Configuring CMDB Module
Former user (Deleted)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Enterprise IT
You can configure values for the various components of the CMDB module. Based on the configuration, the values or fields are displayed on the CMDB pages.
To configure CMDB module:
- Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant.
- On the TENANT page under the LIST section, select the Tenant Name for which you want to configure the CMDB module.
Figure: TENANT page
On the above TENANT page, Department Code, Display Name, and Description about the selected Tenant is displayed. If the Active check box is selected, it indicates that the selected Tenant is an active Tenant. The various module configured, not configured, and disabled for the Tenant is displayed on the page by the different color check marks:
- Orange indicates not configured module.
- Green indicates configured module.
- Grey indicates disabled module.
3. Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel and select CMDB under MODULES. The details about the CMDB module are displayed under the DETAILS section.
4. Under the DETAILS section, you can do the following configurations:
- Configure the mandatory fields for the CI page. Select the Is Mandatory check box corresponding to the field name and tab name that you want to display on the CMDB page. Click SUBMIT.
- If the Auto Update check box is selected, the CI Hardware and Software data is mapped to Discovery and auto-updated. The mapping is configured on the CMDB Discovery Mapping page.
- If the Edit CIs Without CR check box is selected, the users with edit-access can edit the CIs without Change Records. For information about editing CIs, see Viewing/Modifying CIs.
If the Allow CI Owner to Edit CIs check box is selected, the CI Owner can edit the selected tabs on the CI ID page based on the following selection:
- Own CIs: If selected, the CI Owner can edit the tabs that are selected in Editable Tabs field for own CIs.
- All CIs: If selected, the CI Owner can edit the tabs that are selected in Editable Tabs field for all the CIs, irrespective of the configured CI owner.
- Editable Tabs: The CI Owner can edit the tabs based on the configuration of the Editable Tabs field for the respective CI.
- Configure the mandatory fields for the CI page. Select the Is Mandatory check box corresponding to the field name and tab name that you want to display on the CMDB page. Click SUBMIT.
Figure: TENANT page: Configuring CMDB module
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the TENANT page.
Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Tenants.
Figure: TENANT page: List of Tenants
Click SHOW TENANT to display the details of the selected Tenant. The TENANT page is displayed. For information about the TENANT page, see Configuring Tenants.