Creating Service Catalogs_SCM

Creating Service Catalogs_SCM

You can create Service Catalogs for a Tenant. For a Service Catalog, you can add one or more Custom Attributes with values to add the data. Also, you can define Parent and Child relationship between the Custom Attributes. The newly added Custom Attributes are displayed on the Service Catalog page and the Service Request page (requesting Service from the Service Catalog).

To create Service Catalogs:

  1. Select Catalog > User > Create Service Catalog.
  2. On the FORM BUILDER page, under the FORM DETAILS tab, Service Catalog Management is selected from the Module list.


Fill in the other required details as described in the following table:




Select the Module name from the drop-down list.


Select the Purpose from the drop-down list.

  • Catalog Item
  • Information Item (For more information see: Creating Information Service Catalog)


Select the Tenant name from the drop-down list.


Select a Category from the list.

Owner Workgroup

Select the owner of the Workgroup from the drop-down list.

Catalog Name

Type in the name for the Service Catalog item.

Tile ColorSelect a color for the Tile.

Catalog Type

Select the Service Catalog type from the list.


Type in the description of the Service Catalog item.


Specify the keywords or set of keywords for the Service Catalog. Using the specified keywords, the respective Service Catalogs can be searched while raising an SR on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.

Global Catalog Item

If this check box is selected, the Service Catalog item is available to all the Tenants.
Note: Global Catalog Items can be created under a Global Category.

Enable Bulk SR Creation

If this check box is selected, SR creation using Excel upload becomes enabled on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.

Link to Other CategoryIf this check box is selected, User can select an additional categories under which the catalog item needs to be displayed.
  1. Click NEXT. Under the FORM BUILDER tab, you can add the various attributes for the Service Catalog.


  2. From the left- hand side panel, select the type of field that you want to add from the Simple Controls, Group Templates, Form Templates sections. Drag and drop it in the central section of the page.
  3. Based on the field type selected, the properties are displayed under the PROPERTIES section on the right-hand side panel. Fill in the required property details. The following table describes the field types and their properties on the FORM BUILDER page under the FORM BUILDER tab:




    Click Group to create a group under the tab. Use this to group related fields. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name of the group.
    • No. of Columns: Select the number of columns that can be added under the group. You can add maximum two columns.
    • Multivalued Group: Click IsMultivaluedGroup to indicate that multiple fields can be added under the group. If this check box is selected, you need to also specify a value for PageSize. Page Size indicates the maximum number of fields allowed on a single page. Button Text field enables to specify the button name. Min. No. of Rows field enables the rows that are displayed on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page. Approval Level field allows to specify the user who can view and edit the configured attribute. Is End User View check box, if selected allows the end user to view the configured attribute.

    Text Box/ Text Area

    Click Text to create a text box field. Click TextArea to create a text box field that allows more characters compared to text box field. For example, for User Name, use Text and for User Comments, use TextArea. Text and Text Area have the following fields:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the text box or text area.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the text box or text area a mandatory field.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in typing in details in the field.
    • Watermark Text: Type in the watermark text that should appear in the text or text area field if the user does not enter any information in the field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Length Limit: Specify the length of the field by entering values in Min and Max fields.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is Unique: Select the check box to configure the text Box or text Area values as unique.
    • Auto populate: Select the check box to auto populate the configured User attributes.

    Note: The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

    • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to either the requestor user details or any user search controls available in the form.
    • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
    • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values in the text box or text area.

    Check Box

    Click Check Box to create a check box field. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the check box.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the check box a mandatory field.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tool tip text for the users to help them in typing in details in the field.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is Unique: Select the check box to configure the Check Box values as unique.
    • Auto populate: Select the check box to auto populate the configured values.

    Note: The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

    • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to user fields. A check box can be only mapped to an Active check box or any custom check box configured in the user master.
    • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
    • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values in the check box.
    • Swap Label Name and Check Box Position: If selected, the Check Box Label-Name is displayed at the right side of the Check Box.


