Email to SR Creation

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI IT Service Management (Denali SP3, Service Request Management)

What's New?

This release introduces the capability to create a Service Request (SR) from an Email. You can create a Service Request by sending an email to a specific mailbox.

Figure: High Level Flow

How it Works?

To enable this feature, perform the following steps:

  1. Configure Mailbox
    1. The mailbox can be configured by navigating to Admin > Advanced > Notification > Mailbox
      For more details about configuring the Mailbox, refer Configuring Mailbox.

  2. Configure Parsing Logic.
    1. Configure Parsing Keys: You can define Parsing Keys by ‘Line’ or ‘Free Form’.
      1. Example for Parsing Keys by Line: To extract a word ‘server’ occurring on line 2 of email you have defined user-defined key ‘server’. This will check for occurrence of the word ‘server’ on 2nd  line of the email body.
      2. Example for Parsing Keys by Free Form: To extract a word ‘disk’ occurring anywhere in email between the predecessor word ‘critical’ and successor word ‘issue’ you have defined user-defined key ‘Category’. This will check for occurrence of the word ‘disk’ present between the words ‘critical’ and ‘successor’.
    2. Configure Parsing Conditions: For example, condition can be defined using OR / AND operator as below. If the subject contains DL OR Distribution List without any occurrence of the word ‘Issue’ then it should create an SR.

      Subject contains DL OR
      Subject contains Distribution List AND
      Subject does not contain Issue

    3. Configure Field Mapping: For example, you can map User Defined Key ‘Subject’ to SR field ‘Symptom’ and ‘Body’ to SR field ‘Description’ as shown below.
      User Defined Key       |     Field on New Service Request Page
      Subject                       |     Symptom
      Body                           |     Description

      For more details about configuring Notification Parser, refer Configuring Notification Parser to Create Service Request

End users can click on the link ‘You can now request via Email’ displayed on the New Service Request page to understand the conditions based on which the email to SR works.