefault": false, "IsDefaultForPM": false, "Active": true, "fullname": null, "checked": false, "IsLeafNode": false, "db_mapping_id": 0, "title": null, "HasCatal og": false } ], "Location": [ { "CM_ID": 1843, "CM_Value": "3B" }, { "CM_ID": 1861, "CM_Value": "Bang alore" } ], "InstanceSettings": { "ConfigIncomplete": true, "Tick etClosingMode": "Manual", "AutoClosingDays": 0, "EnableKBPopup": true, "FCROption": false, "FC RConfigured": false, "EnableEfforts": true, "EnableStopWatch": false, "EnableAnalyticalSearch": false, "EnableMajorIncident": false, "EnableClosureCategory": false, "EffortWatchMode": 2, "ConvertIncide ntToRequestMode": "MANUAL_RESOLVE_INCI", "EnableBulkUpdateList": true, "EnableTrouble shootingtabDetails": true, "EnablePartnerInfotabDetails": true, "EnableRunBookAutotabDetails":tru e, "EnableCategoryParentNode": false, "EnableClassificationParentNode": false, "EnableChangeCaller ": false, "EnableAdditionalInfo": true, "EnableAttachment": true, "EnableDeleteAttachmentByExecuti ve": false, "EnableDeleteAttachmentByUser": false, "EnableAssignReopenedToWG": false, "EnableMa nualIncidentCancellation": false, "AllowWorkgroupOwnerToEditPriority": true, "ViewOtherWgInci dentDetail": true, "IM_Symptom_MinChar": 10, "IM_Description_MinChar": 20, "SR_Symptom_M inChar": 0, "SR_Description_MinChar": 0, "EnableCallerSelection": false, "SRRemarksLabel": null, "D isableCategoryForAnalyst": false, "DisableClassificationForAnalyst": false, "SR_RemarksDisplay": 0, "ValidateImpactOnChange": false, "ValidateUrgencyOnChange": false, "ValidatePriorityOnChange": false, "ValidateWorkgroupOnChange": false, "PriorityValidationOrder": null, "HideMailToCaller":fal se, "FeedbackMandatoryIM": false, "FeedbackMandatorySR": false, "LimitTransferWorkgroup": false, " IM_EnableSecondaryAnalyst": false, "IM_EnableAutoAssignTickets": false, "SR_IsCartEnabled":fals e, "EnableEffortsByPendingStatus": false, "EnableEffortsByResolvedStatus": false, "EnableEffortsBy Workgroup": false, "EnableEffortsByAssignedExecutive": false, "IM_EnableKBOnIncidentResolve":fa lse, "IM_FeedBack_Enabled": true, "SR_FeedBack_Enabled": true, "IM_CategorySortOrder": 0, "IM_ClassificationSortOrder": 0, "SR_CatalogSortOrder": 0, "SR_ClassificationSortOrder": 0, "IM_Enable PendingToActive": false } } } }
Status and Error Codes
For more information, seeĀ Status and Error Messages.
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