    Click Drop - down to create a drop-down field. Use this field to add an attribute for which the user needs to select from multiple available options. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the check box.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the check box a mandatory field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Parent: Select the parent for this drop-down list. The values of this drop-down list depends upon the value selected in the Parent drop-down list.
    • Options: Type in the values that should appear in the drop-down list. If a Parent drop-down list is selected, select the parent value and the corresponding value in this drop-down list.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is Unique: Select the check box to configure the Drop-down values as unique.
    • Auto populate: Select the check box to auto populate the configured values.

    Note: The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

    • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to user fields. A drop-down can be only mapped to another drop-down or any custom drop-down configured in the user master.
    • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
    • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values in the drop-down.


    Click Date to add a date field. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the date field.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the date field a mandatory field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in selecting date for this date field.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is Unique: Select the check box to configure the date field values as unique.
    • Auto populate: Select the check box to auto populate the configured values.

    Note: The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

    • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to user fields. A date field can be only mapped to another date or any custom date fields configured in the user master.
    • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
    • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values in the date field.
    • Include Timestamp: If selected, the users can configure the time along with the date.


    Click Number to add a number field. For example, Maximum Approvals Required. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the number field.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the number field a mandatory field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering number values for this field.
    • Minimum/ Maximum: Specify the range of numbers that can be entered in this field by entering values in the Above and Below fields.
    • Integer Only: Select the Only accept integers check box to allow users to enter only integers. Any number without any decimal value is called an integer. For example, 121, 57, 23 are integers. However, 20.1, 56.8, 13.01 are not integers.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is Unique: Select the check box to configure the Number values as unique.
    • Auto populate: Select the check box to auto populate the configured values.

    Note: The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

    • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to user fields. A number field can be only mapped to another number or any custom number fields configured in the user master.
    • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
    • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values in the number field.


    Click E-mail to add a field for entering e-mail ids. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the e-mail field.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the e-mail field a mandatory field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering value for this e-mail field.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is Unique: Select the check box to configure the E-mail values as unique.
    • Auto populate: Select the check box to auto populate the configured values.

    Note: The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

    • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to user fields. The E-mail field can be only mapped to another E-mail field or any custom E-mail fields configured in the user master.
    • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
    • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values in the E-mail field.


    Click File to add a field where files can be added. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the file field.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the file field a mandatory field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering value for this file field.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.


    Click Price to add a field where prices can be added. For example, Project  Cost. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the price field.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the price field a mandatory field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering price for this field.
    • Units: Type in the unit based on which the price should be calculated, for example, per hour or per piece.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is Unique: Select the check box to configure the Price values as unique.
    • Auto populate: Select the check box to auto populate the configured values.

    Note: The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

    • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to user fields. The Price field can be only mapped to another Price field, if configured in the user master.
    • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
    • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values in the price field.


    Click Website to add a field where website URLs can be added. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the website field.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the website field a mandatory field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering website URL for this field.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is Unique: Select the check box to configure the Website values as unique.
    • Auto populate: Select the check box to auto populate the configured values.

    Note: The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

    • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to user fields. The Website field can be only mapped to another website field, if configured in the user master.
    • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
    • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values in the website field.


    Click User to add a field for searching files and attaching them. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the search field.
    • Required: Select the Required check box to make the search field a mandatory field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering search criteria for this field.
    • Include Inactive: If selected, the inactive users along with the active users can be searched by the End User while raising an SR for the respective Service Catalog.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is Unique: Select the check box to configure the User values as unique.
    • Auto populate: Select the check box to auto populate the configured values.

    Note: The following fields are displayed only if Auto Populate check box is selected.

    • Dependent Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the Dependent Attribute field value to user fields. The User field can be only mapped to another User field or any custom user fields configured in the user master.
    • Value Attribute: To auto populate the custom fields, map the field value to the user fields.
    • Editable: If selected, the end users can edit the values in the user field.


    Click Label to add a label field. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the label field.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering value for this field.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.


    Click Formula to add a field where a formula can be provided. For example: Average Cost. Type in the required values for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the formula field.
    • Size: Select the size of the field, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Tooltip Text: Type in the tooltip text for the users to help them in entering formula for this field.
    • Formula: Type in the formula in the following text area.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.

