Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues Alps SP1 HF03
Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Former user (Deleted)
Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues
Customer Fixed Issues
This section describes the issues reported by the customers and their fixes in the release, Alps SP1 HF03.
# | Issue | Resolution |
59205 | On the OPEN INCIDENT REPORT page under the Reports drop-down list, the duplicate Incidents were getting displayed for some users This issue was found when a user was mapped to the User Type with the same name for two different Tenants. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the duplicate Incidents are not getting displayed on the OPEN INCIDENT REPORT.
59578 | When an Analyst used a Notification Template with table format under the User Communication section of the COMMUNICATION tab on the INCIDENT DETAILS page, the table format was not getting displayed. This issue was found when the user tried to select a template with table format. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the table format is displayed in the User Communication section under the COMMUNICATION tab of the Incident page. |
59874 | If a Knowledge Record was published, and the Workgroup Owner, say, John was Inactive, and the Workgroup Owner was changed to Roy. Roy was not able to edit the Knowledge Record or change its Status to Maintenance. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the Knowledge Records can be edited or moved to Maintenance Status by the new Workgroup Owner (Roy in our example). |
58991 | On the PIR REVIEWER page, if the Change Type was selected as any value (example: Normal) and Category as ALL, the PIR Reviewer was also able to close the Change Requests of different Change Types. For example, Change Type as Emergency and Category as All. This issue was occurring because the Application was taking Category ALL as Change Type ALL. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the PIR Reviewer can only close the Change Records for the Change Type they have access, and not to any other Change Records. |
59656 | The following issues were observed on the OPEN SERVICE REQUEST REPORT page.
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| The issues found on the OPEN SERVICE REQUEST REPORT page are now fixed.
59620 | When an End User replied to the Incident Reminder e-mail for a pending Incident, a new Incident was getting created instead of updating the pending Incident. The issue was found in the E-mail Template Keywords. The word "IM" was not present as a prefix for the Incident Number in the subject line. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the pending Incident is updated when an End User replies to the Incident Reminder e-mail.
58933 | After updating Custom Attribute details of a CI under a Classification on the CI ID page, the Custom Attribute details of all the CIs belonging to the same Classification were getting auto-updated. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, on updating the Custom Attribute details of a CI under a Classification, the Custom Attribute details of the specific CI only gets updated.
59388 | If a Service Request was not mapped to a Customer, it was not getting displayed on the PENDING SERVICE REQUEST REPORT page. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, all the Service Requests are displayed on the PENDING SERVICE REQUEST REPORT page even if they are not mapped to any Customer. |
57888 | The fields configured for the General and Additional Info tab on the FORM BUILDER page were displaying properly for Incident and Service Requests page. However, when a Work Order was created from the Incident or Service Request, the fields were displayed as text boxes instead of the correct control types. This issue was found for E-mail, User, Website, File, Radio Button, and Multi Value Drop-down control types. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, all the fields are displaying properly on the Work Orders. |
58958 | When a user opened the Others section of the OPERATING SYSTEM pie chart, the SERVERS FOR OPERATING SYSTEM heading on the SERVER DETAILS page displayed an operating system's name in place of "Others". Required Configuration: Make sure that operating systems count is more than 10 in the OPERATING SYSTEM pie chart. This enables the Others section in the OPERATING SYSTEM pie chart. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the SERVERS FOR OPERATING SYSTEM heading on the SERVER DETAILS page shows "Others" for the Operating System name. |
59036 | The Subject line of the Incident template displayed the default Keywords in place of their values. This issue was occurring when an Incident was logged due to Event Monitoring from the SummitAI IT Operations module after the SummitAI application was upgraded to the Summit Alps SP1HF01 version. Required Configuration:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the Subject line of the Incident template shows the correct values in the e-mail notifications triggered due to Incidents logged from Event Monitoring of the SummitAI IT Operations module. |
57426 | The CPU and MEMORY average utilization data was not getting displayed on the SERVER DETAILS page. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the CPU and MEMORY average utilization data is displayed on the SERVER DETAILS page. |
59018 | On the END USER DASHBOARD page, when a user was searching for any Rule e in the Search and Log issue\Request field, the search results was displaying duplicate Rules. This issue was happening even if one Rule was configured on the Rule configuration page. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, no duplicate Rules are displayed while searching for Rules on the END USER DASHBOARD page. |
59825 | On the FILTERS pop-up of the MASTER SETTINGS page when a user re-selected a different Tenant and Server values after the first submission, an error message was getting displayed. Bug Reproduction Step:
| Now, no error is displayed on changing the Tenant and Server values criteria and resubmitting the filter criteria on the MASTER SETTINGS page. |
60086 | Using the Dashboard menu, the users, who were not having access to view the Analyst Dashboard and Asset Dashboard, were able to select the Analyst Dashboard and Asset Dashboard menu items and view these Dashboards. Required Configuration:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the options to view the various Dashboards from the Dashboard menu are displayed based on the user access. |
60754 | The Service Requests were getting assigned to the Analysts without getting approved by all the Approvers configured in the Approval cycle. For example: If there are four Approvers, let’s say, Approver 1 is Harry, Approver 2 is Tom, Approver 3 is John and, Approver 4 is Nancy. After Harry and Tom approved an SR, the SR was getting assigned to an Analyst without the approvals from John and Nancy. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the Service Requests are assigned to Analysts after they are approved by all the Approvers configured in the Approval cycle. |
59749 | On the Analyst WORK ORDER LIST page, other Analysts’ Work Orders for the same Tenant were also displayed. This issue was found when the signed in Analyst had access to single Tenant. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the Work Orders assigned to a specific Analyst are displayed on the WORK ORDER LIST page. |
59523 | On the RELATIONSHIP pop-up page of the INCIDENT ID page, when a user was searching for an Incident by typing in values in the Search field, it was taking a long time to display the search results. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, when a user types in the text in the Search field and searches for an Incident, the search results are displayed much faster on the RELATIONSHIP pop-up page of the INCIDENT ID page. |
59036 | When an Incident logged from SummitAI IT Operations module was getting auto-resolved from the PENDING Status, the correct Elapsed Time By Workgroup was not calculated from the PENDING to another Status. Required Configuration:
Bug Reproduction Step:
| Now, the correct Elapsed Time By Workgroup is calculated from Pending to another status (i.e., the start of PENDING status to end of PENDING status) for auto-resolved Incidents. |
56100 | The incorrect Resolution deadline was found for some of the Incidents triggered from the SummitAI IT Operations module. This issue was occurring when a few of these Incidents were reopened, and Retro-active SLA was not working for the re-opened Incidents. Required Configuration:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the correct Resolution deadline is displayed for the reopened Incidents, which are logged from the SummitAI IT Operations module. |
60415 | When the user mouse-hovered on the Description field of the Change Record and the Description had a special character (~,!,#,$,%, etc.), the special character was not getting displayed instead some coded characters were displayed. Bug Reproduction steps:
| Now, if there are special characters in the Description field of a Change Record, on mouse hovering, the special characters are getting displayed correctly |
60617 | When a referred back SR was canceled, the Status of the SR was getting updated as New instead of Canceled. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, when a referred back SR is canceled, the Status of the SR is displayed as Canceled |
59854 | While logging an Incident using the SummitAI Mobile App, the complete list of Locations for the selected Tenant was not displayed. However, the complete list of Locations was displayed in the SummitAI web application. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the same set of Locations (based on configuration) is displayed to the End Users while logging Incidents using the SummitAI web application or SummitAI Mobile App. The following steps need to be performed:
62266 | For Palo Alto Network Devices, the Hostname was getting displayed under the Serial Number column on the JOB DETAILS page. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| New MIB OIDs are added for Palo Alto Network Devices. When the Application discovers the Palo Alto Network Devices, it shows the Serial Number under the Serial Number column header. |
60981 | In the SummitAI Web Application, the separators were not displayed in-between the menu items on the left Navigation Pane. See the following screenshot: | Now, on the left Navigation Pane, the separators are displayed in-between the menu items on the left Navigation See the following screenshot: |
59404 | The Push Notifications were not getting triggered in the SummitAI web application. An issue was found related to data storage in the database tables. Required Configuration: Enable Pop-up on browser level on Google Chrome browser. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, Push Notifications are getting triggered in the SummitAI web application. |
60365 | On the ANALYST DASHBOARD page, on clicking the Red and Green sections of the pie chart under the Response SLA and Resolution SLA sections, the INCIDENT LIST page was displayed with no records. Response SLA Performance
Resolution SLA Performance
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, on the ANALYST DASHBOARD page, on clicking the Red and green sections of the pie chart under the Response SLA and Resolution SLA sections, the INCIDENT LIST page is displayed with correct data. |
60431 | The Problem Record configurations were not getting displayed on the AUTO CREATION SETTINGS list page. This issue was occurring when the Incident Workgroup field was blank on the AUTO CREATION SETTINGS page. Bug Reproduction steps:
| Now, the Problem Record configurations, with no Incident Workgroup field value, are getting displayed on the AUTO CREATION SETTINGS list page. |