    Radio Button

    Click Radio Button to configure options in form of Radio Button for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the field which will have the options in form of Radio Button.
    • Required: Select the check box to configure the field as mandatory.
    • Options: Select appropriate options for the drop-down list. The available options are:
      • Common Master: If selected, Type drop-down list is displayed. Select the sub-category in the Type drop-down list. The field with the radio button, on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page, will be populated with all the configured options for the sub-category.
      • Manual: If Selected, new text box is displayed, where you can type in the options manually. This options are displayed in the field with the radio button on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.
    • Include "other": Select this check box to include the option others in the field.
    • Columns: Select the number of columns in which the options are to be displayed.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.

    MV Drop down

    Click MV Drop down to configure a multi-valued drop-down list for the following properties:

    • Label: Type in the label name for the MV Drop down list.
    • Required: Select the check box to configure the field as mandatory.
    • Size: Select the size of the drop-down list, Small, Medium, or Large.
    • Parent: MV Drop-down control for the Service Catalog Management modules can be configured with the parent-child relation.

    For example: The India can be configured as Parent location, however, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, and so on can be configured as child location under India as parent location.

    If configured, the MV drop-down custom attribute with parent-child relation is displayed on the respective pages of the modules. The values can be added from the Common Master also.

    Parent-child relation can be configured as Drop-down to drop-down, Drop-down to Multi drop-down, and Multi drop-drop-down to Multi drop-down.

    • Options: Select appropriate options for the drop-down list. Following are the available options:
      • Common Master: If selected, the Type drop-down list is displayed. Select the sub-category in the Type drop-down list. The MV drop-down list, on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page is populated with all the configured options for the sub-category.
      • Customer Master: If selected, the Type drop-down list is displayed. Select the sub-category in the Type drop-down list. The  MV drop-down list, on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page is populated with all the configured options for the sub-category.

    For configured data type of Customer Master, Include Only Customer Configured Data check box appears. If this check box is selected, then while raising an SR, the specific data that belongs to the logged in user’s customer is displayed. However, if this check box is not selected, then all customer’s data is displayed while raising an SR.

    • Manual: If Selected, a new text box is displayed, where you can type in the options manually. This options are displayed in the MV drop-down list on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.
    • User Master: If selected, the Type drop-down list is displayed. Select the sub-category in the Type drop-down list. The  MV drop-down list on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page is populated with all the configured options for the sub-category.
    • Update By: Select End User or Administrator from the drop-down list.
    • Is unique: Select the check-box to configure the drop-down values as unique.

    Group Templates

    All the groups saved as group templates are displayed here. You can drag a group template and drop it to the center of the page. All the attributes created under the group are added. This is useful while creating similar set of attributes for a Service Catalog.

    Form Templates

    All the forms saved as form templates are displayed here. You can drag a form template and drop it to the center of the page. All the attributes created under the form are added. This is useful when you want to add attributes under multiple groups to a Service Catalog.


    Auto Populate functionality is not available for the following controls: File, Label, Formula, Radio Button, and MV Drop down.

  4. Click the Plus icon to make a copy of the attribute and the Delete icon to remove the attribute. You can also change the sequence of the fields by dragging them around.
  5. Click the SAVE AS TEMPLATE button to save the form as a template. The saved form templates are displayed under the Form Templates section. On the Save Form pop-up page, type in the name for the form in the Form Name text box and click SAVE

    Save Form pop-up page
    Figure:  Save Form pop-up page

  6. If a group is selected, the SAVE AS GROUP AS TEMPLATE button is displayed. Click the SAVE AS GROUP AS TEMPLATE button to save the selected group as a template. On the Save Group pop-up page, type in the name for the group in the Group Name text box and click SAVE.

    Save Group pop-up page
    Figure:  Save Group pop-up page

  7. Click NEXT. Under the PREVIEW tab you can view the Service Catalog attributes that you added. Click NEXT.


  8. Under the ADDITIONAL INFO tab, you can configure the other additional information, such as levels of approvals, Service Catalog images, dependency diagrams, business agreement SLA and OLA information, and so on.





    Catalog Item Image

    Click Upload icon to upload the Catalog Item image.

    OLA Information

    Click Upload icon to upload the OLA information document.

    Dependency Diagram

    Click Upload icon to upload the dependency diagram.

    Access Instructions

    Click Upload icon to upload the access instructions document.

    Business Agreement

    Click Upload icon to upload the business agreement document.

    SLA Information

    Click Upload icon to upload the SLA information document.

    Vendor Dependent

    Select this check box if there is any Vendor dependency. A list containing the list of Vendor names is displayed. Select the name of the Vendor from the list.


    Indicates the status of the Service Catalog

    • If selected, the Service Catalog is available on the Service Catalog list page..
    • If not selected, the Service Catalog item is not displayed on the Service Catalog list page.



    Select the Classification from the list.


    Select the Urgency level from the list.


    Select the Impact value from the list.

    Service Window

    Select the Service Window from the list.


    Select the Priority level from the list in which the catalog should be addressed. Upon selecting Priority, Overridable, Response SLA in Minutes, Skip Days For Response SLA, Resolution SLA in Minutes, and Skip Days for Resolution SLA fields appear.


    If selected, the analyst can change the default Priority on the SERVICE REQUEST ID page.

    Response SLA in Minutes

    Type in the number of business days and minutes as the response SLA to override the default response SLA. If no value is entered, then the default response time is selected.

    Skip Days For Response SLAType in the skip days for response SLA.

    Resolution SLA  in Minutes

    Type in the number of business days and minutes as the resolution SLA to override the default resolution SLA. If no value is entered, then default response time is selected.

    Skip Days For  Resolution SLAType in the skip days for resolution SLA.

    Validate Controls

    Specify the conditions for validation. For more detail, see Validate Control

    You can configure Conditions to validate and take Actions on the Custom Attributes. For more information about the fields on the VALIDATE CONTROLS pop-up, see Field Description.

    Field Description

    The following table describes the fields on the VALIDATE CONTROLS pop-up.



    RULES tab


    Click the AND tab to add Rule using the AND operand for configuring Rules for the selected Custom Attributes. If the AND operand is selected,all the Rules defined under it have to be successful to implement the Action.

    To add Rules:

    Select the Custom Attribute for which you want to configure the Rule from the list. Choose the operator from the list. Type in the value you want to equate with the Rule.


    Click the OR tab to add rule using the OR operand for configuring Rules for the selected Custom Attributes. If the OR operand is used then at least one of the Rules has to be successful to implement the Action.
    To add Rules:
    Select the Custom Attribute for which you want to configure the Rule from the list. Choose the operator from the list. Type in the value you want to equate with the Rule.

    Add Rule

    Click Add Rule to add another row of Rules.

    Add Block

    Click Add Block to add another block of Rules configuration.

    Delete Block

    Click Delete Block to delete the additional row of Rules configuration.


    Click Delete to delete the configured Rule.


    Click Next to move to the next tab.


    Click Save to save the configured details.

    Click to view the list of configured Rules.

    ACTION tab

    Script Type

    Lists the Script Types.

    • Auto Generate Script: Select the option to auto-generate Script based on the configured Rule.
    • Manual Script: Type in the Script for the Rule.

    Select the Script Type from the list.


    Lists the Actions.

    • Hide: Select the option to hide the target attribute if the configured Rule is successful.
    • Mandatory: Select the option to configure the target attribute as mandatory
    • Disable: Select the option to disable the target attribute if the configured Rule is successful.

    Select an Action from the list.

    Target Attribute

    Specify the target attribute on which the selected action has to be performed.

    Event Type

    Lists the Event Types.

    • On Control Change: If selected, the configured Action takes place on control change.
    • On Page Submit: If selected, the configured Action takes place on page submit.

    Specify the Event Type from the list.


    Click add to add the configured Action to the Script.


    You can preview the Script in this text box.

    Enable Location

    Select this check box to route the service requests to Workgroups based on the selected location.

    Select User Location

    Select this check box to auto-populate the user's location on the Log New Service Request page.

    Skip Approvals

    Select this check box to skip the succeeding level of approvals in the approval matrix after the Service Request is approved by a user with a special grade.  The Special Grade field is displayed if the Skip Approvals check box is active.
    Note: If a user group approval is configured in the approval matrix, the user group approval cannot be skipped for the SR.