60434 | If the SOP description was added or updated on the STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) page with different formatting styles or text written in new lines, after submitting the changes, if the SOP template was opened for viewing or editing, all the text formatting was lost, and all the previously written text appeared in a single line (new line and formatting was getting lost). Example: On the STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) page, the description in SOP field was specified as per the following screenshot: After submitting the changes, if the SOP was opened for viewing or editing, the SOP description was displayed as per the following screen shot: Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the text format of the description content is retained as specified by the user on the STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) page. |
60056 | When a Delegated User tried to log an Incident on behalf of the user (for whom this is the Delegated User), the Asset Allocation field was displaying the Asset of the Delegated User in place of the Assets of the User. Example: User: John Delegated User: Sam The Assets of Sam was getting displayed when Sam was logging an Incident for John. Required Configuration:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the correct Assets are displayed when a Delegated User tries to log an Incident on behalf of the user. |
When an Analyst tried to log a Service Request on behalf of the End User, the Asset search was displaying the Assets allocated to the Analyst in place of the Assets allocated to the End User under the Asset Allocation field on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page. Required Configuration:
Bug Reproduction Step:
| Now, the correct Assets are displayed when an Analyst tries to raise a Service Request for an End User. | |
60418 | When a user, not tagged with any Asset, tried to log a new Incident, the Application was not allowing the user to log the Incident. This issue was occurring when Asset Inventory was set as a mandatory field. Required Configuration:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, a user, who is not tagged with any Asset, can also log Incidents even if Asset Inventory is a mandatory field on the Incident configuration page. |
On the ASSET DETAILS page, the username was not getting populated in the Updated By field under the ASSET REGISTER tab for an action performed on the Fixed Assets. Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the correct username is getting displayed in the Updated By field under the ASSET REGISTER tab for an action performed on the Fixed Assets. | |
62530 | In the Change Workflow, the Migration Approval is the User-selectable Approval and is set to be defined at the Pre-Migration Approval 1 stage. However, the Application was displaying a message to specify the Migration Approval in the Approval 1 stage of the Workflow. This issue was occurring when the same user was configured for Approval 1 and Pre-Migration Approval 1. Required configuration:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, when the same user is configured for Approval 1 and the Pre-Migration Approval 1, a warning pop-up message, “Please select an Approver for: Migration Approval.” is displayed for the correct level Pre-Migration Approval 1 of the Workflow. |
63155 | The Operational Level Agreement was not getting displayed under the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION tab of Service Requests when the Workgroup was changed. Required Configuration:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the Operational Level Agreement details are displayed even if the Workgroup information is changed for a Service Request. |
63139 | When users try to log into the SummitAI web application account using multiple devices, or two different browsers, or two different tabs (including incognito mode), a DUPLICATE LOGIN pop-up window with a message "Your last logged in session is still active was displayed. Also, a pop-up message, “Click CONTINUE to log out of the previous session and to continue with this device.” and CANCEL button was displayed.
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| Now, the DUPLICATE LOGIN pop- message is not displayed when a user logs into the SummitAI web application using multiple browsers. |
Known Issues
This section describes the known issues detected by the SummitAI Dev and QA team in the release, Alps SP1 HF03.
Issue |
On the FIXED ASSET INVENTORY page, only added Assets with Maker Checker configuration are displayed when Referred Back is selected in the Checker Status drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page. (#65848). Required configuration:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
While accessing the SummitAI application using Mozilla Firefox web browser, the pages, which have tree view are not loading. (#64315) Workaround: To get the tree view, remove the following key from the web.config file: <!--add name="Content-Security-Policy" value="script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'" /--> |
On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. |
On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists. |
On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists. |
Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits). |
The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain. |
Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings). Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo. |
On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA Reason, Resolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields. |
The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:
The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured. Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again). |
The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list > Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services. |
The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list > Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress. |
The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (Admin> Advanced> Notification> Notification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT). |