    Enable user attributes

    Select the check box to display the selected user attributes on the Service Request page.
    User Attributes drop down list is displayed after the check box is selected.
    The attributes are displayed based on the user configuration on the Form Builder page. For more information about configuring custom fields see, Configuring Custom Fields for Users in General Online Help.

    Enable Service Validity

    Select this check box to enable validity period for the Service Request.
    Note: On the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page, while logging a Service Request for the Service Catalog for which the Service Validity feature is enabled, the Service Request is logged for the default duration. The duration can be extended until the maximum specified duration for the Service Catalog. The End User receives reminder e-mails on the Service expiry date at regular intervals. The End user can also extend the Service by clicking the link provided in the reminder e-mails or by logging on to the application.

    Default To Date

    Select the Default To Date for the Service Request.

    Maximum Duration

    Select the maximum time period for the validity of the Service Request.

    Enable Asset Allocation

    Select the check box to enable allocating Assets from a Service Request.

    Asset Categories

    This check box appears on selecting the Enable Asset Allocation check box. Select this check box to specify the Asset types that can be allocated from the Service Request. If no Asset type is selected, all the Asset Types will be configured by default.


    Select an appropriate option in the drop-down list. The options displayed in the drop-down list are configured in the Form Builder tab. The selected option must be a numeric field.
    The selected option is displayed as label on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page if the Catalog is selected where the End Users can enter a numeric value for the Quantity. The values are also displayed in the Quantity column of the MY CART ITEMS page.


    Select an appropriate option in the drop-down list. The options displayed in the drop-down list are configured in the Form Builder tab. The selected option must be a numeric field. The selected option is displayed as label on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page if the Catalog is selected where the End Users can enter a numeric value for the Cost. The values are also displayed in the Cost column of the MY CART ITEMS page.

    Recurring Charges

    Select an appropriate option in the drop-down list. The options displayed in the drop-down list are configured in the Form Builder tab. The selected option must be a formula field. The selected option is displayed as label on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page if the Catalog is selected. The value of the field is auto-calculated based on the formula defined for the field on Form Builder tab of the FORM BUILDER page. The values are also displayed on the Recurring Charges column of the MY CART ITEMS page.

    Enable E-Procurement Linking

    If selected, the Analysts can link Purchase requests (PRs) to the Service Requests (SRs). This field is enabled if the Procurement module is enabled by the Administrator (see: Configuring Application Settings).

    Enable User Asset

    If selected, the User can select Allocated, Unallocated and In-Store Assets on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.

    • On the SERVICE REQUEST details page, SERVICE CATALOG DETAIL pop-up page and SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS pop-up page, if not referred back, the End User can only view the Assets from the Asset Allocation field. If referred back, the End User can view and modify the Asset Allocation details.
    • On the APPROVE SERVICE REQUEST page, the Approver can view the Assets from the Asset Allocation field.
    • On the NEW SERVICE REQUEST - CART ID page, the End User can edit the Assets from the Asset Allocation field.
    Enable Asset Search

    If selected, the users can view the LINK ASSET button while raising new Service Requests on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.

    Note: By default, the Enable User Asset check box will not be selected on the ADDITIONAL INFO tab. Select the Enable User Asset check box to view the Enable Asset Search field. Select the Enable Asset Search check box to enable the LINK ASSET button for a Service Catalog.

    Enable Default Analyst

    Select the check box to enable Default Analyst for Service Requests.

    Default Analyst

    This check box appears on selecting the Enable Default Analyst check box. Select this check box to specify the default analyst for service requests after all the approvals are completed. Mail is sent to the selected analyst for the SR.
    Note: SR is assigned to the default analyst, only if it is not assigned during Auto Assignment.

    Enable Configuration Item

    If selected, the End User can select Configuration Items on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST page.

    Enable Recurring Service RequestsIf selected, the CREATE RECURRING SRs icon is displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page.

    Enable Cc Recipient 

    If selected, the Cc Recipient field is displayed on the NEW SERVICE REQUEST and NEW SERVICE REQUEST FOR USER pages for the SR which is logged using this Service Catalog.

    Log Service Request in User's Location

    Select this check box to log Service Request based on user's location.


    Select the user's location from the list.


    Select the user's Workgroup from the list.


    Indicates the status set for the Service Request.

    • If selected, the Service Request is active.
    • If not selected, the Service Request is inactive.


    Click ADD to add new Service Request details.

    Log Service Request in User's Group

    Select this check box to log Service Request based on user's group.


    Select the customer form the list.


    Select the Workgroup from the list.


    Indicates the status set for the Service Request.

    • If selected, the Service Request is active.
    • If cleared, the Service Request is inactive.


    Click  icon to add new Service Request details.

    Enable Conditional Service Request Value

    Select this check box to log Service Request only if a condition is satisfied.


    Select an Attribute from the list.


    Select a condition from the list.


    Select a Value for the attribute from the list.


    Select the Urgency level from the list.


    Select Impact from the list.


    Select the Priority level from the list.

    Service Window

    Select the Service Window from the list.

    Condition Order

    Specify the order of conditions if there are more than one conditions defined.


    Indicates the status set for the Service Request.

    • If selected, the Service Request is active.
    • If cleared, the Service Request is inactive.


    Click  icon to add new condition.

    Resolve Service Request

    If a Work Order exists from a Service Request, then the Service Request can be resolved from the Work Order page immediately after the last Work Order is Resolved.

    Assigned Workgroup

    Select the Workgroup to which you want to associate the Service Request.

    Assigned To

    Select the Analyst to whom you want to assign the Service Request.


    Select the Urgency level from the list to indicate the Urgency level for the Service Request.


    Select the Impact from the list to indicate the Impact of the Service Request.


    Select the Priority from the list to indicate the Priority for the Service Request.

    Service Window

    Select the Service Window details.


    Lists the various Classifications under which the SR can be considered for resolution. To select the Classification, click the Search icon. The Classification list page is displayed. You can use the Expand icon to view the Sub-classifications in the Classification tree. Select a Classification that you want to associate with the Service Request.

    Closure Category

    Select the Closure Category for the Service Category. Click the Search icon to select the Closure Category.

    Response SLA Reason

    If the response SLA is violated, specify the Response SLA Reason for the Service Request.

    Resolution SLA Reason

    If the resolution SLA is violated, specify the Resolution SLA reason for the Service Request.

    Closure Code

    Select the Closure Code for the Service Request.

    Resolution Code

    Select the Resolution Code for the Service Request.


    Specify the Solution for the Resolved Service Request.

    Do Not Overwrite Values

    If selected, the above values are not  saved while resolving the Service Request from the Work Order page.

    Make Technician Selectable Approver as Mandatory

    If selected, the Technician Selectable approver becomes mandatory for the particular status.


    Select a status of the Service Request. The Technician Selectable approver becomes mandatory for the selected Service request status. This field is displayed only when the Make Technician Selectable Approver as Mandatory check box is active.
    Note: The user must ensure that the Technician Selectable approver is configured in the respective Service Request approval workflow.

  9. Click SAVE. A pop-up message is displayed. Click OK to create a WORKFLOW for the Service Catalog. See Screen Shot. The Service Catalog needs to be approved and published by the Approvers for it to be available to the users.


This section explains all the icons on the ACTIONS panel of the FORM BUILDER page. You can view the CONFIGURE USER GROUP icon only when you select the ADDITIONAL INFO tab.


Click SHOW LIST to view the configured Service Catalogs under the LIST table for the selected Tenant. You can view the configured Service Catalogs in Tree view and Carousel view.

  • Click   to view the Service Catalogs in the Tree view. Click  to view the Service Catalogs in the Carousel view.
  • The colored line on the name of the Service Catalog (in Tree view) indicates the status of the Service Catalog:
    • Blue: Designed
    • Green: Published
    • Orange: Maintenance
    • Red: Inactive
  • To edit a Service Catalog, click the Service Catalog Name. Make the required changes and click SAVE. For more information about updating Service Catalogs, see Viewing and Updating Service Catalogs.


When the Service Catalogs are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to create a new Service Catalog.


Click the icon to configure new usergroup. For more information about how to create a User Group, see Configuring User Group.